the problem: *.rtfd seems to be a “stuck on OSX” problem… but actually TextEdit is a OpenSource (!) software 🙂 4.0+20061029-3.4+b1 amd64 Text editor for GNUstep you can download debian packages here:;O=A and install it via: wget […]
Update: 2019-07: those machines are SUPERB reliable and fast and work very well with Linux (this update is written on exactly this machine with CentOS7/Rhel7/RedHat7 (usually used for server but works nice as client as well)) Hello Guys, the Giada […]
did i actually mention how i love it that those Gnome guys copied the OSX settings menu? ( can’t wait until Microloft comes around) it’s pretty and good usability.. simply search for something… and find the right setting. here is […]
… das ist deswegen, weil man wenigstens ein zuverlässiges Gerät braucht (auf welchem so gut wie keine Software installiert ist, nur das nötigste), welches zuverlässig die E-Mails abruft und einen relativ sicher im Internet surfen lässt und auch so “einfache” Dinge […]
OSX can Run 64Bit Processes on 32Bit Kernel! (and hardware?) wow! OSX is 32Bit an CAN address more than 4GB of RAM ! (this line is written on a Dual XEON with 12GB RAM) All Versions of OSX have a […]
Apple was innovative while Jobs was alive, but also was taking freedom away from it’s users by forcing them to use iTunes to upload music to their iPods and iPhones. OSX won’t even let you remove iTunes… but you can […]
# become root sudo bash # edit file vim /etc/rc.common # this is how the end of the file looks like # hit Ctrl+G to jump to the bottom of the file ## # Generic action handler ## RunService () […]
… works for latest osx and for leopard. 1. download 2. rename to .zip 3. unpack 4. open terminal 5. type sudo bash (give your password) 6. cp wget /usr/bin usage: wget download ALL FILES IN A directory: […]
2013: WHY OSX IS STILL BETTER THAN WINDOWS XP, 7 OR 8 Leave a reply my mac story goes like this… i hated windows since windows 95… it was buggy, it crashed all the time… you had to reinstall every 10x […]
my mac story goes like this… i hated windows since windows 95… it was buggy, it crashed all the time… you had to reinstall every 10x times you started a programm… linux was not so super user friendly yet… my […]