vim /scripts/; # create new script and fill it with (copy & paste)


echo "trying to split "$BIG_AUDIO_FILE;

# split the mp3 audio above into 30min files
mkdir split; X=0; while( [ $X -lt 5 ] ); do echo $X; ffmpeg -i "$BIG_AUDIO_FILE" -acodec copy -t 00:30:00 -ss 0$X:00:00 split/${X}a.mp3; ffmpeg -i half_hour_splits_of_"$BIG_AUDIO_FILE" -acodec copy -t 00:30:00 -ss 0$X:30:00 split/${X}b.mp3;  X=$((X+1)); done;

# now finish editing with :wq!

chmod u+x /scripts/; # make script executable

/scripts/ /folder/to/large.mp3; # test it :)

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