Category: windows

Windows Batch CMD scripts – why endless loop?

sometimes the scripts that used to work perfectly well – suddenly start to miss behave – but you HAVE NOT altered them! look closely to the directory they reside in… maybe something in the dir has changed! make sure: your […]

CentOS7 install ntfs support

one partly cloudy day i was trying to copy things via usb stick… it would not work. i realized: i haven’t used NTFS for a while 😀 yum install ntfs-3g fuse replug the stick. you don’t even have to restart […]


REM delete all mapped network drives net use * /DELETE /Y REM map two drives net use W: “\\\SharedFolderA” /persistent:yes /user:usernameA PaSsWorDA net use T: “\\\SharedFolderB” /persistent:yes /user:usernameB PaSsWorDB what you need to know: windows CAN NOT establish two connects […]


You might want to checkout very basic sequential write/read benchmark with dd. You might want to checkout iozone in c harddisk benchmark. this benchmark is especially useful if you need to measure how java is performing on your harddisk/filesystem/os (linux […]

Howto install and setup SMB File Sharing Server (dance Samba) with GNU Linux – virtualbox and kvm template vms – samba losing files after reboot (RAM cache not synced too often)

the best about samba: thanks for samba, it provides users with a fast (of course depends also on harddisk speed) rock-solid no-limit-to-maximum-users file-server for maximum file-transfer-and-sharing-and-storage productivity (and they will USE that T: temp drive for EVERYTHING! prepare for TERRABYTES […]


what it means: there are updates for windows … (windows itself is spyware :-D)

Re Install Grub2 Linux Boot Loader with KNOPPIX

Manchmal wenn man eine Festplatte einfach von einem System (Laptop) in ein anderes System (Desktop/Workstation) plugged and played – läuft Linux meist reibungslos… aber Windows nicht, welches man evtl. für Spiele (was sonst) “braucht” 😀 Also muss man Windows reinstallieren… […]


To be honest… SharePoint… seems to be: Office and Wiki in a Browser… is that it? A Wiki is a editable Website where you can also upload files into… if it exists as OpenSource Software… why would you spend MONEY […]


Why do i SEE two Programme folders, one beeing locked? So what does “VERBINDUNG” (connection) mean? Hardlink? Softlink? Mount? Ok so there is one “Program Files” (64Bit) and one “Program Files (x86)” (32Bit) folder… But there is more.


Another day, another Windows 8 issue. This time, it appears that Microsoft’s latest operating system is blocking Linux-based recovery environments, including Acronis’ very popular True Image software. Consumers who try to boot from a recovery image are blocked by Microsoft’s […]


i tried to create a “restore drive” with a running windows 8 installation… but it won’t recognize a newly bought kingston 32GB USB Stick nor an 64GB Stick… so the size did not matter this time. alternatively: Installing the […]


yes it was cheap, but why pay more for a BETA version that missuses your valuable time for testing their software? well sometimes for compatibility reasons you can’t get around it… but GOLEM says it could be “FAKE” […]


LETZTE CHANCE IHREN PC SICHER ZU MACHEN! ODER SIE INSTALLIEREN EINFACH LINUX 😀 und erhalten alle Updates bis an’s Lebensende kostenfrei. Grundsätzlich-Bedingungsloses-Updates (GBU) in Anspielung auf das Bedingungslose-Grund-Einkommen (BGE)


Inside VirtualBox i can play CounterStrike… but it seems to not be possible to get the Android-Device Emulator to work… because of missing hardware accleration.   What you will need: 1. android studio bundle: direct link: 2. Oracle […]


Thumbs.db are autoamtically created by Windows XP / 7 and probably Win 10 in every directory that contains pictures, it is a very downsized Version of those pictures stored in Thumbs.db (probably) for the purpose of displaying Thumbnails / preview […]


… das ist deswegen, weil man wenigstens ein zuverlässiges Gerät braucht (auf welchem so gut wie keine Software installiert ist, nur das nötigste), welches zuverlässig die E-Mails abruft und einen relativ sicher im Internet surfen lässt und auch so “einfache” Dinge […]


question: same question: windows disable network discovery Browser search term: windows disable network discovery iphlpsvc konkret geht es hierum: exact same question: in theory it could work like this, but simply firng the command netsh advfirewall […]


If you check taskmgr and only can see one CPU core at (100%) work… you need atleast a second one. This procedure was tested on VirtualMachine with Win XP SP3: This worked for me (VirtualBox XP Pro)… 1) Go into c:windows […]