Category: networking

Freetz Alternative Firmware for Older FritzBoxes

JavaScript can compromise the user’s network devices! pretty evil are devices/routers with security problems, that can be exploited from javascript. so basically opening a webpage with a browser that has javascript enabled (which most browsers have) might scan the user’s […]

1984 mass surveillance: for a better world? – trust – mass surveillance – and why is there so much violence on TV? – the trust problem between gov and citizens needs to be addressed – Trump to end all encryption? – short version summary of 1984

scroll down and behave! (slaves of digital dictatorships) short version summary of 1984: short version: 1984 needs to be avoided at any cost. because: it is evil. (Google did not drop it’s motto “don’t be evil” for nothing) in essence: […]


hostnamectl; # tested on Icon name: computer-desktop Chassis: desktop Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Kernel: Linux 4.19.0-8-amd64 Architecture: x86-64 su – root; # become root apt update apt install rfkill rfkill list all 0: phy0: Wireless LAN Soft blocked: […]

FREIES WLAN FÜR AALE (und die anderen Fische auch)

wishes for next year: free wifi for eels (and other creatures) Why does EVERYONE have to run their own WIFI / pay their OWN internet access? When it would be enough to have one fast internet access plus 2-3x WIFI […]

quantum computing and a universe wide wireless communication network faster than the speed of light

Why is quantum computing important: optimization Update: Google claims to have reached quantum supremacy The tech giant unveiled its x-quantum computer chip Bristlecone in March 2018 (src: cnet) original nasa paper: book: Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ! […]

ntpd – when fundamentals fail

servers/clients/computers/programs/services/webservers need accurate time… they usually get it from time servers that have an atomic clock attached to their USB port. (just guessing) ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=46 time=43.5 […]

a pretty good ipv6 introduction – ipv4 depletion

IPv6: Introduction it’s the year 2019, roughly 14% of the web is running ipv6. you can watch real time statistics here: (i have no clue how accurate the data is, how they are generated) … but it seems there […]

wireshark filter your own traffic – filter traffic from mac

sometimes you just want to listen to incoming traffic… not the noise that your machine generates: # checkout what mac your NIC has ip addr show; ifconfig -a; # filter it in wireshark not eth.addr==28:d2:XX:XX:XX:XX it’s not just a tool…. […]

lnav – like less but more colorful output of log files

CentOS8: ccze author not willing to maintain ccze. no ccze and not even lnav available. how to monitor all logs… as i was wondering what combination of less -R with or without ccze would allow me to view log […]

Monitoring Performance of Linux Servers

monitor (andoird) devices with bpf: so guess “monitoring” is about two things: availability and performance: detect performance bottlenecks get informed if parts (harddisks) / servers have failed / are about to fail security: detect, report and (if possible) automatically […]