first of: A DRASTIC VIDEO: JM Porup reports for Ars Technica: The Linux kernel today faces an unprecedented safety crisis. Much like when Ralph Nader famously told the American public that their cars were “unsafe at any speed” back in […]
“Thank you” i feel much safer now, that you know EVERYTHING about me, you, everybody. it is about influencing and directing the masses like a herd of cattle. Room 641A is a telecommunication interception facility in the SBC Communications […]
Update: 2018.04 the cameras could not see the lane’s properly because the lane paint has worn off… what algorithm is going to fix this? believe me or not – doing self driving car’s is almost as complex and difficult to […]
SWR 22:50 Wir hacken Deutschland Film von Marcel Kolvenbach45 Min. oder hoffentlich noch lange verfügbar: Konstruktive Vorschläge: Biodiversity: Wenn ALLE Systeme GLEICH aufgebaut sind und mit dem GLEICHEN Betriebsystem laufen haben diese (ähnlich wie geklonte Tiere) auch die GLEICHEN […]
update: 2023-08 software support wise that 32bit ARMv7 xu4 SoC has aged EXTREMELY WELL 😀 thanks all involved! (check prices on ebay) here is the “official” ArmBian (Debian 12 “bookworm” for ARM) image for the odroid xu4 “inofficial” Debian 12 […]
Warning: SecInfo Database Missing This warning dialog occurs when the SCAP database and/or the CERT database is missing on the OMP server. The CPE table is always empty when the database is missing. The SCAP data is updated during a […] security Q1 2017: connectivity: Q4 2016 f
DDoS attacks are nasty stuff. Even such simple programs as – autobench – Automates the benchmarking of web servers using httperf – can sufficiently choke a webserver by spawning hundreds and thousands of mysql processes – exhausting all resources of […]
src: “In the event that Eugene Nikulin convicted, he faces a total penalty for all five points in a 32-year prison sentence and a fine of $ 1 million, according to the document, which has NT…also featured under […]
So what does mean? Rules To get a shirt, you must make four pull requests between October 1-31. Pull requests can be to any public repo on GitHub, not just the ones we’ve highlighted. Pull requests reported by maintainers […]
The Webhosting Challenge: Crackers Competitors Customers Author of Grafix: ScotXW since “the internet” – lies do not work anymore – because flow of information can not be controlled. DDoS attacks and governments are exactly trying to do this. is “the […]
No kidding… Sign the petition to bail him out without 1000.000$
McKinnon was accused of hacking into 97 United States military and NASA computers over a 13-month period between February 2001 and March 2002, at his girlfriend’s aunt’s house in London,[3] using the name ‘Solo’.[2] The US authorities stated he deleted […]
Update: 2018-12: No Extradition – No Lockup for 99 Years src: src: what is “legal business” and well paid if done for the NSA is a crime if done as a private citizen. Snowden called the NSA the […]
Sergei “Fly” Vovnenko, in an undated photo. In a letter to this author following his arrest, Vovnenko said he forgave me for “doxing” him — printing his real name and image — on my site. After I secretly gained access […]
“BrandThatDoesNotWantToBeNamed” does not want free advertisement for “BrandThatDoesNotWantToBeNamed” here, so why do it? their curated web crawling software probably did not like the word “hacking” next to “BrandThatDoesNotWantToBeNamed” “BrandThatDoesNotWantToBeNamed” should pay me for promoting their products -> article deleted <- […]
SSLv3 is older than my daughter, but is still supported by all major browsers. The latest crypto bug is a MITM (man in the middle) attack that could allow anyone with a network device (WiFi router) sitting between browser users […]
update: 2020-09: problems getting bigger without regular updates because a SmartPhone (no matter Android/Samsung or IOS/Apple based) are essentially complete “notebook computers” with a very very small form factor directly or NAT (NAT better to avoid direct attacks, but no […]
Keith Alexander quit NSA and co-founded Iron Net Cybersecurity Inc … no website could be found. The hackers who attacked JPMorgan, the biggest U.S. bank, were “a group with exceptional skills or a nation-state backed group,” Alexander said in an […]
40 Millionen Euro erbeutet: Mega-Cybercoup: Polizei fasst Bandenkopf in Frankfurt FOCUS ONLINE “Es ist eines der größten Cyberverbrechen der Geschichte: Im Februar 2013 erbeuteten Kriminelle mit manipulierten Kreditkarten 40 Millionen Euro. Die Täter plünderten in nur einer Nacht Bankautomaten in […]
Hello Dave. I control your thermostat. Google’s Nest gets hacked Above: Google Nest hacked Image Credit: KRWG
update: 2021-01 “the best (most privacy & security & usability) Smart Phone solution” is yet to be found (PinePhone (yet untested) comes close) and it would be like: runs standard unmodified GNU Linux kernel 100% open source drivers comes with […]