due to the lack of magnetic field solar radiation is said to have nocked away most of Mars’ water… (every drop of water instantly either freezes or vaporates) – there seems to be “enough” water in frozen form that just needs to be molten to become usable.
Wiki: “The Colonization of Mars”
This crater is 80km / 5 miles in diameter and the amount of stored water is comparable to the Great Bear Lake in Canada.
While this is a lot of water – if you want to drink it – it surely is not enough to fill an ocean as you can see on the map above.
So – will Mars EVER AGAIN have oceans? I doubt that. Where should all the water come from?
I don’t think it’s enough for oceans – so no sushi – or not massive amounts of sushi.
While we waste water plentiful on earth – mankind (if it wants to survive) will have to be way more careful with the limited water resources of mars. (do not let them vaporize! away! X-D)
Merry Christmas on mars (with snow!)
Korolev is an ice-filled impact crater in the Mare Boreum quadrangle of Mars, located at 73° north latitude and 165° east longitude. It is 81.4 kilometres (50.6 mi) in diameter[1] and contains about 2,200 cubic kilometres (530 cu mi) of water ice, comparable in volume to Great Bear Lake in northern Canada.[2] The crater was named after Sergei Korolev (1907–1966), the head Soviet rocket engineer and designer during the Space Race in the 1950s and 1960s.[2] (src)
High Res Picture:
- Title Plan view of Korolev crater
- Released 20/12/2018 11:00 am
- Copyright ESA/DLR/FU Berlin, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO
- DescriptionThis image from ESA’s Mars Express shows Korolev crater, an 82-kilometre-across feature found in the northern lowlands of Mars.This plan mosaic comprises five different observational strips that have been combined to form a single image, gathered over orbits 18042 (captured on 4 April 2018), 5726, 5692, 5654, and 1412. It covers a region centred at 165° E, 73° N, and has aresolution of approximately 21 metres per pixel.This image was created using data from the nadir and colour channels of the High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC). The nadir channel is aligned perpendicular to the surface of Mars, as if looking straight down at the surface.
- Id 412943
as seen on: http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2018/12/Plan_view_of_Korolev_crater
em shields:
- actually there are other approaches and hope they will become more practical over time and hope that the combination of space agencies and governments come together and are willing to build it…
new approach: Did you know that it “only” takes a 3400km cable around Mars to establish a artificial protective magnetic field around Mars, that would make Mars’ atmosphere thicken over time, without it, every new CO2 molecule would be blasted away by solar winds (and lost).
Dust storms:
“A global dust storm that engulfed the planet earlier this year resulted in severely reduced light levels at the surface, sending NASA’s Opportunity rover into hibernation. The solar-powered rover has been silent for more than three months.”
Videos: 2017 BFR Presentation
NASA Videos on Mars:
The Crator:
Why we should go to Mars:
Musk on Mars:
More Mars related stuff: Musk: “Give us support and encouragement – good will”
-> https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/atoms/files/journey-to-mars-next-steps-20151008_508.pdf
The Big Falcon Rocket / “Super Heavy (rocket)”
flight testing scheduled for late 2019 / Orbital Launch 2020.
Elon’s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BFR_(rocket)
Curiosity (MSL)
With its rover named Curiosity, Mars Science Laboratory mission is part of NASA’s Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the Red Planet. Curiosity was designed to assess whether Mars ever had an environment able to support small life forms called microbes. In other words, its mission is to determine the planet’s “habitability.” Developed at Goddard, Curiosity’s Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument suite is a portable chemistry lab tucked inside the rover. SAM examines the chemistry of the Martian samples it ingests, checking particularly for chemistry relevant to whether an environment can support or could have supported life.
Goal: Determine if Mars was ever able to support microbial life.
Key Findings:
Conditions Once Fit for Ancient Life
Active, Ancient Organic Chemistry
The Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) mission is part of NASA’s Mars Scout program. The mission will explore the Red Planet’s upper atmosphere, ionosphere and interactions with the sun and solar wind.
“On June 17, NASA’s MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission) will celebrate 1,000 Earth days in orbit around the Red Planet. Since its launch in November 2013 and its orbit insertion in September 2014, MAVEN has been exploring the upper atmosphere of Mars. MAVEN is bringing insight to how the sun stripped Mars of most of its atmosphere, turning a planet once possibly habitable to microbial life into a barren desert world.” (src)
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