Tag: firefox


top hotkeys: Shift+Strg+Y = Downloads Window Strg+T = new Tab / neuer Tab Strg+N = new Windows / neues Fenster Strg+W = close current Window or Tab / aktuellen Tab und Fenster schliessen Strg+S = save page / aktuelle Seite […]


Checkout: IceCat while you probably never can avoid 100% surveillance at least try to keep your BigData footprint as small as possible… (same for CO2 😀 and fossil-fuels) Linux Systems: Downloads: http://www.srware.net/downloads/iron-linux.tar.gz (32-Bit) http://www.srware.net/downloads/iron-linux-64.tar.gz (64-Bit) Downloads für Debian-basierte Distributionen (Debian, […]


netscape -> firefox -> google? how independent is the mozilla foundation? and why is it cooperating with google so much? they are not even on the html5 WHATWG team that creates the next version of html5? or yes they are […]