top hotkeys: Shift+Strg+Y = Downloads Window Strg+T = new Tab / neuer Tab Strg+N = new Windows / neues Fenster Strg+W = close current Window or Tab / aktuellen Tab und Fenster schliessen Strg+S = save page / aktuelle Seite […]
Checkout: IceCat while you probably never can avoid 100% surveillance at least try to keep your BigData footprint as small as possible… (same for CO2 😀 and fossil-fuels) Linux Systems: Downloads: (32-Bit) (64-Bit) Downloads für Debian-basierte Distributionen (Debian, […]
… because Firefox (ex-Netscape) is now almost fully absorbed by all-mighty google (it will sync your PASSWORDS (!) with NSA supervised google servers… handing all your passwords STRAIGHT to the NSA… CIA… USA) Opera seems to head the same way. […]
cross browser and platform compatibility is one of the main reasons for customers and developers to go for html, css + javascript. html5 is again (IMHO) making things more complicated for those folks. folks that want to build fancy demos […]