Problems with Mars missions: Radiation, Solar Flares, Meteoroids and Dust Storms “it receives occasional lethal blasts that occur with strong solar flares” (src) who cares we gotta go there – Mars might be mankind’s only hope for survival in the […]
these are all challenges that need to be overcome… and they can be overcome… with “good enough” energy storage systems. how can everyone help build the city on Mars? Musk: talk about it! 🙂 write about it! spread the news! […]
due to the lack of magnetic field solar radiation is said to have nocked away most of Mars’ water… (every drop of water instantly either freezes or vaporates) – there seems to be “enough” water in frozen form that just […]
Strange Cigar Shaped visitor Asteroid Oumuamua and ice clouds “the first interstellar object ever seen in our solar system, named ‘Oumuamua, is giving scientists a fresh perspective on the development of planetary systems.” (src: NASA) Scientists conclude that interstellar object […]
“Venus is an excellent lessor for us” “Volcanoes released so much CO2” it started a run-away greenhouse effect making Venus the hellish habitat it is today This Is What Planets Looked Like 3.8 Billion Years Ago: “If Earth loses ability […]
You probably now that Stephen Hawking (never got a Nobel Price) was on BigBang A LOT. And he writes to speech synthesis and eye-tracker. And he is giving hilarious funny interviews with this thing DECtalk DTC01… While also saying that AI […]
live stream camera and radio chatter from iss: ISSpresso is the first espresso coffee machine designed for use in space, produced for the International Space Station by Argotec and Lavazza in a public-private partnership with the Italian Space Agency […]
update: We're excited to be back online. There were several exciting TESS developments over the past month including the first three TESS planet discoveries, and our second data release. — NASA_TESS (@NASA_TESS) January 30, 2019 new tool: […]
you can listen to radio chatter and real live stream from iss here (tested last 2018.08.02): not HD quality but well… at least it works and is really live. some nice pictures from the 360 tours: US Google Version: […] Elon Musk: (EM) “the big aerospace companies had no interest in radical innovation, all they wanted to do is try to make their old technology slightly better over the years. Particular in rockets it is pretty bad. … People […]
Organics on Mars, but what about life? One of the studies details organic compounds found by the rover in preserved rock that dates back about 3 billions years. Organic compounds are incredibly important when hunting for life elsewhere in the […]
ISS Expedition 56-57 Launch: Russian Soyuz MS-09 Launch Astronauts to ISS at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Sergey Prokopyev of Roscosmos, Serena Auñón-Chancellor of NASA and Alexander Gerst of ESA (European Space Agency) are preparing to launch in the Soyuz […]
How will it find these planets? Like the Kepler mission before it, TESS will use the transit method – that is, it will stare intently at the stars in a given section of the sky, watching for the telltale flicker […]
how can everyone help build the city on Mars? Musk: talk about it! 🙂 write about it! spread the news! set the focus of the discussion! update: src: — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 6, 2019 this is […]
every year… this is such a good cartoon X-D thank you! thanks everyone involved for every line of open source written and tested and released often and early 🙂 wish you and your families a merry merry merry good time […]
Tolle Dokumentation “von hier oben sieht man keine Ländergrenzen – nur einen Planeten”
amazing 😀
Das Kepler-Teleskop wurde in 2009 in’s Weltall geschickt, wo es jetzt um die Sonne kreist und auf einen fixen Punkt ausgerichtet ist um sich die Sterne dort genau anzuschauen. Es sucht nach dunklen Flecken (Planeten) welche sich um die Sterne […]