UPDATE! Debian 9 supports Compiz super fancy 3D Accelerated Desktop!? UNTESTED! (it will probably only work with limit amounts of GPU, like 1 out of 3 laptops will support it, this was true for compiz under Knoppix 7.2) https://youtu.be/Z34aQ_xH7ac how […]
update: 2019-01 if you are having trouble getting VirtualBox Additions to run on your guest vm, you might want to checkout this article and compile your own kernel. how to compile latest kernel under debian: https://dwaves.de/2017/06/28/debian-compiling-the-latest-kernel-compile-customize-kernel-download-install-linux-kernel-headers/ it is a little […]
did i actually mention how i love it that those Gnome guys copied the OSX settings menu? ( can’t wait until Microloft comes around) it’s pretty and good usability.. simply search for something… and find the right setting. here is […]
vim /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf [SeatDefaults] #xserver-command=X #xserver-layout= #xserver-config= xserver-allow-tcp=false #xdmcp-manager= #xdmcp-port=177 #xdmcp-key= greeter-session=lightdm-greeter greeter-hide-users=true #greeter-allow-guest=true #greeter-show-manual-login=false #login with LXDE as default (default xSession) user-session=LXDE #allow-guest=true #guest-session=UNIMPLEMENTED session-wrapper=/etc/X11/Xsession #display-setup-script= #greeter-setup-script= #session-setup-script= #session-cleanup-script= #autologin-guest=false ###################### > CHANGE THIS LINE TO THE USER THAT SHOULD […]