Herrgottsack-Zement… wiso startet meine Batch datei nicht? :-DDer Windows-Gott schaltet und waltet mal wieder, ohne dass der User genau weiß was warum geschieht. Doch so klappt es 1. eine EINFACHE Aufgabe erstellen (was der unterschied zwischen einer EINFACHEN Aufgabe und […]
linus torvalds hates backups, he like everyone else, tends to not do them. but if you feel your multiple wordpress installations should be backed up, in case some russian spam-hacker manages to completely compromise your site(s). you can install this […]
first of all: it’s absolutely HORRIBLE! how unecessarily complicated it is to install windows 7 on sony’s latest notebooks. if you are looking for the downgrade drivers: here we go: http://download.sony-europe.com/PUB/VAIO/Win7Downgrade/SVE/Ethernet_Driver_(Realtek).zip but you will need a lot of more steps […]
THIS IS A WINDOWS exportVMs.cmd SCRIPT, BUT CAN BE EASILY ADAPTED TO WORK UNDER LINUX: you will have to make an entry for every vm. PRINCIPLE: 1. SAVE STATE (PAUSE VM) 2. CLONE TO BACKUP DIRECTORY (preferable on a NAS […]
YES! YOU CAN BACKUP ALL YOUR DRIVERS! but you need to copy ALL files of your C:WINDOWS directory. USE ACRONIS OR GPARTED OR ANYTHING THAT BACKUP YOUR WINDOWS DIRECTORY! Windows itself will not give you access to all the files. […]
can be done from gui. but forget about the “import/export appliance” stuff. it might work. it might fail. (thats the last time i tested it) since then fancy stuff like “screenrecording” has been integrated… but the core-basic problems… seem unfixed […]
with a linux boot cd 🙂 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvbSTZtb7wY] bei windows 8 gehts wohl bissl anders: english: http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=de&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=de&ie=UTF-8&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fstadt-bremerhaven.de%2Fwindows-8-das-passwort-knacken%2F german: http://stadt-bremerhaven.de/windows-8-das-passwort-knacken/
rsync is a neat utility that lets you transfer whole directories ssh-encrypted over the internet. So it is perfect for online-backup purposes off servers etc. pp. It even can do partial-transfer which means: if 1 bit changed in a 1TB […]
i dropped an external buffalo drive containing a wd harddisk. if you have a head crash, putting your drive in a fridge for a day (double-packed in anti-static bags, air-sealed with tape) might help you. but when you have the […]
01.2013, debian 6.0.6 i used this procedure to backup and restore / move a linux based citrix xen vm to virtualbox. (acronis linux-full version made problems, windows/dos version was controlable but can only sector-copy a linux partition) on the system […]
RUN THE SETUP AS ADMINISTRATOR! THEN RENAME THE TrueImage.exe to something like TrueImage1.exe AND IT WORKS 😀 otherwise windows 7 will complain about “this application has been blocked”. this is not true, don’t believe micro$oft. R-Click-> RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR -> […]
okay this may not work for all of you…. my root harddisk was a non-raid consumer-ocz-ssd with defect sectors. (xenserver would still boot, but you could not dd-copy it to any backup harddisk… dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb conv=noerror ->”several sectors on […]
my mac story goes like this… i hated windows since windows 95… it was buggy, it crashed all the time… you had to reinstall every 10x times you started a programm… linux was not so super user friendly yet… my […]
this way you can also BACKUP THE ENTIRE MAC/ LINUX HARDDISK LINUX TO A FILE! TEMPLATE MacOS: open terminal 1. first check where the cdrom was mounted via mount macbook:~ /dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled) devfs on /dev (devfs, […]