you can have a working subscribe / unsubscribe mechanism with the customer module / kundenverwaltung.

this script will generate an activation-link and send an mail each time you subscribe / unsubscribe, to enshure that it is you subscribing yourself and not someone you want to nag 😉

newsletter example


here you can get more inspiration for your newsletters: ( a lot of arty farty stuff:

so here is the step by step process:

1. create a new template (this will be your newsletter)

e.g. like this: newsletter.tmpl

2. create a new document based on this template (the web-version of your newsletter)

3. create a newsletter inside the webEdition newsletter module, make shure to select your newsletter.php document and (!) the newsletter.tmpl (UNCHECK THE “Benutze Standard-Vorlage” OR YOUR SENDING MAIL WILL FAIL WITH A WHITE SCREEN!)

webEdition module create newsletter


… as you can see in the screenshot above, you could also attach a pdf.

4. download my actually working script for the webEdition newsletter module: newsletter_subscribe_unsubscribe_manual_scripts.tar.gz

put it into your web root (/lib/scripts.php)

and execute in order to subscribe for a newsletter.

(your user will be added to customermanagement / kundenverwaltung)

and execute in order to delete your subscription from the newsletter.

(you will be deleted from customermanagement / kundenverwaltung)

you can filter for subscribed users like this:

webEdition module newsLetter filter for mails




you can check if your user got subscribed like this:

webEdition module newsLetter get a list of all customers affected by newsletter


the user should also show up in the customermanagement module:

neuer benutzer kundenverwaltung


webEdition newsletter einstellungen menu


make shure you have a all fields asign a value other than ID and have a valid e-mail adress in the “absender”/sender and “antwort”/reply fields:

webEdition newsletter einstellungen


in the settings (resize the settings window if not all tabs are shown) you can even specify if you would like to use an external mail server: nice (untested!!!!) 😀

webEdition newsletter use external mail server



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