
will do exactly that: last -F # -F Print full login and logout times and dates. # output will look like this # username (who logged in) ip (from which was logged in) duration of session username pts/0 Tue […]

vestacp disable backups

WARNING! central VestaCP software vendor was hacked in 2018 not sure if they fixed the problem and continue VestaCP development (a shame, it was really a very very nice web based gui to admin web and mailsevers) backups can become […]

linux bash – show all crontabs of all users

cat /scripts/crontab_show_all.sh for user in $(cut -f1 -d: /etc/passwd); do echo $user; crontab -u $user -l; done outputs a nice list like this: in format: user command root no crontab for root actualuser * * * * * echo “stuff” […]

a pretty good ipv6 introduction – ipv4 depletion

IPv6: Introduction it’s the year 2019, roughly 14% of the web is running ipv6. you can watch real time statistics here: (i have no clue how accurate the data is, how they are generated) https://ipv6.he.net/v4ex/sidebar/? … but it seems there […]

3d standard evolving on the browser

web3d awesome! you can walk here with cursor buttons and tilt up and down with mouse wheel: and even upload your own pictures:   http://www.spacegoo.com/tiananmen/# marbleous: But the website itself is pretty impressive: unfortunately the tux web flying simulator did […]

linux bash arrays example

arrays are pretty useful variables that hold key:value data pairs, per default the “key” is an integer number, BUT: as shown there can also be associative arrays, meaning the index can be any string (needs bash version4) this script demonstrates […]


“the internet” in Germany is so slow… once your start page has finished loading… you actually forgot what you were searching for. (it has become better in Munich) PS: If this site (http://mycpu.eu) loads slow – it is because the […]


Prohibited Items We prohibit projects that are illegal, heavily regulated, or potentially dangerous for backers, as well as rewards that the creator did not make. Any item claiming to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent an illness or condition (whether via […]

Win 10 Microsoft updates kills Start Menu – says No Security Updates anymore for Windows 7 SP1 after 2020-01

https://boringsoftwaredevelopment.com/2020/01/episode1-0-screw-windows-10-how-to-setup-gnu-linux-debian-in-15min-including-desktop-and-office/ grab that open source software win32diskimager-1.0.0-install.exe to 1:1 copy (most) GNU Linux iso to USB and chances are really good: it will just boot 😀 (try that with windows haha X-D) Computers have grown complex (ignoring all the KISS(ing) […]


2018-04: RISC-V CPUs not affected by spectre & meltdown “No announced RISC-V silicon is susceptible, and the popular open-source RISC-V Rocket processor is unaffected as it does not perform memory accesses speculatively.” (2018-01-05 src) “If you’re selling an IoT sensor […]

NASA wants to return to the Moon with Humans

NASA wants to return to the Moon with Humans https://twitter.com/JimBridenstine/status/1105219802602315777 Also Funding of Mars Rover 2020 It will cache sample containers along its route for a potential future Mars sample-return mission.[9][10][11] and Mars Helicopter https://twitter.com/JimBridenstine/status/1105235695222833159 live space view from iss: […]

cost of cybercrime and lawful backdoors

“The cost to companies from malware and “malicious insider”-related cyberattacks jumped +12 percent in 2018 and accounted for one-third of all cyberattack costs, according to new research published today by Accenture and the Ponemon Institute.” src: helpnetsecurity.com logical consequence: stop […]