Elon Musk: 2018: “Ai is far more dangerous than nukes” and should be regulated. “We have to ensure that the advent of digital super intelligence is symbiotic with mankind”
source: https://youtu.be/Se_kLoWYY0w
(next time the WOMAN should position her leg DIFFERENTLY) X-D
SUPERB appearance on BigBang
and CBS:
PS: Team, Team, Team, Team…
Never met Musk, but as having been a Musk fan for a while… since Musk’s CATASTROPHIC decision to buy Twitter and open it up to free-hate-speech, more news has surfaced from (unproofen!) ex-employees at SpaceX, that Musk THINKS he is a genius but in fact, the geniuses are in the TEAM around Musk @Tesla and @SpaceX constantly correcting grave mistakes.
Mr Musk does not have such TEAM (yet) @Twitter, but (as always with men) his success and wide spread publicity might have made him over-confident
that he can accomplish ANYTHING ON HIS OWN, while it is actually THE TEAM surrounding him, that did all that great work.
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