determing what to backup 1. start a screen session (this will allow you to logoff and the backup will still be running on the system) apt-get install screen; # if not instlled allready screen -S backup; # start a new […]
update: safety first! when it comes to important files: safety comes first thus recommend to the user that wants to go pro the following backup system: have two complete backups at two different places: backupA: at the company, USB […]
Posted on 06-09-2005 03:00:00 UTC | Updated on 06-09-2005 03:00:00 UTC Section: /software/dd/ | Permanent Link I’ve never used dd before to copy disks. It’s a unix tool that copies files bit by bit. Since hard disks on unix systems […]
split the files into smaler files (1GB e.g.) i would create a new screen session on server and run the command in there (so you can logoff/close terminal and it will continue) screen -S split # create new screen session with […]
its actually not that easy… but also not that hard to also backup larger files reliable and encrypted (!) over internet yourself. 0. setup ssh on your backup-server, so the backup-user can login without beeing prompted for password (safer and […]
linus torvalds hates backups, he like everyone else, tends to not do them. but if you feel your multiple wordpress installations should be backed up, in case some russian spam-hacker manages to completely compromise your site(s). you can install this […]
can be done from gui. but forget about the “import/export appliance” stuff. it might work. it might fail. (thats the last time i tested it) since then fancy stuff like “screenrecording” has been integrated… but the core-basic problems… seem unfixed […]
01.2013, debian 6.0.6 i used this procedure to backup and restore / move a linux based citrix xen vm to virtualbox. (acronis linux-full version made problems, windows/dos version was controlable but can only sector-copy a linux partition) on the system […]