/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ Components.utils.import("resource:///modules/mailServices.js"); top.MAX_RECIPIENTS = 1; /* for the initial listitem created in the XUL */ var inputElementType = ""; var selectElementType = ""; var selectElementIndexTable = null; var gNumberOfCols = 0; var gDragService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/dragservice;1"] .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIDragService); var gMimeHeaderParser = null; /** * global variable inherited from MsgComposeCommands.js * var gMsgCompose; */ function awGetMaxRecipients() { return top.MAX_RECIPIENTS; } function awGetNumberOfCols() { if (gNumberOfCols == 0) { var listbox = document.getElementById('addressingWidget'); var listCols = listbox.getElementsByTagName('listcol'); gNumberOfCols = listCols.length; if (!gNumberOfCols) gNumberOfCols = 1; /* if no cols defined, that means we have only one! */ } return gNumberOfCols; } function awInputElementName() { if (inputElementType == "") inputElementType = document.getElementById("addressCol2#1").localName; return inputElementType; } function awSelectElementName() { if (selectElementType == "") selectElementType = document.getElementById("addressCol1#1").localName; return selectElementType; } // TODO: replace awGetSelectItemIndex with recipient type index constants function awGetSelectItemIndex(itemData) { if (selectElementIndexTable == null) { selectElementIndexTable = new Object(); var selectElem = document.getElementById("addressCol1#1"); for (var i = 0; i < selectElem.childNodes[0].childNodes.length; i ++) { var aData = selectElem.childNodes[0].childNodes[i].getAttribute("value"); selectElementIndexTable[aData] = i; } } return selectElementIndexTable[itemData]; } function Recipients2CompFields(msgCompFields) { if (msgCompFields) { var i = 1; var addrTo = ""; var addrCc = ""; var addrBcc = ""; var addrReply = ""; var addrNg = ""; var addrFollow = ""; var to_Sep = ""; var cc_Sep = ""; var bcc_Sep = ""; var reply_Sep = ""; var ng_Sep = ""; var follow_Sep = ""; gMimeHeaderParser = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/messenger/headerparser;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgHeaderParser); var recipientType; var inputField; var fieldValue; var recipient; while ((inputField = awGetInputElement(i))) { fieldValue = inputField.value; if (fieldValue == null) fieldValue = inputField.getAttribute("value"); if (fieldValue != "") { recipientType = awGetPopupElement(i).selectedItem.getAttribute("value"); recipient = null; switch (recipientType) { case "addr_to" : case "addr_cc" : case "addr_bcc" : case "addr_reply" : try { let headerParser = MailServices.headerParser; recipient = [headerParser.makeMimeAddress(fullValue.name, fullValue.email) for (fullValue of headerParser.makeFromDisplayAddress(fieldValue, {}))].join(", "); } catch (ex) {recipient = fieldValue;} break; } switch (recipientType) { case "addr_to" : addrTo += to_Sep + recipient; to_Sep = ","; break; case "addr_cc" : addrCc += cc_Sep + recipient; cc_Sep = ","; break; case "addr_bcc" : addrBcc += bcc_Sep + recipient; bcc_Sep = ","; break; case "addr_reply" : addrReply += reply_Sep + recipient; reply_Sep = ","; break; case "addr_newsgroups" : addrNg += ng_Sep + fieldValue; ng_Sep = ","; break; case "addr_followup" : addrFollow += follow_Sep + fieldValue; follow_Sep = ","; break; case "addr_other": let headerName = awGetPopupElement(i).selectedItem.getAttribute("label"); headerName = headerName.substring(0, headerName.indexOf(':')); msgCompFields.setHeader(headerName, fieldValue); break; } } i ++; } msgCompFields.to = addrTo; msgCompFields.cc = addrCc; msgCompFields.bcc = addrBcc; msgCompFields.replyTo = addrReply; msgCompFields.newsgroups = addrNg; msgCompFields.followupTo = addrFollow; gMimeHeaderParser = null; } else dump("Message Compose Error: msgCompFields is null (ExtractRecipients)"); } function CompFields2Recipients(msgCompFields) { if (msgCompFields) { var listbox = document.getElementById('addressingWidget'); var newListBoxNode = listbox.cloneNode(false); var listBoxColsClone = listbox.firstChild.cloneNode(true); newListBoxNode.appendChild(listBoxColsClone); var templateNode = listbox.getElementsByTagName("listitem")[0]; // dump("replacing child in comp fields 2 recips \n"); listbox.parentNode.replaceChild(newListBoxNode, listbox); top.MAX_RECIPIENTS = 0; var msgReplyTo = msgCompFields.replyTo; var msgTo = msgCompFields.to; var msgCC = msgCompFields.cc; var msgBCC = msgCompFields.bcc; var msgNewsgroups = msgCompFields.newsgroups; var msgFollowupTo = msgCompFields.followupTo; var havePrimaryRecipient = false; if(msgReplyTo) awSetInputAndPopupFromArray(msgCompFields.splitRecipients(msgReplyTo, false, {}), "addr_reply", newListBoxNode, templateNode); if(msgTo) { var rcp = msgCompFields.splitRecipients(msgTo, false, {}); if (rcp.length) { awSetInputAndPopupFromArray(rcp, "addr_to", newListBoxNode, templateNode); havePrimaryRecipient = true; } } if(msgCC) awSetInputAndPopupFromArray(msgCompFields.splitRecipients(msgCC, false, {}), "addr_cc", newListBoxNode, templateNode); if(msgBCC) awSetInputAndPopupFromArray(msgCompFields.splitRecipients(msgBCC, false, {}), "addr_bcc", newListBoxNode, templateNode); if(msgNewsgroups) { awSetInputAndPopup(msgNewsgroups, "addr_newsgroups", newListBoxNode, templateNode); havePrimaryRecipient = true; } if(msgFollowupTo) awSetInputAndPopup(msgFollowupTo, "addr_followup", newListBoxNode, templateNode); // If it's a new message, we need to add an extra empty recipient. if (!havePrimaryRecipient) _awSetInputAndPopup("", "addr_to", newListBoxNode, templateNode); awFitDummyRows(2); // CompFields2Recipients is called whenever a user replies or edits an existing message. // We want to add all of the recipients for this message to the ignore list for spell check addRecipientsToIgnoreList((gCurrentIdentity ? gCurrentIdentity.identityName + ', ' : '') + msgTo + ', ' + msgCC + ', ' + msgBCC); } } function awSetInputAndPopupId(inputElem, popupElem, rowNumber) { popupElem.id = "addressCol1#" + rowNumber; inputElem.id = "addressCol2#" + rowNumber; inputElem.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", popupElem.id); } function awSetInputAndPopupValue(inputElem, inputValue, popupElem, popupValue, rowNumber) { // remove leading spaces while (inputValue && inputValue[0] == " " ) inputValue = inputValue.substring(1, inputValue.length); inputElem.setAttribute("value", inputValue); inputElem.value = inputValue; popupElem.selectedItem = popupElem.childNodes[0].childNodes[awGetSelectItemIndex(popupValue)]; if (rowNumber >= 0) awSetInputAndPopupId(inputElem, popupElem, rowNumber); _awSetAutoComplete(popupElem, inputElem); } function _awSetInputAndPopup(inputValue, popupValue, parentNode, templateNode) { top.MAX_RECIPIENTS++; var newNode = templateNode.cloneNode(true); parentNode.appendChild(newNode); // we need to insert the new node before we set the value of the select element! var input = newNode.getElementsByTagName(awInputElementName()); var select = newNode.getElementsByTagName(awSelectElementName()); if (input && input.length == 1 && select && select.length == 1) awSetInputAndPopupValue(input[0], inputValue, select[0], popupValue, top.MAX_RECIPIENTS) } function awSetInputAndPopup(inputValue, popupValue, parentNode, templateNode) { if ( inputValue && popupValue ) { var addressArray = inputValue.split(","); for ( var index = 0; index < addressArray.length; index++ ) _awSetInputAndPopup(addressArray[index], popupValue, parentNode, templateNode); } } function awSetInputAndPopupFromArray(inputArray, popupValue, parentNode, templateNode) { if (popupValue) { for (let recipient of inputArray) _awSetInputAndPopup(recipient, popupValue, parentNode, templateNode); } } function awRemoveRecipients(msgCompFields, recipientType, recipientsList) { if (!msgCompFields) return; var recipientArray = msgCompFields.splitRecipients(recipientsList, false, {}); for (var index = 0; index < recipientArray.length; index++) for (var row = 1; row <= top.MAX_RECIPIENTS; row ++) { var popup = awGetPopupElement(row); if (popup.selectedItem.getAttribute("value") == recipientType) { var input = awGetInputElement(row); if (input.value == recipientArray[index]) { awSetInputAndPopupValue(input, "", popup, "addr_to", -1); break; } } } } function awAddRecipients(msgCompFields, recipientType, recipientsList) { if (!msgCompFields) return; var recipientArray = msgCompFields.splitRecipients(recipientsList, false, {}); for (var index = 0; index < recipientArray.length; index++) awAddRecipient(recipientType, recipientArray[index]); } // this was broken out of awAddRecipients so it can be re-used...adds a new row matching recipientType and // drops in the single address. function awAddRecipient(recipientType, address) { for (var row = 1; row <= top.MAX_RECIPIENTS; row ++) { if (awGetInputElement(row).value == "") break; } if (row > top.MAX_RECIPIENTS) awAppendNewRow(false); awSetInputAndPopupValue(awGetInputElement(row), address, awGetPopupElement(row), recipientType, row); /* be sure we still have an empty row left at the end */ if (row == top.MAX_RECIPIENTS) { awAppendNewRow(true); awSetInputAndPopupValue(awGetInputElement(top.MAX_RECIPIENTS), "", awGetPopupElement(top.MAX_RECIPIENTS), recipientType, top.MAX_RECIPIENTS); } // add the recipient to our spell check ignore list addRecipientsToIgnoreList(address); } function awTestRowSequence() { /* This function is for debug and testing purpose only, normal users should not run it! Everytime we insert or delete a row, we must be sure we didn't break the ID sequence of the addressing widget rows. This function will run a quick test to see if the sequence still ok You need to define the pref mail.debug.test_addresses_sequence to true in order to activate it */ var test_sequence; if (Services.prefs.getPrefType("mail.debug.test_addresses_sequence") == Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL) test_sequence = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.debug.test_addresses_sequence"); if (!test_sequence) return true; /* debug code to verify the sequence still good */ var listbox = document.getElementById('addressingWidget'); var listitems = listbox.getElementsByTagName('listitem'); if (listitems.length >= top.MAX_RECIPIENTS ) { for (var i = 1; i <= listitems.length; i ++) { var item = listitems [i - 1]; var inputID = item.getElementsByTagName(awInputElementName())[0].getAttribute("id").split("#")[1]; var popupID = item.getElementsByTagName(awSelectElementName())[0].getAttribute("id").split("#")[1]; if (inputID != i || popupID != i) { dump("#ERROR: sequence broken at row " + i + ", inputID=" + inputID + ", popupID=" + popupID + "\n"); return false; } dump("---SEQUENCE OK---\n"); return true; } } else dump("#ERROR: listitems.length(" + listitems.length + ") < top.MAX_RECIPIENTS(" + top.MAX_RECIPIENTS + ")\n"); return false; } function awResetAllRows() { var maxRecipients = top.MAX_RECIPIENTS; for (var row = 1; row <= maxRecipients ; row ++) { awGetInputElement(row).value = ""; awGetPopupElement(row).selectedIndex = 0; } } function awCleanupRows() { var maxRecipients = top.MAX_RECIPIENTS; var rowID = 1; for (var row = 1; row <= maxRecipients; row ++) { var inputElem = awGetInputElement(row); if (inputElem.value == "" && row < maxRecipients) awRemoveRow(awGetRowByInputElement(inputElem)); else { awSetInputAndPopupId(inputElem, awGetPopupElement(row), rowID); rowID ++; } } awTestRowSequence(); } function awDeleteRow(rowToDelete) { /* When we delete a row, we must reset the id of others row in order to not break the sequence */ var maxRecipients = top.MAX_RECIPIENTS; awRemoveRow(rowToDelete); // assume 2 column update (input and popup) for (var row = rowToDelete + 1; row <= maxRecipients; row ++) awSetInputAndPopupId(awGetInputElement(row), awGetPopupElement(row), (row-1)); awTestRowSequence(); } function awClickEmptySpace(target, setFocus) { if (target == null || (target.localName != "listboxbody" && target.localName != "listcell" && target.localName != "listitem")) return; var lastInput = awGetInputElement(top.MAX_RECIPIENTS); if ( lastInput && lastInput.value ) awAppendNewRow(setFocus); else if (setFocus) awSetFocus(top.MAX_RECIPIENTS, lastInput); } function awReturnHit(inputElement) { var row = awGetRowByInputElement(inputElement); var nextInput = awGetInputElement(row+1); if ( !nextInput ) { if ( inputElement.value ) awAppendNewRow(true); else // No address entered, switch to Subject field { var subjectField = document.getElementById( 'msgSubject' ); subjectField.select(); subjectField.focus(); } } else { nextInput.select(); awSetFocus(row+1, nextInput); } // be sure to add the recipient to our ignore list // when the user hits enter in an autocomplete widget... addRecipientsToIgnoreList(inputElement.value); } function awDeleteHit(inputElement) { var row = awGetRowByInputElement(inputElement); /* 1. don't delete the row if it's the last one remaining, just reset it! */ if (top.MAX_RECIPIENTS <= 1) { inputElement.value = ""; return; } /* 2. Set the focus to the previous field if possible */ if (row > 1) awSetFocus(row - 1, awGetInputElement(row - 1)) else awSetFocus(1, awGetInputElement(2)) /* We have to cheat a little bit because the focus will */ /* be set asynchronusly after we delete the current row, */ /* therefore the row number still the same! */ /* 3. Delete the row */ awDeleteRow(row); } function awInputChanged(inputElement) { dump("awInputChanged\n"); // AutoCompleteAddress(inputElement); //Do we need to add a new row? var lastInput = awGetInputElement(top.MAX_RECIPIENTS); if ( lastInput && lastInput.value && !top.doNotCreateANewRow) awAppendNewRow(false); top.doNotCreateANewRow = false; } function awAppendNewRow(setFocus) { var listbox = document.getElementById('addressingWidget'); var listitem1 = awGetListItem(1); if ( listbox && listitem1 ) { var lastRecipientType = awGetPopupElement(top.MAX_RECIPIENTS).selectedItem.getAttribute("value"); var nextDummy = awGetNextDummyRow(); var newNode = listitem1.cloneNode(true); if (nextDummy) listbox.replaceChild(newNode, nextDummy); else listbox.appendChild(newNode); top.MAX_RECIPIENTS++; var input = newNode.getElementsByTagName(awInputElementName()); if ( input && input.length == 1 ) { input[0].setAttribute("value", ""); // We always clone the first row. The problem is that the first row // could be focused. When we clone that row, we end up with a cloned // XUL textbox that has a focused attribute set. Therefore we think // we're focused and don't properly refocus. The best solution to this // would be to clone a template row that didn't really have any presentation, // rather than using the real visible first row of the listbox. // // For now we'll just put in a hack that ensures the focused attribute // is never copied when the node is cloned. if (input[0].getAttribute('focused') != '') input[0].removeAttribute('focused'); } var select = newNode.getElementsByTagName(awSelectElementName()); if ( select && select.length == 1 ) { // It only makes sense to clone some field types; others // should not be cloned, since it just makes the user have // to go to the trouble of selecting something else. In such // cases let's default to 'To' (a reasonable default since // we already default to 'To' on the first dummy field of // a new message). switch (lastRecipientType) { case "addr_reply": case "addr_other": select[0].selectedIndex = awGetSelectItemIndex("addr_to"); break; case "addr_followup": select[0].selectedIndex = awGetSelectItemIndex("addr_newsgroups"); break; default: // e.g. "addr_to","addr_cc","addr_bcc","addr_newsgroups": select[0].selectedIndex = awGetSelectItemIndex(lastRecipientType); } awSetInputAndPopupId(input[0], select[0], top.MAX_RECIPIENTS); if (input) _awSetAutoComplete(select[0], input[0]); } // focus on new input widget if (setFocus && input[0] ) awSetFocus(top.MAX_RECIPIENTS, input[0]); } } // functions for accessing the elements in the addressing widget function awGetPopupElement(row) { return document.getElementById("addressCol1#" + row); } function awGetInputElement(row) { return document.getElementById("addressCol2#" + row); } function awGetElementByCol(row, col) { var colID = "addressCol" + col + "#" + row; return document.getElementById(colID); } function awGetListItem(row) { var listbox = document.getElementById('addressingWidget'); if ( listbox && row > 0) { var listitems = listbox.getElementsByTagName('listitem'); if ( listitems && listitems.length >= row ) return listitems[row-1]; } return 0; } function awGetRowByInputElement(inputElement) { var row = 0; if (inputElement) { var listitem = inputElement.parentNode.parentNode; while (listitem) { if (listitem.localName == "listitem") ++row; listitem = listitem.previousSibling; } } return row; } // Copy Node - copy this node and insert ahead of the (before) node. Append to end if before=0 function awCopyNode(node, parentNode, beforeNode) { var newNode = node.cloneNode(true); if ( beforeNode ) parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, beforeNode); else parentNode.appendChild(newNode); return newNode; } // remove row function awRemoveRow(row) { awGetListItem(row).remove(); awFitDummyRows(); top.MAX_RECIPIENTS --; } function awSetFocus(row, inputElement) { top.awRow = row; top.awInputElement = inputElement; top.awFocusRetry = 0; setTimeout(_awSetFocus, 0); } function _awSetFocus() { var listbox = document.getElementById('addressingWidget'); var theNewRow = awGetListItem(top.awRow); //Warning: firstVisibleRow is zero base but top.awRow is one base! var firstVisibleRow = listbox.getIndexOfFirstVisibleRow(); var numOfVisibleRows = listbox.getNumberOfVisibleRows(); //Do we need to scroll in order to see the selected row? if (top.awRow <= firstVisibleRow) listbox.scrollToIndex(top.awRow - 1); else if (top.awRow - 1 >= (firstVisibleRow + numOfVisibleRows)) listbox.scrollToIndex(top.awRow - numOfVisibleRows); top.awInputElement.focus(); } function awTabFromRecipient(element, event) { //If we are the last element in the listbox, we don't want to create a new row. if (element == awGetInputElement(top.MAX_RECIPIENTS)) top.doNotCreateANewRow = true; var row = awGetRowByInputElement(element); if (!event.shiftKey && row < top.MAX_RECIPIENTS) { var listBoxRow = row - 1; // listbox row indices are 0-based, ours are 1-based. var listBox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget"); listBox.listBoxObject.ensureIndexIsVisible(listBoxRow + 1); } // be sure to add the recipient to our ignore list // when the user tabs out of an autocomplete line... addRecipientsToIgnoreList(element.value); } function awTabFromMenulist(element, event) { var row = awGetRowByInputElement(element); if (event.shiftKey && row > 1) { var listBoxRow = row - 1; // listbox row indices are 0-based, ours are 1-based. var listBox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget"); listBox.listBoxObject.ensureIndexIsVisible(listBoxRow - 1); } } function awGetNumberOfRecipients() { return top.MAX_RECIPIENTS; } function DropRecipient(recipient) { // break down and add each address return parseAndAddAddresses(recipient, awGetPopupElement(top.MAX_RECIPIENTS).selectedItem.getAttribute("value")); } function _awSetAutoComplete(selectElem, inputElem) { let params = JSON.parse(inputElem.getAttribute('autocompletesearchparam')); params.type = selectElem.value; inputElem.setAttribute('autocompletesearchparam', JSON.stringify(params)); } function awSetAutoComplete(rowNumber) { var inputElem = awGetInputElement(rowNumber); var selectElem = awGetPopupElement(rowNumber); _awSetAutoComplete(selectElem, inputElem) } function awRecipientTextCommand(userAction, element) { if (userAction == "typing" || userAction == "scrolling") awReturnHit(element); } // Called when an autocomplete session item is selected and the status of // the session it was selected from is nsIAutoCompleteStatus::failureItems. // // As of this writing, the only way that can happen is when an LDAP // autocomplete session returns an error to be displayed to the user. // // There are hardcoded messages in here, but these are just fallbacks for // when string bundles have already failed us. // function awRecipientErrorCommand(errItem, element) { // remove the angle brackets from the general error message to construct // the title for the alert. someday we'll pass this info using a real // exception object, and then this code can go away. // var generalErrString; if (errItem.value != "") { generalErrString = errItem.value.slice(1, errItem.value.length-1); } else { generalErrString = "Unknown LDAP server problem encountered"; } // try and get the string of the specific error to contruct the complete // err msg, otherwise fall back to something generic. This message is // handed to us as an nsISupportsString in the param slot of the // autocomplete error item, by agreement documented in // nsILDAPAutoCompFormatter.idl // var specificErrString = ""; try { var specificError = errItem.param.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); specificErrString = specificError.data; } catch (ex) { } if (specificErrString == "") { specificErrString = "Internal error"; } Services.prompt.alert(window, generalErrString, specificErrString); } function awRecipientKeyPress(event, element) { switch(event.keyCode) { case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_UP: awArrowHit(element, -1); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN: awArrowHit(element, 1); break; case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_TAB: // if the user text contains a comma or a line return, ignore if (element.value.search(',') != -1) { var addresses = element.value; element.value = ""; // clear out the current line so we don't try to autocomplete it.. parseAndAddAddresses(addresses, awGetPopupElement(awGetRowByInputElement(element)).selectedItem.getAttribute("value")); } else if (event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_TAB) awTabFromRecipient(element, event); break; } } function awArrowHit(inputElement, direction) { var row = awGetRowByInputElement(inputElement) + direction; if (row) { var nextInput = awGetInputElement(row); if (nextInput) awSetFocus(row, nextInput); else if (inputElement.value) awAppendNewRow(true); } } function awRecipientKeyDown(event, element) { switch(event.keyCode) { case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DELETE: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE: /* do not query directly the value of the text field else the autocomplete widget could potentially alter it value while doing some internal cleanup, instead, query the value through the first child */ if (!element.value) awDeleteHit(element); //We need to stop the event else the listbox will receive it and the function //awKeyDown will be executed! event.stopPropagation(); break; } } function awKeyDown(event, listboxElement) { switch(event.keyCode) { case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DELETE: case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE: /* Warning, the listboxElement.selectedItems will change everytime we delete a row */ var length = listboxElement.selectedItems.length; for (var i = 1; i <= length; i++) { var inputs = listboxElement.selectedItems[0].getElementsByTagName(awInputElementName()); if (inputs && inputs.length == 1) awDeleteHit(inputs[0]); } break; } } function awMenulistKeyPress(event, element) { switch(event.keyCode) { case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_TAB: awTabFromMenulist(element, event); break; } } /* ::::::::::: addressing widget dummy rows ::::::::::::::::: */ var gAWContentHeight = 0; var gAWRowHeight = 0; function awFitDummyRows() { awCalcContentHeight(); awCreateOrRemoveDummyRows(); } function awCreateOrRemoveDummyRows() { var listbox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget"); var listboxHeight = listbox.boxObject.height; // remove rows to remove scrollbar var kids = listbox.childNodes; for (var i = kids.length-1; gAWContentHeight > listboxHeight && i >= 0; --i) { if (kids[i].hasAttribute("_isDummyRow")) { gAWContentHeight -= gAWRowHeight; kids[i].remove(); } } // add rows to fill space if (gAWRowHeight) { while (gAWContentHeight+gAWRowHeight < listboxHeight) { awCreateDummyItem(listbox); gAWContentHeight += gAWRowHeight; } } } function awCalcContentHeight() { var listbox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget"); var items = listbox.getElementsByTagName("listitem"); gAWContentHeight = 0; if (items.length > 0) { // all rows are forced to a uniform height in xul listboxes, so // find the first listitem with a boxObject and use it as precedent var i = 0; do { gAWRowHeight = items[i].boxObject.height; ++i; } while (i < items.length && !gAWRowHeight); gAWContentHeight = gAWRowHeight*items.length; } } function awCreateDummyItem(aParent) { var titem = document.createElement("listitem"); titem.setAttribute("_isDummyRow", "true"); titem.setAttribute("class", "dummy-row"); for (var i = awGetNumberOfCols(); i > 0; i--) awCreateDummyCell(titem); if (aParent) aParent.appendChild(titem); return titem; } function awCreateDummyCell(aParent) { var cell = document.createElement("listcell"); cell.setAttribute("class", "addressingWidgetCell dummy-row-cell"); if (aParent) aParent.appendChild(cell); return cell; } function awGetNextDummyRow() { // gets the next row from the top down var listbox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget"); var kids = listbox.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < kids.length; ++i) { if (kids[i].hasAttribute("_isDummyRow")) return kids[i]; } return null; } function awSizerListen() { // when splitter is clicked, fill in necessary dummy rows each time the mouse is moved awCalcContentHeight(); // precalculate document.addEventListener("mousemove", awSizerMouseMove, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", awSizerMouseUp, false); } function awSizerMouseMove() { awCreateOrRemoveDummyRows(2); } function awSizerMouseUp() { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", awSizerMouseMove, false); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", awSizerMouseUp, false); } function awSizerResized(aSplitter) { // set the height on the listbox rather than on the toolbox var listbox = document.getElementById("addressingWidget"); listbox.height = listbox.boxObject.height; // remove all the heights set on the splitter's previous siblings for (let sib = aSplitter.previousSibling; sib; sib = sib.previousSibling) sib.removeAttribute("height"); } function awDocumentKeyPress(event) { try { var id = event.target.id; if (id.substr(0, 11) == 'addressCol1') awRecipientKeyPress(event, event.target); } catch (e) { } } function awRecipientInputCommand(event, inputElement) { gContentChanged=true; setupAutocomplete(); } // Given an arbitrary block of text like a comma delimited list of names or a names separated by spaces, // we will try to autocomplete each of the names and then take the FIRST match for each name, adding it the // addressing widget on the compose window. var gAutomatedAutoCompleteListener = null; function parseAndAddAddresses(addressText, recipientType) { // strip any leading >> characters inserted by the autocomplete widget var strippedAddresses = addressText.replace(/.* >> /, ""); var addresses = MailServices.headerParser .makeFromDisplayAddress(strippedAddresses); if (addresses.length) { // we need to set up our own autocomplete session and search for results setupAutocomplete(); // be safe, make sure we are setup if (!gAutomatedAutoCompleteListener) gAutomatedAutoCompleteListener = new AutomatedAutoCompleteHandler(); gAutomatedAutoCompleteListener.init(addresses.map(addr => addr.toString()), addresses.length, recipientType); } } function AutomatedAutoCompleteHandler() { } // state driven self contained object which will autocomplete a block of addresses without any UI. // force picks the first match and adds it to the addressing widget, then goes on to the next // name to complete. AutomatedAutoCompleteHandler.prototype = { param: this, sessionName: null, namesToComplete: {}, numNamesToComplete: 0, indexIntoNames: 0, numSessionsToSearch: 0, numSessionsSearched: 0, recipientType: null, searchResults: null, init:function(namesToComplete, numNamesToComplete, recipientType) { this.indexIntoNames = 0; this.numNamesToComplete = numNamesToComplete; this.namesToComplete = namesToComplete; this.recipientType = recipientType; // set up the auto complete sessions to use setupAutocomplete(); this.autoCompleteNextAddress(); }, autoCompleteNextAddress:function() { this.numSessionsToSearch = 0; this.numSessionsSearched = 0; this.searchResults = new Array; if (this.indexIntoNames < this.numNamesToComplete && this.namesToComplete[this.indexIntoNames]) { /* XXX This is used to work, until switching to the new toolkit broke it We should fix it see bug 456550. if (this.namesToComplete[this.indexIntoNames].search('@') == -1) // don't autocomplete if address has an @ sign in it { // make sure total session count is updated before we kick off ANY actual searches if (gAutocompleteSession) this.numSessionsToSearch++; if (gLDAPSession && gCurrentAutocompleteDirectory) this.numSessionsToSearch++; if (gAutocompleteSession) { gAutocompleteSession.onAutoComplete(this.namesToComplete[this.indexIntoNames], null, this); // AB searches are actually synchronous. So by the time we get here we have already looked up results. // if we WERE going to also do an LDAP lookup, then check to see if we have a valid match in the AB, if we do // don't bother with the LDAP search too just return if (gLDAPSession && gCurrentAutocompleteDirectory && this.searchResults[0] && this.searchResults[0].defaultItemIndex != -1) { this.processAllResults(); return; } } if (gLDAPSession && gCurrentAutocompleteDirectory) gLDAPSession.onStartLookup(this.namesToComplete[this.indexIntoNames], null, this); } */ if (!this.numSessionsToSearch) this.processAllResults(); // ldap and ab are turned off, so leave text alone } }, onStatus:function(aStatus) { return; }, onAutoComplete: function(aResults, aStatus) { // store the results until all sessions are done and have reported in if (aResults) this.searchResults[this.numSessionsSearched] = aResults; this.numSessionsSearched++; // bump our counter if (this.numSessionsToSearch <= this.numSessionsSearched) setTimeout('gAutomatedAutoCompleteListener.processAllResults()', 0); // we are all done }, processAllResults: function() { // Take the first result and add it to the compose window var addressToAdd; // loop through the results looking for the non default case (default case is the address book with only one match, the default domain) var sessionIndex; var searchResultsForSession; for (sessionIndex in this.searchResults) { searchResultsForSession = this.searchResults[sessionIndex]; if (searchResultsForSession && searchResultsForSession.defaultItemIndex > -1) { addressToAdd = searchResultsForSession.items.QueryElementAt(searchResultsForSession.defaultItemIndex, Components.interfaces.nsIAutoCompleteItem).value; break; } } // still no match? loop through looking for the -1 default index if (!addressToAdd) { for (sessionIndex in this.searchResults) { searchResultsForSession = this.searchResults[sessionIndex]; if (searchResultsForSession && searchResultsForSession.defaultItemIndex == -1) { addressToAdd = searchResultsForSession.items.QueryElementAt(0, Components.interfaces.nsIAutoCompleteItem).value; break; } } } // no matches anywhere...just use what we were given if (!addressToAdd) addressToAdd = this.namesToComplete[this.indexIntoNames]; // that will automatically set the focus on a new available row, and make sure it is visible awAddRecipient(this.recipientType ? this.recipientType : "addr_to", addressToAdd); this.indexIntoNames++; this.autoCompleteNextAddress(); }, QueryInterface : function(iid) { if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIAutoCompleteListener) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports)) return this; throw Components.results.NS_NOINTERFACE; } }