I don’t know if its fake or not.
Since April 2016 or since WhatsApp Version 2.8.2-5222 (iPhone) Facebook-Whatsapp seems to have added encryption.
A pretty brave move of the Facebook-Whatsapp guys… if this is for real.
If this is for real and Snowden should know. Then Snowden actually accomplished something 🙂
Congratulations! 🙂
“I wouldn’t have to know this if my wife wasn’t having suspicious conversations necessitating investigation :[ !!”
Very bad if you can not trust your wife. And WhatsApp is encrypted per default now 😀 (i wish all the sms/skype/mail/http was as well (i do not trust https))
But one thing is for shure: They gonna fight back with all the means, resources and money they have. And they have a lot of money. We gave it to them.
They gonna terrorize the shit out of us – because they know – when it comes to freedom vs security 99% of the population will go for security.
It’s exploiting psychology of the masses. Just like Hitler did.
The US says their colony “Germany” will create and fund a team of IT specialists called “ZITiS” “Central Department for IT-Security” working on methods how to intercept messages before encryption happens.
So NSA/CIA/Mi5/NATO can keep up their BigData surveillance of the iPhone-masses.
This is supposed to help federal police, Federal Office of Criminal Investigation and Federal Office prevent crimes and terrorism.
This would render any encryption of Whatsapp, Signal or even Threema insufficient.
Until 2022 they plan to increase staff from 60 to 400.
The German government will fund this project with almost 20 million € per year.
Chief of Europol, Rob Wainwright (ex-Mi5, UK Management Board member at Europol), says in 75 % of all cases encryption plays a role.
“People are OK with us snooping on their phone calls”
He obviously likes to be important and powerful. I heard that’s the favorite game especially of male humans. Playing with power.
“Zentrale Stelle für Informationstechnik im Sicherheitsbereich”, kurz ZITiS, soll Bundespolizei, Bundeskriminalamt und Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz dabei helfen, verschlüsselte Nachrichten zu dechiffrieren, die beispielsweise über Apples iPhone oder Messengerdienste wie Whatsapp, Signal oder Threema verschickt werden.
Quelle: https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/behoerde-verschluesselung-101.html
Am 23. Juni 2016 um 23:27 von Lupinoo
@ Laureat
“If you like to live in a surveillance-state, please go ahead. There are plenty of states that do this already. (But their citizens are also not safe from terror)
It is way more likely to be killed by a drunken car driver than to be victim of a terror attack.
Germany as well collects data without limits and nobody knows what strange results will be generated from that BigData.
I do not want that!!!”
translation of:
Wenn Sie gern in einem Überwachungsstaat leben wollen, dann dürfen Sie das gern. Es gibt genügend Staaten, die perfekt überwacht werden. (Übrigens ohne dass deren Bürger vor Terroranschlägen sicher wären!)
Lassen Sie aber bitte die Mitbürger in Freiheit leben, die sich nicht durch die das Geschwätz unserer Staatsorgane genau diese Freiheit abhandeln lassen möchten.
Das Risiko, dass Sie ein besoffener Autofahrer über den Haufen fährt, wenn Sie Ihr Haus verlassen, ist wesentlich größer, als einem Terroranschlag zum Opfer zu fallen.
Auch Deutschland sammelt Daten bis zum Abwinken, und niemand weiß, welche verquerten Schlüsse daraus gezogen werden.
Ich will das nicht!!!
Ich will meine Freiheit nicht auf so eine plumpe Art abgenommen bekomme
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