searching effectively and easily for files and content of those files is key.
this kind of content-search might take a while, because it searches EVERY file.
this will output/generate a list of files with full path – that you then can further process:
search via filenames:
+ case in sensitive (A and a)
time find / -iname "*FileName*" -not -path "/proc/*" -not -path "/sys/*" -not -path "/dev/*"
if you want to exclude external mounted drives (centos7 it is /run/*, debian/ubuntu it is /mnt/*)
time find / -iname "*FileName*" -not -path "/proc/*" -not -path "/sys/*" -not -path "/dev/*" -not -path "/run/*" -not -path "/mnt/*" -not -path "/media/*"
iterate over found files:
basically what one can do, is pass all found /path/to/filename/that/matches.file to another command or – in this case: script:
# search current dir and all sub dir for file.m4a # pass all file.m4a to /scripts/ # which will convert them into mp3 find . -type f -iname *.m4a -exec /scripts/ {} \; # the mp3 script looks like this and requires working ffmpeg: ffmpeg -i "$1" -c:a libmp3lame -ac 2 -q:a 2 "$1.mp3"; # (modern almost identical alternative to ffmpeg is avconv)
search via content:
log files:
# colorful search for this grep -a -r -i -E --color=auto "this" /var/log # sort and filter duplicate messages # the "color" get's lost in the process grep -a -r -i -E --color=auto "this" /var/log | cut -d " " -f 4- | sort | uniq -c # qnap (busybox) tested/approved su; # become root or use sudo alternatively # search in all files (also on mounted drives) # will search all files, except those under /proc /sys /dev # and meassure time it took to search time find / -type f -not -path "/proc/*" -not -path "/sys/*" -not -path "/dev/*" | xargs grep --color=auto -s -l -i "STRING THAT YOU WANT" # explanation of options taken: # -a = Process a binary file as if it were text (otherwise grep might just display "binary file matches") # -type f = generate a list of files, not directories # -s = remove the "grep no such file or directory" error messages littering console # -i = ignore case (case in-sensitive searcH) # -l, --files-with-matches # Suppress normal output; instead print the name of each input file from which output would normally have been printed. The scanning will stop on # the first match. (-l is specified by POSIX.)
output example:
output list of /path/file and content – colorful please!
now – very cool colorful way to output the location of the files and the lines in which the keyword was found. (i think it only lists the first occasion of SEARCH_TERM then goes on to the next file)
let’s say for the reason of curiosity you would like to search your whole harddisk for “Linus” or “Torvalds”… you could use:
grep -a -r -i -E --color=auto "Linus" /*; # colorful path to file and outputs line
debian8 output screenshot:
grep -i -r --color "Torvalds" /* 2> /dev/null; # search recursively in all files and subfolders of /root for files that contain case-insensitive Torvalds grep -i -r --color "Torvalds" /* 2> /dev/null | tee search_for_torvalds.txt; # this will search your entire system for "Torvalds" or "torvalds" and outputs findings on screen as well saving it into search_for_torvalds.txt # unfortunately tee destroys the color-full output of grep - so black and white only
output example for SUSE12:
more examples:
grep is capable to –color highlight what it found
fgrep – fast grep – is faster but lacks ability of regular expressions and –color.
let’s grep some text – lets do some grepping exercise:
\WPATTERN\W makes grep search for alone standing word PATTERN (surrounded by whitespace).
suse12:~ # grep '\W465\W' /etc/services urd 465/tcp # URL Rendesvous Directory for SSM igmpv3lite 465/udp # IGMP over UDP for SSM [Toerless_Eckert] # atlernatively you could use suse12:~ # grep " 465/" /etc/services urd 465/tcp # URL Rendesvous Directory for SSM igmpv3lite 465/udp # IGMP over UDP for SSM [Toerless_Eckert]
^ marks the ^beginning of a file – so this pattern matches all lines that start with https
suse12:~ # grep ^https /etc/services https 443/tcp # http protocol over TLS/SSL [Kipp_E_B_Hickman] https 443/udp # http protocol over TLS/SSL [Kipp_E_B_Hickman] https 443/sctp # HTTPS [Randall_Stewart] [RFC4960] https-wmap 8991/tcp # webmail HTTPS service [Fred_Batty] https-wmap 8991/udp # webmail HTTPS service [Fred_Batty] # you can either use: find . -type f | xargs grep -s -l "STRING THAT YOU WANT"; cd /etc/grub.d; grep -r -i --color windows; # search for term "windows" (-i case insensitive) in all files in all subfolders (-r recursive) test/test.txt:windows 30_os-prober: Windows*) 30_os-prober:menuentry '$(echo "${LONGNAME} $onstr" | grub_quote)' --class windows --class os \$menuentry_id_option 'osprober-chain-$(grub_get_device_id "${DEVICE}")' { ... vim artikel.txt; # create an file called artike.txt first # and fill it with this content Affenschwanzbaum Affenbrotbaum affenbrotbaum Affenkletterbaum Heute ist Dienstag Das wichtigste ist Heute Paul Peter Maier Meier Das ist mir wichtig mkdir test; # create a new folder cp artikel.txt ./test; # create copy in that folder vim termine; # create an file called artike.txt first # and fill it with this content 24.12. Weihnachten 04.01. Geburtstag 05.01. Schnee schieben # save and quit date +%d.%m." Ganter zuhören" >> termine; # adding one more line with the current date in the format DD.MM. #### now the testing #### grep --color ist artikel.txt; # search for "ist" in file "artikel.txt" Heute ist Dienstag Das wichtigste ist Heute Das ist mir wichtig grep --color M[ae]ier artikel.txt; # search for Maier but also for Meier Maier Meier grep --color [A-Z] artikel.txt; # search and highlight all CAPITAL LETTERS Affenschwanzbaum Affenbrotbaum Affenkletterbaum Heute ist Dienstag Das wichtigste ist Heute Paul Peter Maier Meier Das ist mir wichtig grep --color [^A-Z] artikel.txt; # search and highlight for all non-capital letters Affenschwanzbaum Affenbrotbaum affenbrotbaum Affenkletterbaum Heute ist Dienstag Das wichtigste ist Heute Paul Peter Maier Meier Das ist mir wichtig grep --color ^Heute artikel.txt; # search for all lines that start with "Heute" Heute ist Dienstag grep --color Heute$ artikel.txt; # search for all lines that end with "Heute" Das wichtigste ist Heute grep --color wichtig artikel.txt; # search for all lines that contain "wichtig" Das wichtigste ist Heute Das ist mir wichtig grep --color "\<wichtig\>" artikel.txt; # search for whole word "wichtig" as whole word Das ist mir wichtig grep --color "Affen.*baum" artikel.txt; # search for all lines containing "Affen... arbitrary amount of chars ...baum" in file artikel.txt Affenschwanzbaum Affenbrotbaum Affenkletterbaum grep --color "Affen\(brot\|schwanz\)baum" artikel.txt; # search for all lines containing "Affen... followed by either brot or schwanz ...baum" in file artikel.txt Affenschwanzbaum Affenbrotbaum grep -c --color "Affen\(brot\|schwanz\)baum" artikel.txt; # count lines containing "Affen... followed by either brot or schwanz ...baum" 2 grep -i --color "affen\(brot\|schwanz\)baum" artikel.txt; # search for lines containing "affen... or Affen followed by either brot or schwanz ...baum" case in-sensitive Affenschwanzbaum Affenbrotbaum affenbrotbaum grep -l --color "affen\(brot\|schwanz\)baum" *; # search in all files in the current directory - output the filenames that have matching content artikel.txt grep -r --color ei *; # search in all files in the current directory artikel.txt:Meier meintext.txt:sofort los schreiben. test/artikel.txt:Meier grep -r -l --color ei *; # search in all files in the current directory - output only the filenames that contain "ei" artikel.txt meintext.txt grep -r --color baum *; # search recursively in all files and subfolders of the current directory - for the pattern "zweite" artikel.txt:Affenschwanzbaum artikel.txt:Affenbrotbaum artikel.txt:affenbrotbaum artikel.txt:Affenkletterbaum test/artikel.txt:Affenschwanzbaum test/artikel.txt:Affenbrotbaum test/artikel.txt:affenbrotbaum test/artikel.txt:Affenkletterbaum grep -r --color -v baum *; # search recursively in all files and subfolders of the current directory - that do NOT contain the pattern "zweite" artikel.txt:Heute ist Dienstag artikel.txt:Das wichtigste ist Heute artikel.txt:Paul artikel.txt:Peter artikel.txt:Maier artikel.txt:Meier artikel.txt: artikel.txt:Das ist mir wichtig public_html/.directory:[Desktop Entry] public_html/.directory:Icon=folder_html public_html/.directory:Type=Directory scripts/!/bin/bash ... grep --color "/bin/bash"$ /etc/passwd; # output all users that use /bin/bash at:x:25:25:Batch jobs daemon:/var/spool/atjobs:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:/bin/bash daemon:x:2:2:Daemon:/sbin:/bin/bash ftp:x:40:49:FTP account:/srv/ftp:/bin/bash games:x:12:100:Games account:/var/games:/bin/bash lp:x:4:7:Printing daemon:/var/spool/lpd:/bin/bash man:x:13:62:Manual pages viewer:/var/cache/man:/bin/bash news:x:9:13:News system:/etc/news:/bin/bash nobody:x:65534:65533:nobody:/var/lib/nobody:/bin/bash root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash uucp:x:10:14:Unix-to-Unix CoPy system:/etc/uucp:/bin/bash user:x:1000:100:user:/home/user:/bin/bash grep --color -v "/bin/bash"$ /etc/passwd; # output all users that do NOT use /bin/bash (inverted pattern from last example) ftpsecure:x:486:65534:Secure FTP User:/var/lib/empty:/bin/false gdm:x:483:482:Gnome Display Manager daemon:/var/lib/gdm:/bin/false mail:x:8:12:Mailer daemon:/var/spool/clientmqueue:/bin/false messagebus:x:499:499:User for D-Bus:/var/run/dbus:/bin/false nscd:x:496:495:User for nscd:/run/nscd:/sbin/nologin ntp:x:74:489:NTP daemon:/var/lib/ntp:/bin/false openslp:x:494:2:openslp daemon:/var/lib/empty:/sbin/nologin polkitd:x:497:496:User for polkitd:/var/lib/polkit:/sbin/nologin postfix:x:51:51:Postfix Daemon:/var/spool/postfix:/bin/false pulse:x:487:487:PulseAudio daemon:/var/lib/pulseaudio:/sbin/nologin rpc:x:495:65534:user for rpcbind:/var/lib/empty:/sbin/nologin rtkit:x:488:488:RealtimeKit:/proc:/bin/false scard:x:484:484:Smart Card Reader:/var/run/pcscd:/usr/sbin/nologin srvGeoClue:x:490:65534:User for GeoClue D-Bus service:/var/lib/srvGeoClue:/sbin/nologin sshd:x:498:498:SSH daemon:/var/lib/sshd:/bin/false statd:x:489:65534:NFS statd daemon:/var/lib/nfs:/sbin/nologin systemd-bus-proxy:x:491:491:systemd Bus Proxy:/:/sbin/nologin systemd-timesync:x:492:492:systemd Time Synchronization:/:/sbin/nologin vnc:x:485:485:user for VNC:/var/lib/empty:/sbin/nologin wwwrun:x:30:8:WWW daemon apache:/var/lib/wwwrun:/bin/false grep `date +%d.%m.` termine; # search inside termine for the current date (today is 26.04.2017) 26.04. Ganter zuhören grep $(date +%d.%m.) termine # same as last example, but different writing 26.04. Ganter zuhören
Search for filename: Display modification date:
update from Firefox 60 to 68 created new profile, basically disgarded all bookmarks.
luckily firefox does automatic backups of bookmarks in a strange “,jsonlz4” format under ~/.mozilla/firefox/profile/bookmarkbackups/ (your profile folder will be different, type firefox into url-address-bar: “about:support” and one can restore all bookmarks from this backup file like this ->
# find all firefox bookmark files
# display modification date, so it's easy to find the most recent backup
find . -iname "~/*bookmarks*" -exec stat -c "%n %y" {} \;
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