eclipse as web editor – do it yourself – howto:

eclipse is per default configured to be used for java development.

but if you want to “run” a html site in your external browser… nada. You have to configure it yourself, like this:

1. download eclipse

2. start eclipse (this was tested with Eclipse Standard/SDK Version: Kepler Service Release 1 Build id: 20130919-0819)

3. install the plugin “web developer tools” (need this for javascript support) and “web page editor” (will give you a useless preview) help -> new software -> select All Sites -> search for “web page editor” -> check the checkbox -> click next, next, agree, restart.

this is what you will get (when you r-click on a document and choose “open with” -> “web page editor”, reminds me of dreamweaver’s preview.

eclipse web page editor plugin


now in order to “launch” / start the website with a shortcut:

1. setup firefox as default browser: “window” -> preferences -> search for browser -> choose “external browser” and search for the firefox.exe

for OSX the path would be: /Applications/

eclipse run html launch firefox0

2. define external tool command

eclipse run html launch firefox1



eclipse run html launch firefox2

osx / linux:

eclipse kepler firefox launc osx



eclipse kepler firefox launch osx

you should get a new command in your run-suitcase-symbol.



eclipse run html launch firefox3

when you click it… firefox should launch your website.

in order to shortcut-this go again into preferences, search for “keys”

and asign a key-combination to the “Run Last Launched External Tool”

eclipse run html launch firefox4 defining shortcuts

that’s the best way right now i know of.

Feel free to comment! 😉

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