40 Millionen Euro erbeutet: Mega-Cybercoup: Polizei fasst Bandenkopf in Frankfurt



“Es ist eines der größten Cyberverbrechen der Geschichte: Im Februar 2013 erbeuteten Kriminelle mit manipulierten Kreditkarten 40 Millionen Euro. Die Täter plünderten in nur einer Nacht Bankautomaten in 24 Ländern. Der mutmaßliche Kopf der Bande hielt sich in Deutschland auf.

Die „guten“ alten Zeiten der Banküberfälle sind vorbei. Warum noch persönlich eine Bank stürmen, wenn man viel bequemer viel mehr Geld erbeuten kann? Im Februar vergangenen Jahres erbeuteten Verbrecher in nur einer Nacht 40 Millionen Euro in 24 Ländern. Der Mann, der hinter einem der größten Cyberverbrechen der Geschichte steckt, wurde nun in Frankfurt am Main festgenommen, berichtet der „Spiegel“.”

“Bei dem mutmaßlichen Kopf der Verbrecherbande handelt es sich um das türkische Computergenie Ercan Findikoglu. Die Festnahme durch Beamte des Frankfurter Kriminaldauerdienstes erfolgte bereits im Dezember. Der 32-Jährige soll sich während einer Reise nach Frankfurt am Main in das WLAN des Luxushotels, in dem er übernachtete, eingeloggt haben, um seine E-Mails zu lesen. So konnten ihn die Fahnder lokalisieren und mit Hilfe des BKA festnehmen.”

Findikoglu will nicht an die USA ausgeliefert werden

Quellen: http://www.nachrichten.de/computer/40-Millionen-Euro-erbeutet-Mega-Cybercoup-Polizei-fasst-Bandenkopf-in-Frankfurt-aid_842082116856045959.html


I was amused to read on the Turkish wires that the world’s number two hacker – Ercan Findikoglu (who he? -Ed) – was apprehended recently as he was preparing to empty another million bank accounts electronically.

According to one Turkish report, whilst he could have got 200 years in prison in the US, he will get two to three years in Turkey for his crimes.
The bank hackers was caught (it says here) after a four year electronic chase by the Turkish Anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime Bureau.
When caught as part of Operation Virtual Earthquake, he apparently had the details of a million people’s card accounts on him.
Oh really?
Incredibly, the Turkish Plod claim that one of his couriers was too lazy to carry a bag containing $400,000 to his family’s second floor flat, so lobbed it on to the balcony.
Yeah, rrrrrright…
Findikoglu, meanwhile, replaced a Lexus he bought last year from Dubai, saying that its white leather seats tended to become dirty too quickly. He bought a Range Rover for $120,000 to replace it.
Bizarrely, the story seems genuine in parts, but the some bits are a bit OTT.
I wonder what bits are true…

Read more: http://www.itproportal.com/2008/09/04/turkish-hacker-fails-delight/#ixzz3AqEIyRw4


A Turkish hacker was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment in the United States as one of the organizers of the cyber attacks, which managed to switch 55 million dollars with automated ATMs, transfer Agency.

Ercanu Findikogluu that the Internet was used nicknames “Segate”, “Predator” and “Oreon”, the sentence was handed down U.S. district judge Kiyo Matsumoto in Brooklyn.

Findikoglu last marta pleaded guilty for conspiracy charges in connection with the calculated computerschau upadima other points.
Rare victory

The plaintiffs claimed as 35-year-old citizen of Turkey, one of the leaders of one of the most successful Bank robberies in historiji, which attracted tens of millions of dollars after hackers broke into systems of companies that handle credit card data.

American media reported, as Findikoglu speaks Russian language and appeared in Federal court in new York on Friday.

This decision added an unusual victory for the keepers of the law who are struggling with cases of Internet crime.

Although the authorities in the identification of hundreds of hackers who speak Russian, very rarely arrested.

auto translated from src: http://balkans.aljazeera.net/vijesti/sad-turskom-hakeru-zatvor-zbog-krade-55-miliona-dolara

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