add value. creating a better world by free software + develop some degree of consciousness = adds value for all life on the planet. this is what software development is all about. whatever makes reaching this goal easier/better is welcome. […]
“You will constantly have to fight for even the most basic of rights – and build your own infrastructure – or your government will spy on you and lobbyists try to take away your freedoms.” Watch this video and this: […]
here he is Mr Poettering in 2014 explaining systemd and why it ought to be soooo complex. with all decision making, it should be rational and fact and reason based and then stick to it (aka systemA boots faster than […]
“The Unix Philosophy in One Lesson” “All the philosophy really boils down to one iron law, the hallowed ‘KISS principle’ of master engineers everywhere:” “Keep It Simple, Stupid” or “Keep It Super Simple” (less offensive) The Unix philosophy emphasizes building […]
Linux-UNIX-Programmierung von Jürgen Wolf Das umfassende Handbuch – 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage 2006 Linux-UNIX-Programmierung 1216 S., mit CD, 49,90 Euro Rheinwerk Computing ISBN 3-89842-749-8 Kapitel 11 Netzwerkprogrammierung 11.1 Einführung 11.2 Aufbau von Netzwerken 11.2.1 ISO/OSI und TCP/IP – Referenzmodell 11.2.2 Das […]
While biodiversity is GOOD and efficiency is NOT all we need. Nature looks for a balance of efficiency (30%) and resilience (70%). Standardization is enshuring that your work is compatible with future versions – therefore important for programmers, administrators and […]
Dylan Beattie ?? @dylanbeattie Feb 16 Learning to code is an essential skill in the modern world. Here’s a handy diagram showing you how to get started. that’s what i really liked about Adobe Flex Builder… it was based on […]
Updates from CryptoCat “With great user data comes great responsibility.” (src) it has become a desktop app… not a firefox plugin. Checkout the video from it’s creator (thanks for all your efforts! 🙂 developer’s site : Sind […]
interesting example, for comparison (e.g. in TextWrangler (OSX)): procedural: [cc lang=”php” escaped=”true” width=”500″] ‘Tom’, ‘job’ => ‘Button-Pusher’, ‘age’ => 34 ); $person2 = array( ‘name’ => ‘John’, ‘job’ => ‘Lever-Puller’, ‘age’ => 41 ); // Output the starting values for […]
when the simple viewing of an EMail leads to Virus execution encrypting your holiday-pictures or music-collection… then there is something to learn: nothing man-made is 100% perfect/secure especially not when it’s something as complicated as software… or the financial-system. so […]
Interface Explained The buttons on the front of your television set are the interface between you and the electrical wiring on the other side of its plastic casing. You press the “power” button to toggle the television on and off. […]
… the beginning is easy… no one knows you, know one uses your software, no one cares about your security holes. but when you grow larger, you might want to charge more money in order to keep up the quality […]
javascript jquery html form element – also submit checkboxes that have the “off” state solution: [cc lang=”js” escaped=”true” width=”500″] // serialize form, also send values for checkboxes that are “off” $(form).children().each(function() { add = “”; //access to form element via […]
ain’t that nice? # git does not track files and not even changes in files per default # staged = marked to be commited mkdir test; cd test; git init; git config –global “developer”; # details about yourself (will […]
this post has moved to a page:
es klingt wie ein schlechter witz….. es ist nicht (!) trivial, eine datenbank zu durchsuchen. es ist einfacher, das backup.sql einer datenbank in einem Programm ihrer wahl (Browser?, text editor?) zu öffnen und nach dem gesuchten string zu suchen. credits: komischerweise […]
sometimes… you come across a javascript error… but the firebug addon in firefox won’t let you trace it completely to the origin. after setting up chrome, open the problematic page and right-click -> inspect element. this will open the […]
…. was ist das beste an javascript? dass es IMMER OpenSource ist 😀 (d.h. es gibt kein binäres Format … kein byte-compilier… garkeinen compiler… es ist wie php eine reiner interpretersprache) vorteil: Jeder lernt von Jedem! those snippets saved my […]
SORRY FOR THE BLURRYNESS! DON’T HAVE THE ORIGINAL VIDEO ANYMORE! CAN’T REUPLOAD (in theory it should still work like that… but your eyes will hurt) maybe this could help too… yes it’s cumbersome 🙁 someone should upload it to:
… der einfach zu verwendenden Blogging/CMS-Software: WordPress wird von einem weltumspannenden Team passionierter Leute entwickelt. Projektleiter Mark Jaquith Leitender Entwickler Andrew Ozz Leitender Entwickler Peter Westwood Leitender Entwickler Matt Mullenweg Mitgründer, Projektleitung Ryan Boren Leitender Entwickler Andrew Nacin Leitender Entwickler […]
Update: 2018-6: It’s official: Microsoft will spend a whopping $7.5 billion to buy GitHub THE LINUX KERNELS ARE managed @ github! see for yourself: Linus Torvalds, after using CVS at a commercial company he experienced it as beeing a pointless […]
1. let them work with something visual (text is so abstract… the mind absorb that easily (a lot of encode/decode/interpretation power needed = slow)) /pictures/animations rather than endless text-deserts… the brain is optimized for visual operations (like your graphic card) […]
The rules of a successful life stand over the rules of software project management. 1. The meaning of life is to be happy. If you are not a psychopath (have social skills as compassion, empathy) you will also want others […]
the git-concept: 1. you have a local git repository (/var/www/projectname/.git) 2. via commandline you “hook-up” the local repository with a remote repository (transmission is done via ssh, keys or password) 3. first you commit to local repository, than you do […]
PLEASE WATCH ONLY IN HD! OTHERWISE TOO BLURRY! THANKS! (it’s highly compressed) Now you got your git repository cloned…. to get write access @ sourceforge git repo: 1. register @ 2. generate ssh-keys 3. upload your public key […]
Who is using it? … nice but i don’t get it 😀 (too complicated for me, i stay with php only, no c++ boost) [youtube=] ====== THRIFT ====== Thrift is a lightweight remote procedure call framework for scalable cross-language services […]
Feb.2013 this is german please use google translate to get english content. thank you! SO GEIL ENDLICH HAT DAS MAL JEMAND AUFGESCHRIEBEN. ICH EMPFEHLE, DIE SERVER-SEITIGE ENTWICKLUNGSUMGEBUNG AUF EINEM RAID gestützen TEST-WEB-SERVER MIT ZU INSTALLIEREN (wie s.h. hier: AM BESTEN […]
1. backup you rexisting installation: check conf/locale.php where your savedir is pointing, also backup this directory (may be outside of web root /var/www !) tar fcvz dokuwiki_backup_DATE.tar.gz /var/www/dokuwiki-installation/ 2. transfer to new server using rsync ( i recommend using screen […]