want to buy one? check on ebay for “sun” and “sparc”
recipe: what you will need:
- a T1000
alternatively: ear sealing headphones + music.
- a LAN switch with DHCP-server/router attached
- LAN cables (atleast 4x (1x DHCP-server, 1x workstation/client, 1x server port: SC NET MGT PORT, 1x server port: ETH0))
- an ssh enabled workstation
Escaping all the Spectre/Meltdown Madness surrounding CISC CPUs, user wanted to play with some geeky second hand RISC hardware 🙂
problem: it has NO DVD drive and NO USB port to boot from X-D
so if you need to reinstall this beast, it will all have to be done over network boot.
oracle’s documentation, is almost as worst as apache’s documentation:
it is OVER complicated making it hard to focus on the task that shall be achieved while containing such “useful” sentences like: “To boot from a network, you must connect the network interface to the network.” (T1000 installation guide.pdf) … really? i can’t boot over network if i do not have any network cables attached to my network? never thought that.
init 0 # At the ok prompt, type: ok setenv boot-device disk0 # where the device-specifier is one of the following: disk – Specifies the system boot disk (internal disk 0 by default) disk0 – Specifies internal drive 0 net, net0, net1– Specifies the network interfaces full path name – Specifies the device or network interface by its full path name.
massively complicated: https://guilleml.wordpress.com/2010/01/20/installing-solaris-10-on-a-sun-enterprise-t1000/
“The T1’s cores are less complex than those of current high end processors in order to allow 8 cores to fit on the same die. The cores do not feature out-of-order execution, or a sizable amount of cache.”
No out of order = no spectre/meltdown = good.
It comes with OpenBoot = also good and a direct rival to Intel’s EFI adoption. (checkout: https://www.coreboot.org/, coreboot interview: why coreboot?)
“Open Firmware may be accessed through its Forth language shell interface. It achieves essentially the same functionality as the later EFI standard initiated at Intel, with lower overhead.”
“Sun’s UltraSPARC T1 processor is the industry’s first multi-threaded open source chip architecture.” (src)
first of all: this thing is NOISY as heck. if you turn your vacuum cleaner on full – that noisy.
I have to investigate if this is “normal” or if fan control is off.
The Sun FireTM T1000 server is a scalable and reliable high-performance, entry-level server, offering the following characteristics:
- Space efficient, rack-optimized 1U form factor for horizontally scaled environments.
- Chip multithreading technology (CMT) in the UltraSPARC T1 processor with CoolThreads
technology offering six or eight cores, with four threads per core for improved throughput and reduced power consumption.
- “The UltraSPARC T1 was designed from scratch as a multi-threaded, special-purpose processor, and thus introduces a whole new architecture for obtaining high performance. Rather than try to make each core as intelligent and optimized as they can, Sun’s goal was to run as many concurrent threads as possible, and maximize utilization of each core’s pipeline.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UltraSPARC_T1
- Four on-board Ethernet ports providing efficient integration and connectivity.
- Investment protection with SPARC® V9 binary application compatibility and the Solaris
10 Operating System.
- The Solaris 10 OS also provides features such as:
- Solaris Predictive Self-Healing
A self healing system automatically diagnoses problems,using the information gleaned from that diagnosis to trigger automated reactions such as dynamically taking a CPU, regions of memory, and I/O devices offline before these components can cause system failure.
Solaris Dynamic Tracing
support across UltraSPARC platforms.
- Solaris Predictive Self-Healing
- The Solaris 10 OS also provides features such as:
- “lights out manager” “ALOM CMT” (telnet via serial/ssh over ethernet) (successor is: “ILOM” purely ethernet/web based server management)
- The LOM port (Lights Out Management port) is a remote access facility on a Sun Microsystems server. When the main processor is switched off, or when it is impossible to telnet to the server, an operator would use a link to the LOM port to access the server. As long as the server has power, the LOM facility will work, regardless of whether or not the main processor is switched on.
- Sun seems to use VxWorks to implement this. (atleast so i was told by detailed nmap scan )
- telnet via serial/com port: You can connect to the system controller serial management port with an ASCII terminal or terminal emulator (such as a serial connection from a workstation). This port is not an all-purpose serial port. This port is a dedicated port used to access ALOM CMT and the server console through ALOM CMT. On your server, this port is referred to as the SER MGT port. This port takes a standard RJ-45 connector.
Ensure that your console serial port is set to the following parameters:
- Network Performance – Completely rewritten TCP/IP stack dramatically improves the performance and scalability of your networked services.
- Hardware-Assisted Cryptography:
- The UltraSPARC T1 multicore processor provides hardware-assisted acceleration of RSA and DSA cryptographic operations. The Solaris 10 Operating System provides the multithreaded device driver (ncp device driver) that supports the hardware-assisted cryptography.
Preloaded Java Enterprise System Software
The server is preinstalled with Java Enterprise System software and includes a free 90-day evaluation license for the following Java Enterprise System software applications:
- Access Manager – A security foundation that helps manage secure access to an enterprises’ Web applications by offering single sign-on (SSO) as well as enabling federation across trusted networks.
- Application Server – Provides a Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE
platform) 1.4 compatible platform for developing and delivering server-side Java applications and web services.
- Calendar Server – A web-based tool that facilitates team collaboration by enabling users to manage and coordinate appointments, events, tasks, and resources.
- Cluster software – Delivers high availability to enterprise system applications.
- Directory Server – User-management infrastructure for enterprises that manage high volumes of user information by providing a centralized repository for storing and managing user profiles and access privileges, as well as application and network resource information.
- Directory Proxy Server – Provides secure firewall-like services for the Directory Server.
- Instant Messaging – A standards-based, real-time communication and collaboration application.
- Message Queue – An enterprise-level message server using a standards-based (JMS) messaging solution.
- Messaging Server – A high-performance, highly secure messaging platform that provides security features that help ensure the integrity of communications.
- Portal Server – Provides portal services that identify users through centralized identity services using roles, and policies.
- Web Server – A secure, reliable, easy-to-use web server designed for medium and large business applications.
- https://sparc.org/blog/
- https://web.archive.org/web/20110728044139/http://sparc.org/standards/SPARCV9.pdf
- mirror: SPARCV9.pdf
- “The UltraSPARC T1 microprocessor is unique in its strength and weaknesses, and as such is targeted at specific markets. Rather than being used for high-end number-crunching and ultra-high performance applications, the chip is targeted at network-facing high-demand servers, such as high-traffic web servers, and mid-tier Java, ERP, and CRM application servers, which often utilize a large number of separate threads. One of the limitations of the T1 design is that a single floating point unit (FPU) is shared between all 8 cores, making the T1 unsuitable for applications performing a lot of floating point mathematics. However, since the processor’s intended markets do not typically make much use of floating-point operations, Sun does not expect this to be a problem. Sun provides a tool for analysing an application’s level of parallelism and use of floating point instructions to determine if it is suitable for use on a T1 or T2 platform.[2]In addition to web and application tier processing, the UltraSPARC T1 may be well suited for smaller database applications which have a large user count. One customer has published results showing that a MySQL application running on an UltraSPARC T1 server ran 13.5 times faster than on an AMD Opteron server.[3]“https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UltraSPARC_T1
let’s go: first login
connect “SC NET MGT” directly/via switch to your workstation.
what mac address??
what ip address??
- it takes quiet a while until the “SC net mgt” port get’s an IP Address and becomes usable, so rescan every minute for the next 10 minutes:
nmap -sP -PA22 192.168.0.* Starting Nmap 6.40 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2018-05-13 19:12 CEST Nmap scan report for debian.fritz.box ( Host is up (0.00082s latency). MAC Address: 00:21:28:17:8B:XX (Oracle)
- now you can ssh into ALOM:
Default Password: (src)
When a system is shipped new from the factory, or upon reboot after a setdefaults -a command, a default password is required to log in from an ssh session. The default password is unique for each system. It is derived from the chassis serial number. The chassis serial number can be found on the Customer Information Sheet shipped with each platform and can be found on a label attached to the rear panel of the chassis. The default password is composed of the last 8 digits of the chassis serial number. For example, if the chassis serial number is 0547AE81D0 then the default password is:
ALOM: power on
ssh Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.7.10 Please login: admin Please Enter password: ******** sc> poweron -c (yeeehaa... damn this thing is LOUD X-D does it stay that way forever? (QFAN?))
login to solaris via ALOM:
start another terminal, again ssh into ALOM and then hit: console -f
confirm with y
to attach yourself to the “monitor output” and login to solaris itself.
pretty neat for headless server (no VGA, no DVI, no nuthin’).
sc> help Available commands ------------------ Power and Reset control commands: powercycle [-y] [-f] poweroff [-y] [-f] poweron [-c] [FRU] reset [-y] [-c] Console commands: break [-D] [-y] [-c] console [-f] consolehistory [-b lines|-e lines|-v] [-g lines] [boot|run] Boot control commands: bootmode [normal|reset_nvram|bootscript="string"|config="configname"] setkeyswitch [-y] <normal|stby|diag|locked> showkeyswitch Boot timer commands: boottimer <seconds> bootretry <number> bootfailaction [reset|none] bootrecoveraction [reset|poweroff|none] Locator LED commands: setlocator [on|off] showlocator Status and Fault commands: clearasrdb clearfault <UUID> disablecomponent [asr-key] enablecomponent [asr-key] removefru [-y] <FRU> setfru -c [data] showcomponent [asr-key] showenvironment showfaults [-v] showfru [-g lines] [-s|-d] [FRU] showlogs [-b lines|-e lines|-v] [-g lines] [-p logtype[r|p]] shownetwork [-v] showplatform [-v] ALOM Configuration commands: setdate <[mmdd]HHMM | mmddHHMM[cc]yy][.SS]> setsc [param] [value] setupsc showdate showhost [version] showsc [-v] [param] ALOM Administrative commands: flashupdate <-s IPaddr -f pathname> [-v] help [command] logout password resetsc [-y] restartssh [-y] setdefaults [-y] [-a] ssh-keygen [-l|-r] <-t {rsa|dsa}> showusers [-g lines] useradd <username> userdel [-y] <username> userpassword <username> userperm <username> [c][u][a][r] usershow [username] # example outputs: showhost Sun-Fire-T1000 System Firmware 6.7.11 2010/10/12 12:34 Host flash versions: OBP 4.30.4.b 2010/07/09 13:43 Hypervisor 1.7.3.c 2010/07/09 15:14 POST 4.30.4.b 2010/07/09 14:25 usershow Username Permissions Password admin cuar Assigned showplatform -v SUNW,Sun-Fire-T1000 Chassis Serial Number: 0916NNE02X Domain Status ------ ------ S0 OS Standby showsc -v Advanced Lights Out Manager CMT v1.7.10 parameter value --------- ----- if_network true if_connection ssh if_emailalerts false if_snmp false netsc_dhcp true netsc_ipaddr netsc_ipnetmask netsc_ipgateway mgt_mailhost mgt_mailalert mgt_snmptraps none mgt_traphost sc_customerinfo sc_escapechars #. sc_powerondelay false sc_powerstatememory false sc_clipasswdecho true sc_cliprompt sc sc_clitimeout 0 sc_clieventlevel 2 sc_backupuserdata true sc_diag_mode enabled diag_trigger power-on-reset error-reset diag_verbosity normal diag_level min diag_mode normal sys_autorunonerror false sys_autorestart reset sys_eventlevel 2 ser_baudrate 9600 ser_parity none ser_stopbits 1 ser_data 8 netsc_enetaddr 00:21:28:17:8b:XX sys_enetaddr 00:21:28:17:8b:XX # this will basically attach you to the main console monitor/output on your screen # and allows you to login to solaris: poweron -c console -f # you will have to open a new terminal and relogin to do any interaction (poweron) # this is console output during powerup Warning: User < > currently has write permission to this console and forcibly removing them will terminate any current write actions and all work will be lost. Would you like to continue? [y/n]y Enter #. to return to ALOM. \ SC Alert: Host System has Reset 0:0:0> 0:0:0>Sun Fire[TM] T1000 POST 4.30.4.b 2010/07/09 14:25 /export/delivery/delivery/4.30/4.30.4.b/post4.30.4-micro/Niagara/erie/integrated (root) 0:0:0>Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 0:0:0>VBSC cmp0 arg is: ffffffff.00000201 0:0:0>POST enabling threads: 00000000.ffffffff 0:0:0>VBSC cntl arg is: ffffffff.00000201 0:0:0>VBSC selecting POST MIN Testing. 0:0:0>VBSC setting verbosity level 2 0:0:0>Start Selftest..... 0:0:0>Master CPU Tests Basic....Done 0:0:0>Init MMU..... 0:0:0>L2 Tests....Done 0:0:0>Test Memory....Done 0:0:0>Setup POST Mailbox ....Done 0:0:0>Extended CPU Tests....Done 0:0:0>Scrub Memory....Done 0:0:0>Extended Memory Tests....Done 0:0:0>IO-Bridge Tests....Done 2018-05-13 17:23:23.668 0:0:0>INFO: 2018-05-13 17:23:23.684 0:0:0> POST Passed all devices. 2018-05-13 17:23:23.719 0:0:0>POST: Return to VBSC. 2018-05-13 17:23:23.741 0:0:0>Master set ACK for vbsc runpost command and spin... / SC Alert: Host system has shut down. / SC Alert: Host System has Reset ChassisSerialNumber 0916NNE02X Sun Fire(TM) T1000, No Keyboard Copyright (c) 1998, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. OpenBoot 4.30.4.b, 16256 MB memory available, Serial #85429110. Ethernet address 0:21:28:17:8b:76, Host ID: 85178b76. Boot device: lvm-mirr:a File and args: SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_147147-26 64-bit Copyright (c) 1983, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Hostname: T1000 T1000 console login: May 13 20:48:21 T1000 sendmail[408]: My unqualified host name (localhost) unknown; sleeping for retry T1000 console login: root Password: May 13 20:49:04 T1000 login: ROOT LOGIN /dev/console Last login: Tue Aug 8 19:02:31 on console Oracle Corporation SunOS 5.10 Generic Patch January 2005 # ls -lah total 1032 drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 512 May 13 20:48 . drwxr-xr-x 23 root root 512 May 13 20:48 .. lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 Aug 8 2017 bin -> ./usr/bin drwxr-xr-x 3 root sys 512 Aug 8 2017 boot drwxr-xr-x 3 root nobody 512 Aug 8 2017 cdrom drwxr-xr-x 15 root sys 4.0K Aug 8 2017 dev drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 512 May 13 20:47 devices drwxr-xr-x 86 root sys 4.0K May 13 20:48 etc drwxr-xr-x 3 root sys 512 Aug 8 2017 export dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 1 May 13 20:48 home drwxr-xr-x 16 root sys 512 Aug 8 2017 kernel drwxr-xr-x 8 root bin 5.5K Aug 8 2017 lib drwx------ 2 root root 8.0K Aug 8 2017 lost+found drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 512 Aug 8 2017 mnt dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 1 May 13 20:48 net drwxr-xr-x 6 root sys 512 Aug 8 2017 opt drwxr-xr-x 25 root sys 1.5K Aug 8 2017 platform dr-xr-xr-x 38 root root 469K May 13 20:49 proc drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 1.0K Aug 8 2017 sbin drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 512 Aug 8 2017 system drwxrwxrwt 6 root sys 397 May 13 20:48 tmp drwxr-xr-x 40 root sys 1.0K Aug 8 2017 usr drwxr-xr-x 46 root sys 1.0K Aug 8 2017 var dr-xr-xr-x 6 root root 512 May 13 20:48 vol # show os version uname -r 5.10 cat /etc/release # manuals can be downloaded here. Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 s10s_u11wos_24a SPARC Copyright (c) 1983, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Assembled 17 January 2013 # show info about hardware and health status of components # amount of physical CPUs psrinfo -p 1 # CPU details psrinfo -pv The physical processor has 32 virtual processors (0-31) UltraSPARC-T1 (chipid 0, clock 1000 MHz) psrinfo | wc -l 32 rtdiag -v System Configuration: Oracle Corporation sun4v Sun Fire(TM) T1000 Memory size: 16256 Megabytes ================================ Virtual CPUs ================================ CPU ID Frequency Implementation Status ------ --------- ---------------------- ------- 0 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 1 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 2 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 3 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 4 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 5 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 6 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 7 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 8 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 9 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 10 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 11 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 12 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 13 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 14 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 15 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 16 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 17 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 18 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 19 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 20 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 21 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 22 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 23 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 24 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 25 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 26 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 27 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 28 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 29 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 30 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line 31 1000 MHz SUNW,UltraSPARC-T1 on-line ======================= Physical Memory Configuration ======================== Segment Table: -------------------------------------------------------------- Base Segment Interleave Bank Contains Address Size Factor Size Modules -------------------------------------------------------------- 0x0 16 GB 4 4 GB MB/CMP0/CH0/R0/D0 MB/CMP0/CH0/R0/D1 4 GB MB/CMP0/CH0/R1/D0 MB/CMP0/CH0/R1/D1 4 GB MB/CMP0/CH3/R0/D0 MB/CMP0/CH3/R0/D1 4 GB MB/CMP0/CH3/R1/D0 MB/CMP0/CH3/R1/D1 ========================= IO Configuration ========================= IO Location Type Slot Path Name Model ----------- ----- ---- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------- --------- MB/NET0 PCIE MB /pci@7c0/pci@0/network@4 network-pci14e4,1668 MB/NET1 PCIE MB /pci@7c0/pci@0/network@4,1 network-pci14e4,1668 MB/NET2 PCIX MB /pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@8/network@1 network-pci108e,1648 MB/NET3 PCIX MB /pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@8/network@1,1 network-pci108e,1648 MB/PCIX PCIX MB /pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@8/scsi@2 scsi-pci1000,50 LSI,1064 ========================= HW Revisions ======================================= System PROM revisions: ---------------------- OBP 4.30.4.b 2010/07/09 13:43 IO ASIC revisions: ------------------ Location Path Device Revision -------------------- --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------- MB/IO-BRIDGE /pci@780 SUNW,sun4v-pci 0 MB/SAS-SATA-HBA /pci@7c0 SUNW,sun4v-pci 0 MB/SAS-SATA-HBA /pci@7c0/pci@0 pciex1166,103.b5 181 MB/SAS-SATA-HBA /pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@8 pci1166,104.b4 180 MB/GBE0 /pci@7c0/pci@0/network@4 pci14e4,1668.108e.1668.a3 163 MB/GBE0 /pci@7c0/pci@0/network@4,1 pci14e4,1668.108e.1668.a3 163 MB/GBE1 /pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@8/network@1 pci14e4,1648.108e.1648.10 16 MB/GBE1 /pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@8/network@1,1 pci14e4,1648.108e.1648.10 16 MB/SAS-SATA-HBA /pci@7c0/pci@0/pci@8/scsi@2 pci1000,50.1000.3020.2 2 ============================ Environmental Status ============================ Fan sensors: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Location Sensor Status ---------------------------------------------------------------- 0916NNE02F:CH/FT0/F0 RS ok 0916NNE02F:CH/FT0/F1 RS ok 0916NNE02F:CH/FT0/F2 RS ok 0916NNE02F:CH/FT0/F3 RS ok Temperature sensors: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Location Sensor Status ---------------------------------------------------------------- 0916NNE02F:CH/MB/IOB T_CORE ok 0916NNE02F:CH/MB/CMP0 T_TCORE ok 0916NNE02F:CH/MB/CMP0 T_BCORE ok 0916NNE02F:CH/MB T_AMB ok Current sensors: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Location Sensor Status ---------------------------------------------------------------- 0916NNE02F:CH/MB I_VCORE ok 0916NNE02F:CH/MB I_VMEM ok Voltage sensors: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Location Sensor Status ---------------------------------------------------------------- 0916NNE02F:CH/MB V_VCORE ok 0916NNE02F:CH/MB V_VMEM ok 0916NNE02F:CH/MB V_VTT ok 0916NNE02F:CH/MB V_+1V2 ok 0916NNE02F:CH/MB V_+1V5 ok 0916NNE02F:CH/MB V_+2V5 ok 0916NNE02F:CH/MB V_+3V3 ok 0916NNE02F:CH/MB V_+5V ok 0916NNE02F:CH/MB V_+12V ok 0916NNE02F:CH/MB V_+3V3STBY ok Voltage indicators: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Location Indicator Condition ---------------------------------------------------------------- 0916NNE02F:CH/MB/BAT V_BAT ok LEDs: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Location LED State ---------------------------------------------------------------- 0916NNE02F:CH/SYS ACT steady 0916NNE02F:CH/SYS LOCATE off 0916NNE02F:CH/SYS SERVICE off ============================ FRU Status ============================ Location Name Status ------------------------------------------------------ 0916NNE02F:CH/FT0/F0 FAN enabled 0916NNE02F:CH/FT0/F1 FAN enabled 0916NNE02F:CH/FT0/F2 FAN enabled 0916NNE02F:CH/FT0/F3 FAN enabled 0916NNE02F:CH MB enabled 0916NNE02F:CH/MB/CMP0/CH0/R0/D0 DIMM enabled 0916NNE02F:CH/MB/CMP0/CH0/R0/D1 DIMM enabled 0916NNE02F:CH/MB/CMP0/CH0/R1/D0 DIMM enabled 0916NNE02F:CH/MB/CMP0/CH0/R1/D1 DIMM enabled 0916NNE02F:CH/MB/CMP0/CH3/R0/D0 DIMM enabled 0916NNE02F:CH/MB/CMP0/CH3/R0/D1 DIMM enabled 0916NNE02F:CH/MB/CMP0/CH3/R1/D0 DIMM enabled 0916NNE02F:CH/MB/CMP0/CH3/R1/D1 DIMM enabled 0916NNE02F:CH PS0 enabled ============================ FW Version ============================ Version ------------------------------------------------------------ System Firmware 6.7.11 2010/10/12 12:34 ====================== System PROM revisions ======================= Version ------------------------------------------------------------ OBP 4.30.4.b 2010/07/09 13:43 Chassis Serial Number --------------------- 0916NNE02X
solaris: basic networking config
ssh into the sun solaris sparc box (SSSB)
yes solaris is UNIX and linux is UNIX but this one is pretty weird (src):
hook up NET0 to your LAN switch:
# list all network interfaces dladm show-link; bge0 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500 device: bge0 bge1 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500 device: bge1 bge2 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500 device: bge2 bge3 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500 device: bge3 # the above command does not show if a link is up # dmesg shows it: dmesg|grep bge0 May 21 23:47:34 T1000 mac: [ID 469746 kern.info] NOTICE: bge0 registered May 22 00:11:31 T1000 in.routed[319]: [ID 749644 daemon.notice] bge0 has a bad address May 22 00:11:32 T1000 bge: [ID 801725 kern.info] NOTICE: bge0: link up 100Mbps Full-Duplex ifconfig bge0 plumb up; # bring up/activate interface? # assign fixed ip address to interface ifconfig bge0 netmask +; # add net default: gateway route add default # confirm it worked ifconfig -a; lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 index 1 inet netmask ff000000 bge0: flags=1000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 2 inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast ether 0:21:28:17:8b:XX # enable DNS (change ip of default gateway to suite yours) echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf; cp /etc/nsswitch.dns /etc/nsswitch.conf; # test DNS ping yahoo.com yahoo.com is alive # is ssh service active? svcs -v ssh STATE NSTATE STIME CTID FMRI online - 0:36:16 92 svc:/network/ssh:default # stop ssh service svcadm disable network/ssh # start ssh service svcadm enable network/ssh # restart service svcadm restart network/ssh # per default root login is not allowed # so you will have to add an "normal" user before you can login via ssh # add new user "admin" useradd -m admin # give admin a password passwd admin # now you should be able to ssh into solaris ssh admin@
this is what you should see:
# become root su # switch to bash shell (so command auto complete actually works) bash # make bash the default shell for root and admin usermod -s /bin/bash admin UX: usermod: admin is currently logged in, some changes may not take effect until next login. usermod -s /bin/bash root # if you get the error during usage of vi: "xterm-256color: Unknown terminal type" # go:
export TERM=xterm; # and try again # temporary settings that you might also want: # simplify listing directories alias ll="ls -lah"; # add /var/opt/csw to binary search path PATH=$PATH:/opt/csw/bin;
where is my home directory?
this is a pretty new concept for Linux users…
“In Oracle Solaris 11, user accounts are created as Oracle Solaris ZFS file systems. As an administrator, when you create user accounts, you are creating more than a home directory. You are giving users their own file system and their own ZFS dataset. Every home directory that is created by using the useradd and roleadd commands places the home directory of the user on the /export/home file system as an individual ZFS file system. As a result, users have the ability to back up their home directories, create ZFS snapshots of their home directories, and replace files in their current home directory from the ZFS snapshots that they created.
The useradd command relies on the automount service, svc:/system/filesystem/autofs to mount a user’s home directory, so this service should not be disabled. Each home directory entry for a user in the passwd database is of the form /home/username, which is an autofs trigger that is resolved by the automounter through the auto_home map.
The useradd command automatically creates entries in the auto_home map that correspond to the pathname that is specified by using the -d option. If the pathname includes a remote host specification, for example, foobar:/export/home/jdoe, then the home directory for jdoe must be created on the system foobar. The default pathname is localhost:/export/home/user.
Because this file system is a ZFS dataset, the user’s home directory is created as a child ZFS dataset, with the ZFS permission to take snapshots delegated to the user. If a pathname is specified that does not correspond to a ZFS dataset, then a regular directory is created. If the -S ldap option is specified, then the auto_home map entry is updated on the LDAP server instead of the local auto_home map.”
solaris software package management commands
pkg pkg-config pkgadd pkgask pkgcond pkginfo pkgparam pkgrm pkg2du pkgadm pkgchk pkgdep pkgmk pkgproto pkgtrans # show installed software / packages pkginfo # install vim pkgadd -d http://get.opencsw.org/now
Sun seems to provide Solaris updates/software packages only for payed users?
“OpenCSW (pronounced open-cashew /ˈkæʃuː/) is an easy to use open source software distribution installable on top of Solaris and Solaris-based systems. OpenCSW is a community project dedicated to working closely with upstream projects to improve portability of open source software.
OpenCSW Solaris packages are provided in the OS-native SVR4 format. We publish both binary packages and source package definitions, making it possible for others to build on top of OpenCSW’s work.
Follow to getting started.”
you can browser the software archive here: http://mirror.opencsw.org/opencsw/testing/sparc/5.10/
## Downloading... ..............25%..............50%..............75%..............100% ## Download Complete The following packages are available: 1 CSWpkgutil pkgutil - Installs Solaris packages easily (all) 2.6.7,REV=2014.10.16 Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: Processing package instance from <http://get.opencsw.org/now> pkgutil - Installs Solaris packages easily(all) 2.6.7,REV=2014.10.16 Please see /opt/csw/share/doc/pkgutil/license for license information. ## Processing package information. ## Processing system information. ## Verifying package dependencies. ## Verifying disk space requirements. ## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed. ## Checking for setuid/setgid programs. This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user permission during the process of installing this package. Do you want to continue with the installation of [y,n,?] y Installing pkgutil - Installs Solaris packages easily as ## Installing part 1 of 1. /etc/opt/csw/pkgutil.conf.CSW /etc/opt/csw /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil /opt/csw /opt/csw/bin /opt/csw/etc/pkgutil.conf.CSW /opt/csw/etc /opt/csw/libexec/pkgutil/wget-i386 /opt/csw/libexec/pkgutil/wget-sparc /opt/csw/share/doc/pkgutil/license /opt/csw/share/doc/pkgutil/readme /opt/csw/share/man/man1/pkgutil.1 /opt/csw/var/pkgutil/admin.CSW [ verifying class ] ## Executing postinstall script. Copying sample pkgutil.conf to /opt/csw/etc. Copying sample pkgutil.conf to /etc/opt/csw. Copying sample admin from /opt/csw/var/pkgutil to /var/opt/csw/pkgutil. NOTE! NOTE! Make sure to check out any changes in /etc/opt/csw/pkgutil.conf.CSW. NOTE! Installation of was successful. # update package index /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -U => Fetching new catalog and descriptions (http://mirror.opencsw.org/opencsw/testing/sparc/5.10) if available ... ==> 3986 packages loaded from /var/opt/csw/pkgutil/catalog.mirror.opencsw.org_opencsw_testing_sparc_5.10 # install vim /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i vim # list files of that package /usr/sbin/pkgchk -L CSWvim # start vim /opt/csw/bin/vim # YEAH! VIM RUNNING ON SPARC! THANKS CSW CREW! :)# install top process monitor (no htop :( /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i top
# show basic info pkgutil -V - System - Pkgutil 2.6.7 Arch sparc Solaris 5.10 Pkg patch 119317 (119317-01 installed) GPG binary /opt/csw/bin/gpg Gzip binary /bin/gzip Mailx binary /bin/mailx MD5 binary not found (suggestion: install CSWcoreutils) MD5 module 2.33 (primary choice for MD5) Perl 5.008004 Perl binary /bin/perl Wget binary /usr/sfw/bin/wget PATH /usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/csw/bin - Configuration - catalog_not_cached true (default: true) catalog_update 14 (default: 14) deptree_filter_common false (default: false) exclude_pattern not set (default: none) gpg_homedir not set (default: none) maxpkglist 100000 (default: 10000) mirror not set (default: http://mirror.opencsw.org/opencsw/testing) noncsw false (default: false) pkgaddopts not set (default: none) pkgliststyle 2 (default: 0) pkgrmopts not set (default: none) root_path not set (default: /) show_current true (default: true) stop_on_hook_soft_error not set (default: false) use_gpg false (default: false) use_md5 false (default: false) wgetopts not set (default: none) # pkgutil pkgutil 2.6.7, install Solaris packages the easy way. Usage: pkgutil [option]... [package](-[version])... -i, --install Install package -u, --upgrade Upgrade package -r, --remove Remove package (experimental) -d, --download Download only -U, --catalog Update catalog -a, --available Show available packages --describe Describe available packages -c, --compare Compare installed packages to current -C, --compare-diff Same as -c but only show different versions -A, --compare-avail Compare available packages to those installed -e, --email=address Send e-mail with available updates -t, --temp=site Temporarily use this site as primary for download -x, --exclude=pattern Pattern to exclude -W, --workdir=path Path to use for work directory -P, --pkgdir=path Path to use for package downloads -R, --rootpath=path Path to use for root_path --config=file Use this configuration file -y, --yes Answer yes on all prompts -f, --force Force updates (sync with mirror) -n, --nomod No modifications are made to the system -N, --nodeps No dependencies -D, --debug Debug mode --trace Set trace mode (-v) for pkgadd/pkgrm -h, --help Show this help -v, --version Show version -V, --syscheck System check -l, --list List installed packages -L, --listfile List files in package -F, --findfile Find files in package --deptree=depth Display dependency tree --extract Extract package content (use with -d) -s, --stream Build a package stream (use with -d) -o, --output=file File name for package stream (use with -s) -T, --target=arch:rel Specify architecture and OS release for download --single Single package check (use with -c) -p, --param=opt:val Override configuration option --parse Machine parsable output --cleanup Clean up obsolete packages --catinfo Catalog info Example: pkgutil -i CSWwget (install wget and its dependencies) Written and maintained by Peter Bonivart. Web site: http://pkgutil.net.
what is it?
“Pkgutil, written in Perl and licensed under GPL, is a tool to make installation of CSW packages in Solaris easier. It handles package dependencies so all required packages are installed before the desired package automatically.”
repo: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pkgutil/
how to use it: http://pkgutil.wikidot.com/use-with-examples
# popular software that you might also want /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i rsync /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i rsyncd /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i git /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i cmake #
commands available on terminal/bash/shell:
all available commands under Oracle Solaris 10 sparc 5.10.txt
software repository: https://mirror.opencsw.org/opencsw/testing/sparc/
more packages available repository: http://pkg.oracle.com/solaris/release/en/catalog.shtml?version=entire%400.5.11%2C5.11-
(oracle itself seems to be unable to get SSL working with tomcat?)
virtualization build in: zones
zoneadm list -cv; # list all zones ID NAME STATUS PATH BRAND IP 0 global running / native shared # export/home is where most free disk space is check df -th mkdir /export/home/zones; chmod 700 /export/home/zone zonecfg -z zone01 zone01: No such zone configured Use 'create' to begin configuring a new zone. zonecfg:zone01> create zonecfg:zone01> set zonepath=/export/home/zones/zone01 zonecfg:zone01> set autoboot=true zonecfg:zone01> set bootargs="-m verbose" zonecfg:zone01> commit zonecfg:zone01> exit zoneadm list -cv ID NAME STATUS PATH BRAND IP 0 global running / native shared - zone01 configured /export/home/zones/zone01 native shared native shared zoneadm -z zone01 verify WARNING: /export/home/zones/zone01 does not exist, so it could not be verified. When 'zoneadm install' is run, 'install' will try to create /export/home/zones/zone01, and 'verify' will be tried again, but the 'verify' may fail if: the parent directory of /export/home/zones/zone01 is group- or other-writable or /export/home/zones/zone01 overlaps with any other installed zones. zoneadm -z zone01 install Preparing to install zone <zone01>. Creating list of files to copy from the global zone. Copying <12828> files to the zone. # startup zone zoneadm -z zone01 boot; # login to zone zlogin -C zone01; # you will be confronted with those setup screens# this is just to set correct timezone
# if F2 does not work, try 1. ESC 2. "2"
# now you have solaris inside solaris "wohoo" # remove zone zoneadm -z zone01 halt zoneadm: zone 'zone01': zone is already halted zoneadm -z zone01 uninstall Are you sure you want to uninstall zone zone01 (y/[n])? y # remove config file zonecfg -z zone01 delete -F # now what about linux? /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i wget mkdir /software cd /software wget http://ftp.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/pub/mirrors/centos/7/isos/x86_64/CentOS-7-x86_64-NetInstall-1804.iso wget http://ftp.rz.uni-frankfurt.de/pub/mirrors/centos/7/isos/x86_64/sha256sum.txt shasum -c sha256sum.txt zoneadm -z lx-zone install -b /software/CentOS-7-x86_64-NetInstall-1804.iso ... does not work, i guess you can only install linux compiled for SPARC architecture on SPARC CPUs? # Shutdown shutdown -y -i5 -g0 # or sync;sync;init 5 # or poweroff # reboot shutdown -y -i6 -g0 # or sync;sync;init 6 # or reboot
cpu: one core
# very simple cross os md5sum benchmark # create a 1GB file of zeros, a small harddisk benchmark time dd if=/dev/zero of=md5sumTestFile count=1048576 bs=1024; 1048576+0 records in 1048576+0 records out real 0m37.646s user 0m4.330s sys 0m33.244s # verify file is 1GB in size du -h md5sumTestFile; 1.0G md5sumTestFile # solaris 10 tested: calculate md5sum with 1x SPARV9 core time digest -a md5 -v md5sumTestFile; real 0m31.298s # same under linux would be time md5sum md5sumTestFile; real 0m2.568s (CentOS7, i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz
result: so one virtual (?) UltraSparcT1 Core (SPARV9)@1GHZ is 12x times slower than 1x i5@1.6GHZ Core.
but i only have 4x i5 cores and 32x SPARV9 cores in one physical CPU.
But this benchmark seems to be flawed, because you never know what is the bottleneck: the CPU or the harddisk?
On Lenovo X60S (32Bit Core2Duo) when running this benchmark the CPU is at easy… so i guess it has some hardware accelerated sha stuff in it? (the harddisk is clearly the bottleneck with the CPU idling at 8%)
cpu: all cores: sysbench?
i tried to find a cross os benchmark available for solaris and linux and it should be possible to compile sysbench: https://mysqldatabaseadministration.blogspot.de/2006/09/mysql-benchmarking-3-installing.html
sources: https://github.com/akopytov/sysbench
power usage:
idle/boot: below 150Watts
off: 5 Watts
all CPUs 100%:
“You know, I thought that nothing could be louder than the Dell Poweredge 1850.
The T1000 makes it seem like the Poweredge is turned off.
And before someone says “it’s designed to be in a server area”, let me add that if you put a bunch of these things in a rack, we’d be talking mandatory OSHA hearing protection required, if not being tagged an EPA superfund site.
It’s a good machine, but not NEARLY powerful enough to justify the noise.
But enough ranting.
What I wanted to ask was whether anyone had tried to replace the fans on the T1000 with quieter aftermarket ones?
Or found some other way to quiet these things down. Thanks.”
“Hm, some peoples T1000s are quiet, some, including
mine, are loud. And a report that they quiet down after the
POST. Mine don’t. A mystery. Perhaps … oh, there are
some firmware patches for the T1000, 123481-03 and
124751-02 (not sure which is the correct one). And there
are a number of entries in the README for temperature
and fan related issues. Maybe people who got their T1000
after a certain date, or who put in the firmware patch
are the ones with quiet boxes!?!!?”
problem: “normal” users are not allowed to download the firmware patches and are greeted with “You do not have the required access privilege to download this patch.”
“The Oracle downloads require a support contract and a MOS account.” (src)
oracle: this sucks! please change that!
# svcs picl
and see if picl is online.
If not, your box will keep trying to fly by running fans at full speed
and you’ll continue to wish they could actually just fly away.”
RISC = no Spectre and Meltdown trouble
ZFS = no bit rot, seems Sun has got stuff right.
it is UNIX alike – but what can it do?
what does solaris better than RedHat Linux?
as Open Source as Solaris can get.
“The bulk of the illumos source code is available under the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL), an OSI-approved free software license based on the Mozilla Public License (MPL).
There are some components with other licenses including BSD and MIT. We also include some software with the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the Lesser/Library General Public License (LGPL).
There still remain some binary-only, closed source components that we inherited from Oracle which we are working to replace. Unlike OpenSolaris, we do not require a closed source compiler.” (src)
distros based on illumos/OpenSolars: OpenIndiana, OmniOS.
“By default, the windowing GUI system is based on the popular MATE system, the continuation of GNOME2, but KDE, XFCE, and Enlightenment could use your help to provide OpenIndiana users with alternative environments.” WOHOOO!
setup linux?
maybe it will let me control the fans without firmware update. (that is not publicly available? shame on Oracle)
chosing a distribution for SPARC: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/SPARC-HOWTO-12.html
FreeBSD on Sparc?
checkout the instructions: https://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/6.3/sparc64/INSTALL.sparc64
OpenBSD/sparc64 is known or expected to work on this massive amount of supported SPARC machines:
Debian on Sparc?
it seems sparc support was dropped after 7.11.0.
yes they did: https://linux.slashdot.org/story/15/07/27/1558238/debian-drops-sparc-platform-support
Debian community says “stability problems and lack of support by hardware manufacturer”.
Oracle says they want to improve on that and release their own Linux. (src)
but hang on what is this? https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/ports/
The best place to ask Debian-specific questions about the SPARC port is on the mailing list, <debian-sparc@lists.debian.org>. Mailing list archives are browsable on the web.
so the last “official” Debian is/was: https://cdimage.debian.org/mirror/cdimage/archive/7.11.0/sparc/iso-cd/
“Debian SPARC is officially released and known to be stable. Supported are sun4u and sun4v machines (with a 32-bit userland).
See the Install Manual for information on supported systems, hardware, and how to install Debian.”
Linux for SPARC by Oracle
“Linux for SPARC release 1.0 is a reference platform incorporating Oracle’s work to improve Linux on modern SPARC hardware. The kernel is based on the mainline 4.1 kernel, while user-space packages are consistent with Oracle Linux 6 for x86_64 with a few exceptions. Both the kernel and some user space packages include SPARC-specific optimizations.
Linux for SPARC is a 64-bit operating system that requires a 64-bit SPARC CPU. You can install Linux for SPARC on both bare metal servers and Oracle VM Server for SPARC (formerly known as Logical Domains). Any SPARC CPU model that supports the sun4v architecture (that is, all UltraSPARC T, SPARC T4, SPARC T5, SPARC M5 and Fujitsu SPARC64-X) should be capable of running Linux for SPARC. Refer to the release notes to see what has been tested. However, if you have questions or encounter issues please log a bug at https://bugzilla.oracle.com.
Linux for SPARC is a reference platform for the Linux community. This is not for use in production environment and there is no support offered for this download. If you are interested in a production solution, please visit this page to learn more about Oracle Exadata SL6 features with the SPARC M7 processor and Oracle Linux.
Oracle Stock price: https://www.finanzen.net/aktien/Oracle-Aktie
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