Category: web

akamai state of the internet quarterly report
23.06.2017 security Q1 2017: connectivity: Q4 2016

Programming Languages and Security

ich wollte mal wissen, wie steht es eigentlich um die Security auf Technologie / Programmiersprachen-Ebene? D.h. welche Programmiersprachen machen es einem schwer vs. einfach sichere Software zu schreiben? Natürlich kann man in jeder Programmiersprache angreifbare Projekte entwickeln… das ist kein […]


*GRRRRRR* now you know why i hate updates 😀 they can brake “old” functionality, but sticking with “the old” is sometimes not an option. as a developer you do not want to test your javascript with 10x versions of a […]


To be honest… SharePoint… seems to be: Office and Wiki in a Browser… is that it? A Wiki is a editable Website where you can also upload files into… if it exists as OpenSource Software… why would you spend MONEY […]


You can run this tool on your Linux or OSX box: Linux: Debian On Debian testing and unstable: Step 1. Type the following in your terminal: apt-get install ooniprobe; On Debian stable (jessie): Step 1. Configure debian backports by […]

GNU Linux -> Debian -> Recording WebRadio Stations under CentOS7 UPDATED

All GUI programs are based/use streamripper. no gui/bash/terminal version: hostnamectl; # tested with Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Kernel: Linux 4.19.0-8-amd64 Architecture: x86-64 su – root; # become root apt update; apt install streamripper; Ctrl+D; # logoff root # […]

23.09.2016 Checkout: IceCat Ok, let’s put this straigt. Mozilla HAD (!!!) a contract with Google from 2012 – 2014 that showered them with money – which they probably got a lot of shitstorms, and online-bashing. But even worse: Google stole […]


The command line string to do the conversion uses TiMidity++ and LAME and on a Linux server are as straightforward as: [cc lang=”bash” escaped=”true” width=”600″] apt-get update; # as usual apt-get install timidity lame; # install software timidity file.mid -Ow […]


it was a bad idea to use the vestacp backup and restore function. unfortunately i believe you are better off restoring every domain by hand. [cc lang=”bash” escaped=”true” width=”600″] systemctl status apache2.service ● apache2.service – LSB: Apache2 web server Loaded: […]


WARNING! central VestaCP software vendor was hacked in 2018 not sure if they fixed the problem and continue VestaCP development (a shame, it was really a very very nice web based gui to admin web and mailsevers) it should work. […]

Linux: Alternative Browsers – last update: 2019-07

update: 2018.04 PaleMoon archive Server HACKED! “A malicious party gained access to the at the time Windows-based archive server” (src) oh gosh! ? GO USE CENTOS DEBIAN AND LATEST KERNEL NOW! “malware dropper tracked by ESET as Win32/ClipBanker.DY” (steals bitcoins) […]


Checkout: IceCat Description BlueLightCat is a simple browser whose feature list includes things like “History”, “Bookmarks” and “QuickView”, that is a page to see the most visited hosts. It is small, less then 10,000 lines of code and very fast. […]


Click here to generate for facebook:   Introduction So you just finished your very first web app and you’d like to let other people share it on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or any other social network they use. This […]

GNU Linux – bash script – WebHTTrack and wget – Recursively download/backup entire Website

wget way: wget –no-check-certificate –limit-rate=5k –random-wait –recursive –no-clobber –page-requisites –html-extension –convert-links # remove “–random-wait” and rate “–limit-rate” if it’s the user’s website and bandwidth is no problem vim /scripts/; # create new file and fill with this content #!/bin/bash […]


SSLv3 is older than my daughter, but is still supported by all major browsers. The latest crypto bug is a MITM (man in the middle) attack that could allow anyone with a network device (WiFi router) sitting between browser users […]


Just ran this Benchmark plan: summary of benchmarks of this plan: Plan Virtualization RAM HDD Bandwidth Monthly Cost vServer VQ 7 KVM 512MB 20GB 1TB €7.90 Benchmark results: compare it to other plans: VPS by BearScore.html (sorted after BearScore) System […]


there is a file called: /.settings/org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs in your Aptana installation. (at least under OSX but should be the same under windows) example content: RECENT_WORKSPACES= RECENT_WORKSPACES_PROTOCOL=3 SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=true eclipse.preferences.version=1   1. open that file 2. delete everything after “RECENT_WORKSPACES=” 3. turn SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=false to SHOW_WORKSPACE_SELECTION_DIALOG=true […]


… mit schrecken musste ich feststellen: Diese Seite einer bekannten Ulmer Werbeagentur… enthält keine Keywords: Update: 07.2015: Sie haben jetzt Keywords: <title>Agentur für Internet, Web, App, individuelle Software Entwicklung in Ulm rrooaarr interactive solutions</title> <meta name=”keywords” content=”Apps, Softwareentwicklung, Internet […]