The Dalai lama once said: “Thanks to the internet – lies do not work anymore.”
I can’t give you double sources for this quote.
The context was: Nobody can do evil and then deny it.
Because the SmartPhone footage uploaded to Twitter or WikiLeaks – reveals the truth.
Would have been the JFK Assassination been a solved case and not left open for speculation – had there been 10.000 Smart Phones in Dallas at that day?
How is Wikipedia operating in times of capitalism financial dictatorship – propaganda – fake news – information warfare?
English Wikipedia in 2016 Dec had 5 Million articles.
And why does the Washington post hate Wikipedia?
“We are tremendously embarrassing… äh transparent”
it is a fact, that there is a small amount of people out there – that would be willing to kill their grand mum for profit. (not me!)
It is a fact that if you worked for Wikipedia in 2016 and did not earn 10.000USD per Month someone else earned more than 10.000 USD per month.
first page of wikipedia: 2001
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