Category: Politik

Erfahrungen mit Congstar Telekom Mobilfunk D1 – Congstar: Licht und Schatten des pinken Riesen – “Wie ich will” Prepaid mit monatlichen Vertrags-Verwirrungs-Optionen und Droh-Ansagen – Wifi WLAN in Berlin

short version: 2021: bin wieder bei SimDiscount X-D + D1 Masten nicht überbucht/gute Netzqualität bei Nutzung von LTE (muss Handy können, kostet 5€ extra d.h. für 25€ monatlich (Stand: 2020-01) kann man dann tatsächlich sein Handy auch nutzen (falls dieses […]


Capitalism inspires the short sighted incentives. But trust and honesty is key in long term relationships. So for a short period of time – some dishonest people might enjoy the benefits – but in the end – it comes home […]

cost of cybercrime and lawful backdoors

“The cost to companies from malware and “malicious insider”-related cyberattacks jumped +12 percent in 2018 and accounted for one-third of all cyberattack costs, according to new research published today by Accenture and the Ponemon Institute.” src: logical consequence: stop […]

No more Music on Youtube! – Is article 13 destroying YouTube? – Artikel13 internet freedom sacrificed – result of influence of big establishment media Lobby in the EU – Wird Artikel 13 das internet zerstören? -Einfluss der Lobby großer Medienhäuser in EU deutlich spürbar

Update: Article13 for North Stream 2 pipeline between Germany and Russia Mrs Reda (one of the last honest politicians out there, used to be in Pirate Party but now even advises to vote against it, because also in the Pirate […]

How far has the BigBrother from 1984 already gone?

“Thank you” i feel much safer now, that you know EVERYTHING about me, you, everybody. it is about influencing and directing the masses like a herd of cattle. Room 641A is a telecommunication interception facility in the SBC Communications […]

russian robots – and the future of warfare – or drone-fare

as idiotic as it sounds… but the drone wars of Star Wars and the shit from iron man 3 could actually become reality… … why do you think Google just sponsored a robot challenge? Maybe to help older people wipe their […]