Why is quantum computing important: optimization Update: Google claims to have reached quantum supremacy The tech giant unveiled its x-quantum computer chip Bristlecone in March 2018 (src: cnet) original nasa paper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19lv8p1fB47z1pEZVlfDXhop082Lc-kdD/view book: https://deepai.org/machine-learning/researcher/eleanor-g-rieffel https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Computing-Introduction-Engineering-Computation/dp/0262015064 Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ! […]
don’t be evil “Google controls about 62% of mobile browsers, 69% of desktop browsers, and the operating systems on 71% of mobile devices in the world. 92% of internet searches go through Google and 73% of American adults use YouTube. […]
scroll down for ENGLISH: ) OMG! Da die IT von Baltimore sich einen Ransome-Virus eingefangen hat, können die Bürger ihre Steuern und ihre Blitzer-Tickets nicht zahlen! Wunderbar! 🙂 Mit welchem Aufwand man rechnen muss, wenn man sich von der Digitalisierung […]
2017 erster Testlauf, jetzt werden alle Ärzte gezwungen den direkten Zugriff der Krankenkassen auf mehr Daten zu ermöglichen. VersichertenStammDatenManagement erst ab 2019 Pflicht eine weitere Auflage des Gesetzgebers für Ärzte – bis dann und dann das und das umsetzen – […]
really don’t understand how a SoC with 3GB of RAM (!) and a 8x Core ARM can be put to the bin (as Debian GNU Linux runs on devices with as little as 1GB RAM and 2x Cores) because there […]
Was in USA funktioniert ist bald auch bei uns. Kriminelle erbeuten/kaufen detailierte persönliche Informationen (Geburtsdatum, Mail-Passwörter, Kreditkartennummern) online und rufen das Opfer mit einer GEFÄLSCHTEN Telefonnummer an, die GENAU so aussieht wie die einer Bank und erzählen, “es hätte seltsame […]
“Thank you” i feel much safer now, that you know EVERYTHING about me, you, everybody. it is about influencing and directing the masses like a herd of cattle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Room_641A Room 641A is a telecommunication interception facility in the SBC Communications […]
Your mobile phone is giving away your approximate location all day long. This isn’t exactly a secret: It has to share this data with your mobile provider constantly to provide better call quality and to route any emergency 911 calls […]
70% of decision makers increase tech budget in 2018, slightly higher than 2017. top technologies: CyberSecurity (53%) Hardware upgrades (47%) cloud services (43%) software (40%) BigData Analytics (20%) Internet of Things (18%) 35% training employees 29% want to hire new […]
what to do to improve online privacy? use a privacy respecting DNS server by https://www.opennic.org/ for example: (not google’s ( use Freifunk use a VPN such as: mullvad VPN https://mullvad.net/en/help/pricing-discounts/ https://mullvad.net/en/check/ Mozilla launched it’s own VPN service https://vpn.mozilla.org/ use tor […]
https://ytpak.net/watch?v=TBXf0f8uQvI “If we want a better America we will have to build it ourselves” (Snowden, 2016) “it is not possible to get a fair trial in the USA under Espionage act from 1917” Snowden is NOT against surveillance: “If its […]
to protect users’s privacy: NEVER GIVE IT YOUR WIFI PASSWORD! pros: integrates well with linux (plug into usb behaves like flashdrive) very power efficient reader cons: like Alexa, it’s a spying machine The kindle’s battery lasts very long up to […]
“Thinking is hard work and not worth the effort” (The Love Police) Ever wondered why WhatsApp is for free? It is a self-surveillance tool. Phones with closed-source wifi drivers are cheap. Because to know the last detail about you – […]
install firefox app and test it for free here: https://appr.tc/ When Browsers start to talk to each other – Open Source HTML5 based Web Video Audio Conferencing WebCam ScreenSharing – Collaboration over internet WebRTC (“Web Real-Time Communication“) enables applications such […]
this is a little contradicting… https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/javascript-trap.en.html yeah okay… basically what Mr Stallman wants is that all JS-script comes with a free license… so he is not against JS in general. But never the less JS stays a security concern. but […]
Jeder kennt Steve Jobs (now dead) – aber wer kennt schon “Larry” Ellison? 😀 Oracle hat 2010 die Firma “Sun Microsystem aufgekauft” und damit OpenSource Technologie wie Java, VirtualBox und MySQL eingekauft. Lawrence Joseph “Larry” Ellison (born August 17, 1944) […]
FOR SECURITY REASONS, KEEP ROUTER FIRMWARE UPDATED! Freifunk updates its router firmware and closes a critical security vulnerability that could allow attackers to install their own firmware on the devices. (src: heise.de) welcher router/welche hardware verwenden/zukunftstauglich? (ändert sich von Jahr […]
It is actually a scandal that the world depends on chips and operating systems – that are designed to do mass-surveillance – it seems – in order to build up a world-wide-dictatorship that no-one can escape… by information and money. […]
Quasi als “Weihnachtsgeschenkt” hat Wikileaks 90Gbyte an Daten freigeschaltet welche vermutlich auf einem der vielen Snowden-Laptops waren, welche Snowden vor seiner Flucht an diverse Journalisten und auch Wikileaks versandt hat. Angela Merkel hat Snowden’s Einladung nach Deutschland gecanceled, welche sich […]
massively interesting article in German “how much do they know?” https://www.kuketz-blog.de/datenhaendler-wir-sind-glaesern-datensammler-teil1/ security alert: modern cpus from intel and amd have an build-in backdoor i just wonder when there will be an automatic self-destruction mechanism in your HARDWARE – “ah. You […]
https://dwaves.de/2014/11/24/how-nsa-surveillance-free-is-mozilla-firefox-and-thunderbird-landuke-says-they-are-fucking-capitalists/ Checkout: IceCat Ok, let’s put this straigt. Mozilla HAD (!!!) a contract with Google from 2012 – 2014 that showered them with money – which they probably got a lot of shitstorms, and online-bashing. But even worse: Google stole […]
I don’t know if its fake or not. Since April 2016 or since WhatsApp Version 2.8.2-5222 (iPhone) Facebook-Whatsapp seems to have added encryption. A pretty brave move of the Facebook-Whatsapp guys… if this is for real. If this is for […]
update: 2018.04 PaleMoon archive Server HACKED! “A malicious party gained access to the at the time Windows-based archive server” (src) oh gosh! ? GO USE CENTOS DEBIAN AND LATEST KERNEL NOW! “malware dropper tracked by ESET as Win32/ClipBanker.DY” (steals bitcoins) […]
one’s mistake: Chrome is simply a name for a “frame”. The naming is imho badly chosen. BSI: Firefox only browser to meet criterias (src) Google has given money to Mozilla foundation to make Google default search engine per default… this […]
lsb_release -a; # tested with Description: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) # previously this was tested with cat /etc/os-release |grep PRETTY PRETTY_NAME=”Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)” why? duplicate files are a waste of disk space. every system experiences catastrophic failures, slow downs […]
Big Data Contest: Weis die Lufthansa selber nicht was tun mit all den gesammelten Flugdaten? Und was bitte schön hat TEDx damit zu tun? Bekommen die jetzt Schmiergeld für derartige Kampagnen welche Geheimdienste und Wirtschaft einander näher bringen? http://datanauts.tedxrheinmain.de/ … […]