login to local database
mysql -u username -p; # connect to MySQL-Server@localhost, it will ask you for password
login to a remote database
mysql -u username -h your-server.de -p; # connect to a remote MySQL-Server@your-server.de, it will ask you for password
list all databases
login to database first then issue command:
mysql> show databases; +----------------------+ | Database | +----------------------+ | information_schema | | xxxxerr_db2 | | xxxxlaunch | | xxxxautomation | | xxxxry_datagrid_test | | mysql | | phpmyadmin | +----------------------+ 7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
file size database size
simply run this sql command:
SELECT table_schema "DB Name", Round(Sum(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 1) "DB Size in MB" FROM information_schema.tables GROUP BY table_schema; # result +--------------------+---------------+ | DB Name | DB Size in MB | +--------------------+---------------+ | test | 1.4 | | information_schema | 0.0 | +--------------------+---------------+ 2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
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