My perfect harddisk setup is like this: 1x small but fast SSD is there for Windows + programs (64GB is enough) 2x large but slow mirrored harddisks are there to hold the valuable data. Separating programs and data is always […]
My perfect harddisk setup is like this: 1x small but fast SSD is there for Windows + programs (64GB is enough) 2x large but slow mirrored harddisks are there to hold the valuable data. Separating programs and data is always […]
okay this may not work for all of you…. my root harddisk was a non-raid consumer-ocz-ssd with defect sectors. (xenserver would still boot, but you could not dd-copy it to any backup harddisk… dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb conv=noerror ->”several sectors on […]
in short: the nice fact is that citrix xen and virtualbox can use the same/similar PIIX3 controler, which makes moving VMs between them a matter of “how to copy the harddisk sector wise”. (MAKE SHURE VIRTUALBOX IS USING THIS CONTROLER […]