Category: free software

Alternative to the Alternative: Mumble (Audio only) vs WebRTC based video conferencing – Howto Setup jitsi debian mate – OpenSource alternative to Skype

Update: FOSS Alternatives Video Conferencing: Google Project Zero security examination of WebRTC: WebRTC is the “new web browser based video conferencing kid on the block” and it is pretty cool: in theory possible to run one’s own server […]


Table of Contents Introduction to Mach Advantages of GNU Mach Status of the project Introduction to GNU Mach GNU Mach is the microkernel of the GNU system. A microkernel provides only a limited functionality, just enough abstraction on top of the hardware to […]

23.09.2016 Checkout: IceCat Ok, let’s put this straigt. Mozilla HAD (!!!) a contract with Google from 2012 – 2014 that showered them with money – which they probably got a lot of shitstorms, and online-bashing. But even worse: Google stole […]


Die komplette Durchkommerzialisierung von OpenSource-Projekten ist selten gut… Mozilla Foundation going commercial… if you sell your soul and your culture… there is soon nothing to be left to sell. “In 2005, the Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla Corporation had a combined […]


Alternative: Welche aber keine mp3 erstellten. es ist ein Katz und Maus spiel… zwischen Youtube und JDownloader, dem praktischen Multi-Downloader-Programm welcher die Youtube Videos wahlweise in verschiednen Qualitätsstufen als auch nur die Tonspur als mp3 herunterladen konnte. Bis c.a. 10.2013, […]


Update: 2018-6: It’s official: Microsoft will spend a whopping $7.5 billion to buy GitHub THE LINUX KERNELS ARE managed @ github! see for yourself: Linus Torvalds, after using CVS at a commercial company he experienced it as beeing a pointless […]


The rules of a successful life stand over the rules of software project management. 1. The meaning of life is to be happy. If you are not a psychopath (have social skills as compassion, empathy) you will also want others […]


the git-concept: 1. you have a local git repository (/var/www/projectname/.git) 2. via commandline you “hook-up” the local repository with a remote repository (transmission is done via ssh, keys or password) 3. first you commit to local repository, than you do […]


PLEASE WATCH ONLY IN HD! OTHERWISE TOO BLURRY! THANKS! (it’s highly compressed) Now you got your git repository cloned…. to get write access @ sourceforge git repo: 1. register @ 2. generate ssh-keys 3. upload your public key […]


Feb.2013 this is german please use google translate to get english content. thank you! SO GEIL ENDLICH HAT DAS MAL JEMAND AUFGESCHRIEBEN. ICH EMPFEHLE, DIE SERVER-SEITIGE ENTWICKLUNGSUMGEBUNG AUF EINEM RAID gestützen TEST-WEB-SERVER MIT ZU INSTALLIEREN (wie s.h. hier: AM BESTEN […]