today gotta say “thank you Apple” for still developing further 😀
(well “further” is kind of an exaggeration as the last release was Apr 28, 2020)
it got a management web interface since forever available via localhost:631

those network connected brother printers work well with GNU Linux via Direct Jet Print (Connection: socket://192.168.0.XXX (assign unique fixed IP to every printer) connection, there is a neat setup script that works the same for ALL brother models, also scanning works. GREAT JOB BROTHER! 😀

imho the rpm and the deb link are the same script! 😀 How is that for setting a unifying “standard”? 😀 search for driver:
just a slight problem, these printers are mostly off.
like hard off saving energy with the off switch.
then a print job is started, but the output on paper is not needed today but the next day.
the printer is offline all night.
cups waits (per default 3h) before it “cancels” the job and tags it “withheld” (because printer was not available)
so the user would have to manually go into the web interface to reprint the job
but there is a workaround: disable time timeout alltogether
hostnamectl; # tested on Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) Kernel: Linux 6.1.0-16-amd64 su - root echo 'MaxJobTime 0' >> /etc/cups/cupsd.conf systemctl restart cups.service
# optional add comments
echo ‘# Specifies the maximum time a job may take to print before it is canceled’ >> /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
echo ‘# Set to “0” to disable cancellation of “stuck” jobs. The default is “10800” (3 hours)’ >> /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
next time the printer is switched on, cups will sense that and send the print job from last week 😀
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