there is a file called: /.settings/org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs in your Aptana installation. (at least under OSX but should be the same under windows) example content: RECENT_WORKSPACES= RECENT_WORKSPACES_PROTOCOL=3 SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=true eclipse.preferences.version=1 1. open that file 2. delete everything after “RECENT_WORKSPACES=” 3. turn SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=false to SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=true […]
eclipse as web editor – do it yourself – howto: eclipse is per default configured to be used for java development. but if you want to “run” a html site in your external browser… nada. You have to configure it […]
dwaves is not pointing out problems, without trying to solve things 😉 solution: use latest eclipse, install “Web Page Editor” and configure external launch for firefox. DADA! another workaround: launch the sites manually in your browser. (navigate to the project […]
PLEASE WATCH ONLY IN HD! OTHERWISE TOO BLURRY! THANKS! (it’s highly compressed) Now you got your git repository cloned…. to get write access @ sourceforge git repo: 1. register @ 2. generate ssh-keys 3. upload your public key […]
Integrate/Install Subversion PlugIn into Aptana 3 Before starting the integration of subversion, check for Aptana Updates and install them. Do this in the main menu ‘Help’ -> ‘Check for Updates’. After finishing the update, restart aptana. Now you are ready […]
aptana studio / eclipse indiziert dauernd workspace dauert lange ewig – eclipse constantly indexing progress takes very long kann keine projekte mehr starten, weil das inidzieren ewig dauert: optional: 1. backup your .metadata workspace directory optional: 2. shutdown aptana 3. […]