per default – different distributions set different accessrights for newly created files.
it seems “per default” – every file creation process would set the access rights to ugo+rwx (all rights for all users and groups) – umasks overwrites this “default” setting to make things more secure.
[cc lang=”bash” escaped=”true” width=”600″]
user@suse:~> touch newfile
user@suse:~> ll|grep newfile
-rw-r–r– 1 user users 0 11. Mai 12:08 newfile
user@suse:~> umask
-> octal: 0/0/2/2 -> this translates to binary: 000/000/010/010
user@debian:~$ touch newfile
user@debian:~$ ll|grep newfile
-rw-r–r– 1 user user 0 May 11 12:09 newfile
user@debian:~$ umask
-> octal: 0/0/2/2 -> this translates to binary: 000/000/010/010
[user@centos ~]$ touch newfile
[user@centos ~]$ ll|grep newfile
-rw-rw-r–. 1 user user 0 11. Mai 12:09 newfile
[user@centos ~]$ umask
-> octal: 0/0/0/2 -> this translates to binary: 000/000/000/010
user@suse:~> umask 077
user@suse:~> touch newfile_umask_077
user@suse:~> ll|grep newfile_umask_077
-rw——- 1 user users 0 11. Mai 12:32 newfile_umask_077
per default every – Debian/Ubuntu/RedHat/CentOS create for every new user – a new group with the same name – SUSE12 does NOT.
so while under debian/ubuntu a new user with “username” automatically belongs to a newly created group “username” and his home is set to username:username
per default every new user in SUSE12 is member of a common group called “users”. Ask SUSE why 😀 (this allows every user basically to “look into” all other user’s home directory – not sure if this is wise and why)
on SUSE12 the /home/username is set to username:users
make umask settings permanent:
You can set umask in
# Debian/Ununtu/Suse
echo "umask 022" >> /etc/bash.bashrc
# CentOS/RedHat
echo "umask 022" >> /etc/bashrc
# all distros
echo "umask 022" >> /etc/profile
for all users.
By default most Linux distros will set it to 0022 (022) or 0002 (002). (src)
set file mode creation mask –
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