(tested on Qnap TS-219P) 1. login to web backend 2. go to App Center and install ipkg Optiware 4. login via ssh into backend: filename: InstallScreen.sh ipkg update; # update package repository ipkg install screen; # install screen ipkg install […]
Enable SSH Access via SSH and login as the admin user with whatever that password is /etc/init.d/StartMediaService.sh stop And then disable the services by editing that file: vim /etc/init.d/StartMediaService.sh modify the line starting with MULTIMEDIA_PATH and set it to = […]
UNTESTED! please checkout this excellent guide: http://www.cyrius.com/debian/kirkwood/qnap/ts-219/install/ if you want a slim and sleak and reliable NAS and do WIHTOUT THE NEED for the 10.000x billion features, iTunes-Media server, Video transcoding slowing down your expensive QNAP NAS system (i think […]
watch in HD 🙂 DO NOT CREATE SWAP AS RAID0! (you gonna want more stability and less performance: how to change swap from raid0 to raid1) follow this guide to get full blown Debian on your kirkwood QNAP NAS: http://www.cyrius.com/debian/kirkwood/qnap/ts-219/install/ 1. […]
update: safety first! when it comes to important files: safety comes first while xfs is surely doing a great and fast job, test if undelete utilities work now for ext4, if yes, go for ext4 (having experienced some problems with […]
screenshot of the web gui, with all the arty farty fancy stuff: … http://www.cyrius.com/debian/kirkwood/qnap/ QNAP TS-219P and TS-219P+ Component Comment CPU Marvell Kirkwood 88F6281 A0, 1.2 GHz (TS-219P) or 88F6282 1.6 GHz (TS-219P+) RAM 512 MB DDR II Flash […]
when a harddisk goes bad, i thought that the filesystem is marking the bad blocks as “bad” and using other blocks. never the lass i had the case where one samsung disk started having 2 bad blocks going undetected. now […]
what is great about mumble: clients exist for Windows, OSX, (at least Debian/Ubuntu) Linux and even Android and IPhone. the audio quality is SUPERB (better than phone) if you use good headphones like sennheiser a disadvantage is the reverb that […]