to mount a NFS share on boot you need to specify it in /etc/fstab (/etc/init.d/rc.local -> script did not work for me in debian-jessie) # tested with Debian 8 su – root; # become root # install basic software needed […]
We are talking about that piece of hardware: while this is a neat idea… i had trouble getting NFS compiled into the image/kernel… but up to that point, things worked pretty well 😀 another thing is: to rely on the […]
Enable SSH Access via SSH and login as the admin user with whatever that password is /etc/init.d/ stop And then disable the services by editing that file: vim /etc/init.d/ modify the line starting with MULTIMEDIA_PATH and set it to = […]
UNTESTED! please checkout this excellent guide: if you want a slim and sleak and reliable NAS and do WIHTOUT THE NEED for the 10.000x billion features, iTunes-Media server, Video transcoding slowing down your expensive QNAP NAS system (i think […]
what use is it if one disk fails… and half of the swap area goes lost and you can not resync the disks because some system-processes are failing…. # switch off swap space swapoff -a # check out what software […]
watch in HD 🙂 DO NOT CREATE SWAP AS RAID0! (you gonna want more stability and less performance: how to change swap from raid0 to raid1) follow this guide to get full blown Debian on your kirkwood QNAP NAS: 1. […]
update: safety first! when it comes to important files: safety comes first while xfs is surely doing a great and fast job, test if undelete utilities work now for ext4, if yes, go for ext4 (having experienced some problems with […]
screenshot of the web gui, with all the arty farty fancy stuff: … QNAP TS-219P and TS-219P+ Component Comment CPU Marvell Kirkwood 88F6281 A0, 1.2 GHz (TS-219P) or 88F6282 1.6 GHz (TS-219P+) RAM 512 MB DDR II Flash […]