look at this superb piece of Open Source software:

… that is actually USED BY PEOPLE (like this one to write this article).

unlike windows it comes with:

amazing! 🙂 thanks all involved! 🙂 and yes – linux is used by people every day to do good and do work. (only evil people can will be against this…)



Where does the name come from?  The name “MATE”, pronounced Ma-Tay, comes from yerba maté, a species of holly native to subtropical South America. Its leaves contain caffeine and are used to make infusions and a beverage called mate.

Where does the name come from? The name “MATE”, pronounced Ma-Tay, comes from yerba maté, a species of holly native to subtropical South America. Its leaves contain caffeine and are used to make infusions and a beverage called mate.

please never forget to KISS: “Keep It Small and Simple”

   Static hostname: centos.localdomain
         Icon name: computer-laptop
  Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
       CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:7
            Kernel: Linux 4.15.9
      Architecture: x86-64

yum list installed|grep lightdm
lightdm.x86_64                        1.25.0-1.el7                    @epel     
lightdm-gobject.x86_64                1.25.0-1.el7                    @epel     
lightdm-gtk.x86_64                    1.8.5-19.el7                    @epel     
lightdm-gtk-common.noarch             1.8.5-19.el7                    @epel     

yum list installed|grep mate
libmatekbd.x86_64                     1.16.0-1.el7                    @epel     
libmatemixer.x86_64                   1.16.0-1.el7                    @epel     
libmateweather.x86_64                 1.16.1-1.el7                    @epel     
libmateweather-data.noarch            1.16.1-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-applets.x86_64                   1.16.0-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-backgrounds.noarch               1.16.0-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-calc.x86_64                      1.8.0-1.el7                     @epel     
mate-control-center.x86_64            1.16.1-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-control-center-filesystem.x86_64 1.16.1-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-desktop.x86_64                   1.16.2-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-desktop-libs.x86_64              1.16.2-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-dictionary.x86_64                1.16.1-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-disk-usage-analyzer.x86_64       1.16.1-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-icon-theme.noarch                1.16.2-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-media.x86_64                     1.16.0-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-menus.x86_64                     1.16.0-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-menus-libs.x86_64                1.16.0-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-notification-daemon.x86_64       1.16.1-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-panel.x86_64                     1.16.2-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-panel-libs.x86_64                1.16.2-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-polkit.x86_64                    1.16.0-2.el7                    @epel     
mate-power-manager.x86_64             1.16.2-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-screensaver.x86_64               1.16.1-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-screenshot.x86_64                1.16.1-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-search-tool.x86_64               1.16.1-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-session-manager.x86_64           1.16.1-3.el7                    @epel     
mate-settings-daemon.x86_64           1.16.2-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-system-log.x86_64                1.16.1-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-system-monitor.x86_64            1.16.0-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-terminal.x86_64                  1.16.3-2.el7                    @epel     
mate-themes.noarch                    3.22.16-1.el7                   @epel     
mate-user-guide.noarch                1.16.0-1.el7                    @epel     
mate-utils-common.noarch              1.16.1-1.el7                    @epel     

yum list installed|grep gnome
NetworkManager-vpnc-gnome.x86_64      1:1.2.4-4.el7                   @epel     
gnome-abrt.x86_64                     0.3.4-8.el7                     @base     
gnome-desktop3.x86_64                 3.22.2-2.el7                    @base     
gnome-icon-theme.noarch               3.12.0-1.el7                    @base     
gnome-keyring.x86_64                  3.20.0-3.el7                    @base     
gnome-keyring-pam.x86_64              3.20.0-3.el7                    @base     
gnome-online-accounts.x86_64          3.22.5-1.el7                    @base     
gnome-python2.x86_64                  2.28.1-14.el7                   @base     
gnome-python2-canvas.x86_64           2.28.1-14.el7                   @base     
gnome-themes-standard.x86_64          3.22.2-1.el7                    @base     
gnome-video-effects.noarch            0.4.3-1.el7                     @base     
libgnome-keyring.x86_64               3.12.0-1.el7                    @base     
libgnomecanvas.x86_64                 2.30.3-8.el7                    @base     
libgnomekbd.x86_64                            @base     
libobasis6.3-gnome-integration.x86_64                       installed 
polkit-gnome.x86_64                   0.106-0.1.20170423gita0763a2.el7
wireshark-gnome.x86_64                1.10.14-14.el7                  @base     

PS: the ONLY thing that keeps people from using Linux as their Desktop OS is… education.

PSS: Sorry had to repost 🙂

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