once more

The Penguin comes to aid the Windows (how nice of tux).

General approach:

# become root
su - root
# phase1) testing: list all files that match
find /search/this/folder -iname "for*this*file*txt" -type f|less

# phase2) delete: all the previously found files
find /search/this/folder -iname "for*this*file*txt" -type f -delete


Delete OSX Finder Files ._

# phase1): testing
find / -iname "._*" -type f | less
find / -iname "__MACOSX" -type f | less

# phase2): delete
find / -iname "._*" -type f -delete;
find / -iname "__MACOSX" -type f -delete;

delete all Windows .DS_Store files

# phase1) testing:
find / -iname ".DS_Store" -type f | less

# phase2) delete
find / -iname ".DS_Store" -type f -delete

delete all Thumbs.db and Thumbs.db:encryptable

# phase1): testing
find / -iname "Thumbs.db" -type f | less
find / -iname "Thumbs.db:encryptable" -type f;

# phase2): delete
find / -iname "Thumbs.db" -type f -delete | less
find / -iname "Thumbs.db:encryptable" -type f -delete;

delete files older than x days with subdirectories

type option for filtering results

find accepts the type option for selecting, for example, only files.

# delete only files
find /search/this/folder -type f -ctime +30 -exec rm -Rf {} \;

# delete files and directories
find /basedirectory -ctime +30 -exec rm -Rf {} \;

# qnap find does not know ctime and exec use mtime and a temp file
find /search/this/folder -type f -mtime +30 > /search/this/folder/files_to_delete.txt;


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