Category: cool tested GNU Linux Apps

Freetz Alternative Firmware for Older FritzBoxes

JavaScript can compromise the user’s network devices! pretty evil are devices/routers with security problems, that can be exploited from javascript. so basically opening a webpage with a browser that has javascript enabled (which most browsers have) might scan the user’s […]

how to copy and paste outside of vim – system clipboard to another other gui applications – the 1 million lines text editor benchmark onemillionlines.txt

what is the problem? for whatever reasons a lot of vim packages come compiled without system -clipboard support. furthermore: for copy & paste per default vim uses it’s own registers (not the default primary and secondary system clipboard that […]

how to setup basic LAMP stack GNU Linux Debian – (Apache2 php7.3 MariaDB) (how to install xdebug – step debugging php requests in eclipse pdt on debian 10 buster (LAMP web development stack)) – how to enable mariadb mysql log file creation logging (also restarts) – how to Error occurred: (1034, “Index for table ‘proc’ is corrupt; try to repair it”)

setup LAMP GNU-Linux Apache2 MariaDB PHP7.3 su – root; # become root apt update; # update system to latest apt upgrade; # database first apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client # set root pwd for database (can be root on dev test […]

Cinnamon Desktop (Gnome3 fork) vs MATE Desktop (Gnome2) a review

Cinnamon desktop developed by Developer(s) Linux Mint team! – is a beautiful desktop (default on Linux Mint) alternative to Gnome2 MATE. BUT: still prefer Gnome2 MATE (at least on GNU Debian Linux) because it is: minimalistic / very resource efficient […]

how to ssh into your android phone

update: 2020-05 for whatever reason the following SSHDroid app does not work anymore. please checkout the even easier to use (default port: 2222) and setup: SimpleSSHD (Easy to use SSH server) – # start the ssh server app # […]

lnav – like less but more colorful output of log files

CentOS8: ccze author not willing to maintain ccze. no ccze and not even lnav available. how to monitor all logs… as i was wondering what combination of less -R with or without ccze would allow me to view log […]

Setup Bluetooth Headset under linux debian gnome2 mate desktop

preparations on terminal: detect your hardware: you can get old but well supported notebooks/laptops here like the dell latitude e4310 with this intel-spy-on-me wifi/bluetooth module on board: lshw |grep lue description: Bluetooth wireless interface product: DW375 Bluetooth Module capabilities: bluetooth […]

Open Source Desktop Publishing – Update: Scribus 1.5.x – E-Book erstellen und veröffentlichen / ein Buch schreiben mit Linux – Open Source Fotobuch Vereinschronik E-Book erstellen und veröffentlichen

E-Book erstellen und veröffentlichen / ein Buch schreiben mit Linux Update: Scribus 1.5.x es wird sich viel ändern in der neuen Version. English: (origial): Scribus_1.5.x_README_& RELEASE NOTES 1.5.x.en.txt Deutsch: (AutoTranslated) Scribus_1.5.x_README_& RELEASE NOTES “Bitte beachten Sie, dass sich […]

Amazon kindle alternatives – great battery there is no off button – How to Connect Kindle with Linux CentOS Debian – manage Ebooks with Calibre

update 2022: build a Kindle like eBook reader 🙂 with this Display 🙂 (raspberry compatible) (that is the 6″ inch display) there is also a 10″ inch display by TAVU Limited Liability Company for the Design and […]