in theory it should work like that: (extension pack is now free for non-commercial use btw!) Short answer: Execute sudo adduser YOURUSERNAME vboxusers, log out and log in again. Long Answer: Close virtualbox Execute in bash: sudo adduser YOURUSERNAME vboxusers […]
first you have to share a folder with the VM: reboot the VM on the linux-guest open up a terminal: 2. check out what your user id is (uid) cat /etc/passwd|grep YourUsername 3. become root & mount mount -t vboxsf […]
before upgrading virtualbox additions, one might need to uninstall the old version (this should actually happen automatically, when of new new version is run) (actually this script will do it automatically for you, if you want to upgrade) # […]
to find out what version of the guest additions are installed on your linux guest, open up terminal type in: modinfo vboxguest filename: /lib/modules/3.2.0-4-amd64/updates/dkms/vboxguest.ko version: 4.1.18_Debian license: GPL description: Oracle VM VirtualBox Guest Additions for Linux Module author: Oracle Corporation srcversion: […]
Hi all, if you are using a Mac OSX as your Virtualbox host-system you might have had problems with the host not beeing able to pass the USB-Device to the (Windows or other) Guest. 1. shutdown the VM 2. plugin the […]
# delete old vitualbox install package apt-get purge virtualbox # install & download package wget –no-check-certificate apt-key add oracle_vbox.asc echo “deb wheezy contrib” >> /etc/apt/sources.list apt-get update apt-get install virtualbox-4.2 dkms # you might also want the guest […]
if your debian-lxde is stuck to a fixed resolution… make shure that: LXDE auto resize screen VirtualBox Package Installation After setting up your new Lubuntu VM you’ll need to update the sources.list and install several components. Lubuntu doesn’t […]
Houston… we have a problem… 1x cpu core are not enough… how do we poweroff the VM at midnight, increase the cpu cores 1->2, and power on that box, script-wise?
Wussten Sie dass die innovative und kostenlose Virtualisierungs-Software VirtualBox ursprünglich aus Deutschland, Weinstadt stammt? … bevor Sie von Oracle 2002 aufgekauft wurde. Logo of VirtualBox OSE, 2007-2010 VirtualBox was initially offered by innotek GmbH under a proprietary software license, making one version […]
I wanted to use photoshop on this virtual machine… some photoshop filters need grafic card accleration. what i did was go into safe-mode (F8 on startup of windows) increase the Video Memory from 128MB to 256MB… and the damn thing […]
VirtualBox Fenster – Scaling deaktivieren Wenn der Fensterinhalt einer Virtualbox Instanz plötzlich unscharf angezeigt wird, liegt dies an dem aktivierten Skalierungsmodus. Gar nicht so einfach zu finden, wenn man die Menüleiste innerhalb des Virtualbox Fensters deaktiviert hat. Problem: Darstellung des […]
can be done from gui. but forget about the “import/export appliance” stuff. it might work. it might fail. (thats the last time i tested it) since then fancy stuff like “screenrecording” has been integrated… but the core-basic problems… seem unfixed […]
ubuntu 10.12’s unity 3d desktop performes rather slow on my QuadCore Xeon OSX 10.6.8, so i thought i try to improve performance by properly installing the guest additions: open a terminal in ubuntu: 1. optional, but i recommend it because […]
my windows 7 VMs in virtualbox had TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE network performance… … the prolem seemed to be ip6 + virtio drivers. if you want to use virtio drivers… disbale ipv6 in windows 7. also try disable tcp auto tuning: netsh […]
in short: the nice fact is that citrix xen and virtualbox can use the same/similar PIIX3 controler, which makes moving VMs between them a matter of “how to copy the harddisk sector wise”. (MAKE SHURE VIRTUALBOX IS USING THIS CONTROLER […]
Virtualization is a must, if you want to have 50x mail servers, 20x windows servers and 10x linux servers on the same machine 😉 meaning: if your requirements reach a certain complexity, you will not be able to get all […]