Unfortunately Debian – and i guess the rest of the Linux world as well – users have a pretty hard time finding WIFI and LAN cards but also grafix cards that can run with 100% free software. (FSF! STALLMAN! HELP! […]
While biodiversity is GOOD and efficiency is NOT all we need. Nature looks for a balance of efficiency (30%) and resilience (70%). Standardization is enshuring that your work is compatible with future versions – therefore important for programmers, administrators and […]
massive amounts of recordings now available for those who did not get a sponsored flight on an hydrogen powered spaceship… 😀 (me). https://media.libreplanet.org/u/libreplanet/tag/libreplanet-2017-video/ libreplanet‘s media with tag libreplanet-2017-video The GNU philosophy: Ethics beyond ethics Algorithmic bias: Where it comes from […]
https://fsfe.org/index.en.html f
Update: FOSS Alternatives Video Conferencing: https://itsfoss.com/jami/ Google Project Zero security examination of WebRTC: https://googleprojectzero.blogspot.com/2018/12/adventures-in-video-conferencing-part-1.html WebRTC is the “new web browser based video conferencing kid on the block” and it is pretty cool: in theory possible to run one’s own server […]
this is a little contradicting… https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.en.html yeah okay… basically what Mr Stallman wants is that all JS-script comes with a free license… so he is not against JS in general. But never the less JS stays a security concern. but […]
It is actually a scandal that the world depends on chips and operating systems – that are designed to do mass-surveillance – it seems – in order to build up a world-wide-dictatorship that no-one can escape… by information and money. […]
This article is about finding out: What low-power PC with decent performance is best suitable for solar-powered (12v would be nice) Off-Grid-computing while respecting your privacy in an FSF-kind? done! see: run a Solar-Battery powered 12V Raspberry Pi Model B […]
massively interesting article in German “how much do they know?” https://www.kuketz-blog.de/datenhaendler-wir-sind-glaesern-datensammler-teil1/ security alert: modern cpus from intel and amd have an build-in backdoor i just wonder when there will be an automatic self-destruction mechanism in your HARDWARE – “ah. You […]
The really great thing about open source there is always a hacker stripping out the bad stuff, leaving in the good stuff and releasing it to the public. thank you! there is even a mobile version of it. BE AWARE! […]