if you have no speech output during navigation if it says “speech package not installed” falls Sie keine Sprachausgabe bei der Navigation mit OSM haben bzw. die Meldung kommt: “sprachpaket wurde nicht installiert” then you should go into map management […]
1. download: https://www.android.com/filetransfer/ https://dl.google.com/dl/androidjumper/mtp/502266/androidfiletransfer.dmg mirror: androidfiletransfer.dmg 2. connect Android device (it worked for me in MTP mode, but i have Cyanogen Kitkat 4.4.4 installed) 3. Run the program. you should see the content of your phone.
All i9300 users: -> https://dwaves.de/2016/06/29/alternative-firmware-for-samsung-i9300-android-6-0-1-beanstalk-6-18-20160624-i9300-seems-to-work-pretty-well/ <- Hit the call button and type: *#1234# and it will show you: PDA: I9000BOJV9 PHONE: I9000XXJVO CSC: I9000MAXJV7 Build Info Fr Jul 22 11:19:23 KST 2011 0. CHARGE YOUR PHONE FULLY! 🙂 (GREEN!) 1. […]
update: 2020-09: problems getting bigger without regular updates because a SmartPhone (no matter Android/Samsung or IOS/Apple based) are essentially complete “notebook computers” with a very very small form factor directly or NAT (NAT better to avoid direct attacks, but no […]
i love the american people… but here and there are totally irresponsible ceos. unfortunally i have to say… nokia would have been better off builing 6310s than doing this… souce: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/apr/29/stephen-elop-microsoft-nokia Stephen Elop: I wasn’t a Trojan horse for Microsoft […]
Mozilla stopped providing direct download links with Firefox.apk currently (2022-08) latest version is v103.2.0 which is only available (?) through the official Google App (called “Play”) store (why? maybe that is why) unless u trust this site u can download […]
Eine kleine Auswahl an Screenshots welche einen in den Wahnsinn treiben: … von denen man sich fragt “Wer hat diese sch… konzipiert und programmiert?” … toll. und was jetzt? Alle Dateien die zu lang sind von Hand suchen und […]
if possible (hardware support) please use replicant, not cyanogen – it might fix this backdoor: https://dwaves.de/2017/05/01/the-problem-with-closed-source-drivers/ successor to cyanogen mod: LineageOS: https://download.lineageos.org/i9300 how to disable this nerve wrecking Cell Broadcast messagess… Delete the app (system/app/cellbroadcast) Just open terminal and enter […]
If You’re Running Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0) and AboveP If you have a shiny new phone with Ice Cream Sandwich or above, screenshots are built right into your phone! Just press the Volume Down and Power buttons at the same […]
repository for free and open source android software: https://f-droid.org/ https://f-droid.org/ über diesen kann man auch den ownCloud Client kostenlos für Handy installieren. (kostenlos) und auch z.B. openstreetmap (osm) offline maps downloaden. (war bei einer Reise in’s Ausland etc.) you can install […]
you can access your pictures on yor sd card “over the air” via: http://www.addictivetips.com/mobile/how-to-access-sd-card-system-files-on-android-from-your-comuputer/ download: http://ppareit.github.io/swiftp/ https://github.com/downloads/ppareit/swiftp/swiftp_free_2_5.apk
if possible (hardware support) please use replicant, not cyanogen – it might fix this backdoor: https://dwaves.de/2017/05/01/the-problem-with-closed-source-driver successor to cyanogen mod: LineageOS: https://download.lineageos.org/i9300 All i9300 users: -> https://dwaves.de/2016/06/29/alternative-firmware-for-samsung-i9300-android-6-0-1-beanstalk-6-18-20160624-i9300-seems-to-work-pretty-well/ <- download the latest STABLE / MILESTONE / SNAPSHOT version: http://download.cyanogenmod.org/?device=i9300 Cyanogen Mod […]
it’s funny that people @ http://android-x86.org/ made possible to download an android 86x iso and install it to your hardware… e.g. a VirtualBox VM. (the harddisk setup did not want to run… but the live-cd option worked) https://android-x86.googlecode.com/files/android-x86-4.3-20130725.iso sorry […]