Is life in the universe as common as the stars in the sky? … if mankind does not destroy itself on-time… we might even find out. Why Mars? So why Mars? Mark (and fortunately lots of other people) believe that […]
i love the american people… but here and there are totally irresponsible ceos. unfortunally i have to say… nokia would have been better off builing 6310s than doing this… souce: Stephen Elop: I wasn’t a Trojan horse for Microsoft […]
long live free speech in america… but i think it just died 20 years ago. what i did was the following: 1. created a linked in account ( the german counterpart is called which is probably just as useless… never got […]
on this lovely blog entry MICAH LEE explains why he moved from ubuntu to debian… … it’s basically the same, why i refuse to use itunes and ipods. because they follow the old Micro$oft motto: “we love to limit you” We […]
what looks more healthy to you? i am not a citicen of the US… but you can use Wal Marts Adress in Texas if you want 😀,+Texas,+United+States/@30.3077609,-97.7534014,11z/data=!3m1!4b1 It’s our Internet. We made it, and it has remade us, changing the way we communicate, learn, […]
javascript jquery html form element – also submit checkboxes that have the “off” state solution: [cc lang=”js” escaped=”true” width=”500″] // serialize form, also send values for checkboxes that are “off” $(form).children().each(function() { add = “”; //access to form element via […]
Flashplayer Update … Java Update … Firefox Update… Windows XP zerlegt sich selbst mit seinen 1000 Mini-Updates… OSX “rationalisiert” sinnvolle Features (Preview kann kein GIF mehr) weg… IPhone und Android Phones zerstören sich selbst… nach update…. … alle paar Wochen, […]
The Guardian revealed that the FISC had approved an NSA request to collect the telephone data of millions of U.S. customers of telecom giant Verizon. ,,, if people in the money-system and in the secret-society become power-addicts as Adolf Hitler was… […] Trailer: dalailama: the purpose of life is to be happy
Vitamin B12 ist wichtig für die Entwicklungsfähigkeit des Gehirns. Es muss aber nur in geringsten Mengen aufgenommen werden. 2 Eier oder 90g Lachs/Thunfisch/Heering/Makrele oder 100ml Milch pro Tag würden reichen. (Wobei ich hier auch wieder betonen würde, dass es wichtig […]
UPDATE: AFTER 10 YEARS DRIVING A RENAULT TWIZY FOR 50.000km RENAULT GIVES AWAY BATTERY FOR FREE!!! 😀 MERCI RENAULT! GRACIAS! THANKS! 😀 EN: no car manufacturer in the world has so much (good!) experience and does small cars as Renault […]
Germany smashes solar power world record Germany’s solar power plants produced a record 22 gigawatts of energy in 2012, equivalent to the output of 20 nuclear plants. The country is already a world-leader in solar power and hopes to be free of […]
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Alternative: Welche aber keine mp3 erstellten. es ist ein Katz und Maus spiel… zwischen Youtube und JDownloader, dem praktischen Multi-Downloader-Programm welcher die Youtube Videos wahlweise in verschiednen Qualitätsstufen als auch nur die Tonspur als mp3 herunterladen konnte. Bis c.a. 10.2013, […]
is this the resurrection of the filehoster “megaupload” that was taken down by the FBI? Kim Dotcom Principal Strategist 10. The New Zealand court found that the New Zealand police used an illegal search warrant to confiscate […]
Nixie Pixel: WomenGoOpenSource and on the Tube! I LIKE IT! Nixie tube:
Angela Merkel hat sich beschwert, dass nur eines der Top-3-IT-Unternehmen aus Deutschland stammt (SAP). “Wenn wir keine innovativen Jobs schaffen, werden wir uns diesen Sozialstaat nicht mehr lange leisten können.” S.h. auch dazu: Recht hat Sie. Aber konkrete Vorschläge wie […]
Source: Please also note my article: “The unfinished Art of Software Engineering” Saturday, July 21, 2001 Have a look at this little chart: [Source: Iris Associates] This is a chart showing the number of installed seats of the Lotus Notes workgroup […]