Mankind seems to develop “backwards” – from a real democracy during greec times to a hidden and anonymous dictatorship of money and spies. you have nothing to hide… really? why are you using encrypted e-Mail then? This gives you extra […]
Mr Snowden and the Drone Matrix Interview from dude on Vimeo. what is the difference between citizens and subjects? my explanation: citizens have unalienable rights, subjects are private property of someone. and a possible enemy of the state.
“Encryption works. Properly implemented strong crypto systems are one of the few things that you can rely on,” Edward Snowden has said. “We need to think about encryption not as this sort of arcane, black art. It’s a basic protection […]
According to Edward Snowden, people who care about their privacy should stay away from popular consumer Internet services like Dropbox, Facebook, and Google. Snowden conducted a remote interview today as part of the New Yorker Festival, where he was asked […] Snowden Bombshell: NSA Hacked Computers/Installed Malware While Posing as Facebook Posted on March 13, 2014 by Lily Dane Just when you thought the NSA couldn’t get any more detestable, new information released yesterday reveals that the agency has […]
And that’s what he revealed to us: 2) How many sets of the documents you disclosed did you make, and how many different people have them? If anything happens to you, do they still exist? 2) All I can say […]