…. was ist das beste an javascript?
dass es IMMER OpenSource ist 😀
(d.h. es gibt kein binäres Format … kein byte-compilier… garkeinen compiler… es ist wie php eine reiner interpretersprache)
vorteil: Jeder lernt von Jedem!
those snippets saved my ass:
Get filename from URL using Javascript
credits: http://befused.com/javascript/get-filename-url
var url = window.location.pathname; var filename = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/')+1); alert(filename);
Dynamically loading an external JavaScript or CSS file
credits: http://www.javascriptkit.com/javatutors/loadjavascriptcss.shtml
<script type="text/javascript" src="dynamically_load_js_and_css_v2.js"></script> the dynamically_load_js_and_css_v2.js file contains this: /** ***** dynamically_load_js_and_css ******* */ // so if you need to globally include stuff, here you can do it without search replace/copy pasting all over the world function dynamically_load_js_and_css(filename) { var filetype = filename.substring(filename.length, filename.length - 3); filetype = filetype.replace(".", ""); if (filetype == "js") { // if filename is a external JavaScript file document.write('<script src="'+filename+'" type="text/javascript"></script>'); } else if (filetype == "css") { // if filename is an external CSS file document.write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'+filename+'"/>'); } } dynamically_load_js_and_css("../js/jquery-1.10.2.js"); dynamically_load_js_and_css("file_that_uses_jquery_to_test_if_its_working.js"); dynamically_load_js_and_css("../js/jquery-1.10.2.js");
search and replace string
function replaceScript() { var toReplace = 'http://google.com'; var replaceWith ='http://yahoo.com'; document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(toReplace, replaceWith); }
credits: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5951801/find-and-replace-string
-> i love this site! 😉 but the “you need 10 more points to make shit” … really wrecks my nerves.
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