there used to be a tool but current status broken, can you fix it? 🙂

… really have to say… the Gaming industry has become a little uncreative over the years… this is a process that started long time ago.

This is how EA thinks: “This shooter was successfull, so let’s make another shooter just like it – with better (grafics of course)” ?

one of the post popular: Portal 2 (runs on linux)

Dota 2 seems to be THE all time most popular game on steam yet?

In 2017: there were 3500 Linux games on Steam

3 years later… this number almost doubled! 🙂

2019-11: “6,473 results match your search.”


best selling games: (all paltforms)

PS: wonder if you can play all android(java) games on a PC as well?

(in fact running on an odroid xu4 with android one could… but problem is mobile phone games are (mostly) designed for touch interfaces… )

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