Category: StarTrek / Science Fiction

How to generate Energy on Mars – a Mars Turbine

these are all challenges that need to be overcome… and they can be overcome… with “good enough” energy storage systems. how can everyone help build the city on Mars? Musk: talk about it! 🙂 write about it! spread the news! […]

Water Ice found in crater on Mars

due to the lack of magnetic field solar radiation is said to have nocked away most of Mars’ water… (every drop of water instantly either freezes or vaporates) – there seems to be “enough” water in frozen form that just […]

NASA TESS mission – hunt for exoplanet begins – near earth objects and alien civilization signal was likely satellite

update: We're excited to be back online. There were several exciting TESS developments over the past month including the first three TESS planet discoveries, and our second data release. — NASA_TESS (@NASA_TESS) January 30, 2019 new tool: […]


Organics on Mars, but what about life? One of the studies details organic compounds found by the rover in preserved rock that dates back about 3 billions years. Organic compounds are incredibly important when hunting for life elsewhere in the […]

Soyuz Sojus Docking ISS

ISS Expedition 56-57 Launch: Russian Soyuz MS-09 Launch Astronauts to ISS at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Sergey Prokopyev of Roscosmos, Serena Auñón-Chancellor of NASA and Alexander Gerst of ESA (European Space Agency) are preparing to launch in the Soyuz […]


Tolle Dokumentation “von hier oben sieht man keine Ländergrenzen – nur einen Planeten”


Das Kepler-Teleskop wurde in 2009 in’s Weltall geschickt, wo es jetzt um die Sonne kreist und auf einen fixen Punkt ausgerichtet ist um sich die Sterne dort genau anzuschauen. Es sucht nach dunklen Flecken (Planeten) welche sich um die Sterne […]