let’s face it: the internet has become a gigantic surveillance machine, with hundreds of private companies, trying to collect as much data on the user as possible in order to “predict the market” while also using with AI to analyze “BigData”.

Advertisement is MORE than annoying, it is a massive privacy issue, which makes millions of web users install the excellent

open source  ublock firefox addon (“full spectrum blocker”) but there is even ads & tracking blocking “in hardware”:

pihole blocking advertisement system: cuts website loading times in half



alternatives: https://upribox.org/

hurray hurray, South Korean company Odroid (well known for their beefy (performant while using less than 5Watts!) Raspberry competitors) just released “Odroid” “M1” (not getting a penny for this) for little money:

which can be EU shipped from here: https://www.pollin.de/p/odroid-m1-einplatinen-computer-4-gb-ram-811474

more specs here: (and a video review showing it playing back youtube fluently + while running googl earth 3D)


imho EVERY modern day router and firewall NEEDS to include advertisement & tracking blocking PER DEFAULT 🙂

getting started: https://docs.pi-hole.net/main/prerequisites/

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