finally summer and climate change have both reached Europe and had several weeks of 30 C straight…
without ventilation, anything above 30 is just “too much to think” (so maybe the brain CPU also would need active cooling?)
of course the user could buy a fan online… or try to use CPU fans to do the job
the odroid h2 fan does a very good job at producing airflow while being noise wise in good dB limits! 🙂
- enable the fan in BIOS:
- even when CPU is “idle” it will reach 35C, set low speed rpm and feel the breeze! X-D
# do not need it but well why not # tested on Debian 10 su - root apt update apt install lm-sensors apt install fancontrol sensors-detect service kmod start # watch the sensors output watch sensors
PS: hope mankind manages to (terra form planet earth) engineer a way to enhance the climate balance
20 C all your around would be great 🙂
if possible without side effects
last time the planet was too cold (ice age) caused by massive dust of meteor impact (too much side effects)
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