what real value can add linux to mankind?
- efficiency – less power consumed – less waste – because it runs well on old hardware as well
- transparency – should actually dissalow tyrannie and dictatorship – because you SHOULD acutally be in control of all your private data – including your movement data and online banking passwords
- almost all of the internet is linux powered
- facebook is 99% linux powered
- with great power – there comes great responsibility to keep the infrastructure that people depend on secure and running.
- did i say that Minix can restart a crashed driver without crashing the OS itself?
- Linux + MDADM can do RAID1 with more than 2 HARDDISKS!!! (have the same data written to 3x harddisks… so 2x can fail without a problem.)
- …as far is known – almost NO expensive Hardware-RAID-Adapter CAN DO THIS! 😀
- Linux is OSX for the rest of the Intel-Hardware not sold and supported by Apple 😀
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- (yes the info on the internet is (mostly) free but beer is still not free (still have to work on that))
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