here are the latest privacy terms: privacy ÄT spacex DDDOTT com one fine day, DNS stopped working. the reason this time was NOT on the server-side, but on the Google side, blocking all DNS servers that are NOT google. […]
update: 2023: Ads revenue at down -60% In German there is a saying: “Ein Griff in’s Klo” “A grab in the toilet” “if i am so smart why did i pay so much for twitter then?” (Elon Musk) (nobody […]
OF COURSE Dennis Ritchie is the father of C. (An appreciation of the late Dennis Ritchie) (src of the src) Ken Thompson: “was writing FORTRAN in TMG” “when it finally got down to 4k, called it B“ “B and C were […]
as most users know, Ubuntu (a Nguni Bantu term meaning “humanity”) is, still (luckily) based on GNU Linux Debian. But more software is not necessarily better. What Ubuntu nicely does: more recent kernel it aims for even greater hardware compatibility […]
want to make this world a better place? want to support true alternatives? gcc makerz Debian, the still superb miniamlistic universal (runs-everywhere and anywhere) GNU Linux Distribution that is heavily how to documented in this knowledge base 😀 (never […]
BUT: only 1.5% of all OpenSSL instances were found to be impacted by this security flaw HeartBleed revival party? why complexity is the enemy: “parser written in C was never properly tested for security problems” says “The Heartbleed bug would […]
“The biggest network security threat today is a remote code execution exploit for Intel’s Management Engine.” “Every computer with an Intel chipset produced in the last decade would be vulnerable to this exploit, and RCE would give an attacker full […]
cyber is on heightened alarm levels … ya’ll know why. timeline of a successful attack on the most basic tools like: exiftool cve-2021-22204 (failed to properly validate parsed input) This was reported by a security researcher on April 7, 2021, […]
a word of warning: NEVER EVER INSTALL GAMES ON “FOR WORK” MACHINES! also: NEVER run any downloaded games while being connected to a network of importance (no matter if private or business) (nobody knows what those C++ dlls are up […]
a word of warning: NEVER EVER INSTALL GAMES ON “FOR WORK” MACHINES! NEVER run any downloaded games while being connected to a network of importance (no matter if private or business) (nobody knows what those C++ dlls are up to) […]
update: there is indeed a small screw missing from the angle grinder: Ersatzteilinformation: part detailed information: 1603300016 Sachnummer: 1603300016 Beschreibung: Sechskantmutter DIN-Text: M7, SW10 Preis * 1,04 €* Preisgruppe 11 * Alle Preise inkl. Mehrwertsteuer zzgl. Versandkosten Always say something […]
0) for security: keep all internet connected devices as up to date as possible! “Freifunk updates its router firmware and closes a critical security vulnerability that could allow attackers to install their own firmware on the devices” (src: Also […]
the risks of all digital (no cash) payment systems & amok AI: “This happens quite often with customers of the Cashgroup banks (@DeutscheBank / @Postbank / @Commerzbank / @Comdirect) as soon as their algorithms hit your account is directly without […]
create a new shared folder on the nas call it “data” enable NFSv4, disable NFSv3 specify list of IPs that are allowed to access the NFSv4 share: don’t forget to hit “Apply” the idea is “anyway” to NAS<-directly-LAN-1000MBit->PC connect the […]
just trying to help and save lifes here. copy out the passage of language (auto translated via into a word.doc modify/add things you might think are missing (recherche) print and hand it out put it in a place where […]
everyone hates em…. cookie banners it’s “funny” (no actually not and is not a site this user is visiting very often, it was this article that the user was interested in:, is actually writing for, so […]
Old Fusion-joke: “Fusion is always 30 years away” But Update: wants to end this long wait by 2024 by producing the first fusion reactor that actually produces more energy than it consumes. First of: no fan of cancer. In […]
what is great about books vs blogs? (+) paper books don’t need electricity and hightech to function. energy grid and tcp networks (up to now) have worked pretty reliably, but at any given day, a massive solar flare or a […]
“log4j is a reliable, fast and flexible logging framework (APIs) written in Java, which is distributed under the Apache Software License.log4j has been ported to the C, C++, C#, Perl, Python, Ruby, and Eiffel languages.” (src: easy exploitable […]
simplicity is key: what is definately great and a big plus is the “openness” of the Android (a by Google heavily modified GNU-Linux) environment. no need for extra software (itunes) to access the device a usb-c-cable will do connect it […]
the positive vision (always start with something positive) if big data about every keystroke every step we make (the police: every step you make) algorithms determine how mankind will live and thus: technology is “neutral” until it is used for […]
warning: no guarantee of completeness! contains ads! (but owner of blog get’s nothing, maybe source of source does) Are the odds against the (itsec) defenders? It certainly feels that way, because no human can ever find all bugs, so Fuzzing […]
nfs is to GNU-Linux what smb is to Windows: sharing dirs & files “The Network File System (NFS) was developed to allow machines to mount a disk partition on a remote machine as if it were a local disk. It […]
what is great about C? the simplicity of the compiler that just run’s anywhere still THE most resource efficient language with C the user does not have to buy a new computer every 3 years, because of updates slowing down […]
in short: humans per default, without an education might just be “better” apes. Some parts of mankind behave very primitive and clearly show no signs of higher intelligence or education. The troubles start, when the tools become more and more […]
tested on hostnamectl Static hostname: lenovo Icon name: computer-laptop Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Kernel: Linux 4.19.0-17-amd64 Architecture: x86-64 preperations: su – root apt update # install vim and git and curl apt install vim git curl # install […]
no man is a island. ALWAYS say something positive first: what went right? THEN start what should be better NOBODY will be de-motivated sometimes inter-human interaction and cooperation and communication in text and beyond are necessary. also (of course) great […]
hostnamectl; # tested on Static hostname: giada Icon name: computer-desktop Chassis: desktop Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Kernel: Linux 4.19.0-17-amd64 Architecture: x86-64 su – root apt update # will install Java Web Start and openjdk-11-jre apt install icedtea-netx java-common […]
every user want’s a fast & responsive internet. BIND and DNS – the Phonebook of the internet – Berkeley Internet Name Domain – how to benchmark dns servers (find fastest) – LibreDNS There is nothing more anoying than slow loading […]
short story: phase it out So it finally happened, Oracle wants to cash in on it’s $7.4 Billion investment it made in 2009. The non-Open-Source non-GPL non-Free-Software-coffee has officially gone sour. One can just pray, that this will be a […]