here he is Mr Poettering in 2014 explaining systemd and why it ought to be soooo complex. with all decision making, it should be rational and fact and reason based and then stick to it (aka systemA boots faster than […]
“The Unix Philosophy in One Lesson” “All the philosophy really boils down to one iron law, the hallowed ‘KISS principle’ of master engineers everywhere:” “Keep It Simple, Stupid” or “Keep It Super Simple” (less offensive) The Unix philosophy emphasizes building […]
First of all… if you are getting started with Linux… DO NOT USE SUSE! FRANKLY: It might have it’s pros… but it’s nothing to get started, not good for newbies. There the “Universal” idea of Debian (run anywhere) is key. […]
DDoS attacks are nasty stuff. Even such simple programs as – autobench – Automates the benchmarking of web servers using httperf – can sufficiently choke a webserver by spawning hundreds and thousands of mysql processes – exhausting all resources of […]
It is actually a scandal that the world depends on chips and operating systems – that are designed to do mass-surveillance – it seems – in order to build up a world-wide-dictatorship that no-one can escape… by information and money. […]
massively interesting article in German “how much do they know?” security alert: modern cpus from intel and amd have an build-in backdoor i just wonder when there will be an automatic self-destruction mechanism in your HARDWARE – “ah. You […]
in General: NFS is pretty fast protocol for accessing files. It uses less overhead than SMB/CIFS and therefore acchieves greater performance. method1) rsyncing to a nfs-mounted qnap nas went with 20,7 MBytes/sec. method2) while directly ssh-rsyncing to qnap works only […]
checkout this post: EDIMAX EW-7612UAn V2 THE ONLY (?) GNU Linux WIFI WLAN Adapter that works OUT OF THE BOX on all GNU Linux systems (ODROID RASPBERRY AND Desktop GNU Linux) Recommended tested Hardware – Superb Wifi WLAN Adapter Chipset […]
Errno::ENOMEM at /tags/news seconds later it was back on line… Cannot allocate memory – ps Ruby /home/diaspora/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8@diaspora/gems/activesupport- in `, line 7 Web GET Jump to: GET POST Cookies ENV Traceback (innermost first) /home/diaspora/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8@diaspora/gems/activesupport- in ` super… /home/diaspora/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.8@diaspora/gems/activesupport- in […]
it’s so annoying… the brother devices report “toner low” and STOP PRINTING 😀 based on the page-count… not the actual toner-levels. (there used to be “windows” on the side of the toners so you could see (and the device detect) […]
i have a failing js script somewhere in the page… the CPU core goes up to 100% and stays there… its very (NOT!!!!) funny. did uncheck this “disable javascript” in firefox “iceweasel” 31.7.0…. and it does NUTHIN!!! noscript light also […]
… in theory it should not be THAT hard to swap the interal harddisk for an SSD and give the laptop some boost. TO BE HONEST: IT CAN BE DONE – BUT YOU GONNA WASTE A LOT OF TIME if […]
“Bei Lithium-Ionen-Akkumulatoren führt eine Tiefentladung auf unter 2,4 V zu irreversibler Schädigung und zu Kapazitätsverlust. Sinkt die Spannung einer Zelle auf unter 1,5 V, sollte sie nicht mehr verwendet werden. Es ist sehr wahrscheinlich, dass sich Kupferbrücken ausgebildet haben, welche dann zu […]
It’s really horrible… older and cheap (Siemens?) monitors are not compatible with newer DisplayPort -> DVI or HDMI -> DVI signals. NO MATTER YOUR SETTINGS! If there is no output… try a newer monitor… if there is output… you know […]
NO PANIC! as the user might know a kernel-panic is just as bad as a human-panic, yes supply chain attacks are bad… very bad… as can be seen with the SolarWinds(hacked)->product for Network management used by many Top100 companies including […]
haben hier ein: Aldi Medion Lifetab Tablet MD 98486 E10312 Lässt sich nicht mehr laden/anschalten… alles versucht auch über USB nicht aufladbar. verwendete Hardware: TVE101S v1.2.1 = Rockchip RK3066(Cortex-A9 dual-core),1.6GHz Ist es möglich das defekte Bauteil zu identifizieren und zu tauschen? (S.h. […]
computers are just like our governmental or financial system: serial failures. we expect them to fail. it’s not the exception – its the rule. so we better build alternative systems with less software. to simplify is to make reliable and stable. […]
i love the american people… but here and there are totally irresponsible ceos. unfortunally i have to say… nokia would have been better off builing 6310s than doing this… souce: Stephen Elop: I wasn’t a Trojan horse for Microsoft […]
This feature seems broken under vboxmanage -v VirtualBox 5.1.8r111374 atleast it does not display anything in my installation… (even with VM having Guest-Additions installed) get a list of all resource usage under Linux: Open Up a Terminal, you could hit […]
Eine kleine Auswahl an Screenshots welche einen in den Wahnsinn treiben: … von denen man sich fragt “Wer hat diese sch… konzipiert und programmiert?” … toll. und was jetzt? Alle Dateien die zu lang sind von Hand suchen und […]
there are bugs in cpus! so don’t always say “the problem sits in front of the computer” – that’s simply not always true – if the hardware and software leaves the factory – with problems “preinstalled”. the problem started with […]
… eigentlich müsste man echt die ganze Gesellschafts-Software überdenken… inklusive ihrer Kommunikationswege. Und an einem grossen Ganzen arbeiten… welches die Rechte des kleinen Schützt… und Monopole verhindert. the 1970s Mail system is decentralized (good), but in the 1970s there was […]
you will have to point your browser to: … accept the License Agreement: You must accept the Early Adopter Development License Agreement to download this software. i think that’s the reason why wget does not work. how cumbersome. 1. download it 2. […]
Flashplayer Update … Java Update … Firefox Update… Windows XP zerlegt sich selbst mit seinen 1000 Mini-Updates… OSX “rationalisiert” sinnvolle Features (Preview kann kein GIF mehr) weg… IPhone und Android Phones zerstören sich selbst… nach update…. … alle paar Wochen, […]
dwaves is not pointing out problems, without trying to solve things 😉 solution: use latest eclipse, install “Web Page Editor” and configure external launch for firefox. DADA! another workaround: launch the sites manually in your browser. (navigate to the project […]
… trying alternative server operating systems… even linux live CDs on a “live” system… (i wanted to test if knoppix can access the 1068e RAID) could lead to severe NTFS-dataloss. Linux usually has no problem with NTFS and per default […]