with gui:

sudo apt-get install brasero; # install brasero
brasero; # run brasero ( you do not need to be root :) )

ah…. excellent. this actually works very well 🙂 THANK YOU SO MUCH BRASERO TEAM 🙂


without gui ( I GAVE UP ON THAT ) :

sudo env -i growisofs; #This will wipe the environment, just like su -. The only difference is that su - will also put the basic variables (in /etc/profile and such) back, where as env -i wont (completely empty environment).

apt-get install wodim; # wodim - write data to optical disk media
apt-get install 'dvd+rw-tools'; # install stuff

growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/sr0=/path/to/image.iso; # burn the iso image
"growisofs: no genisoimage options specified, aborting..."

growisofs -Z /dev/hdc=myfiles.iso -speed=2; # same error
"growisofs: no genisoimage options specified, aborting..."; # again ARGH... giving up

# dd directly did not work
dd if=/path/to/image.iso of=/dev/sr0 obs=32k seek=0; # where /dev/sr0 should be your DVD/CD-burner
dd: failed to open ‘/dev/sr0’: Read-only file system; # error

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